Wednesday, August 16, 2017


By:  Brenda Alexander
August 18, 2017

I admit, this is one of the most taught "theories" and we are such a divided church on this issue.  Now, to say there is no rapture ever is unBiblical.  It is crystal clear there will be a rapture, a catching away or whatever word you wish to call it.  We just argue over the timing.  On which is a highly credible Christian Apologetics website, says that all timings such as pre-trib, mid-trib, post-trib, pre-wrath or even the 2nd Advent are ALL Biblical.  I am more inline with a pre-trib rapture but I also see it at His return.  

However, I've given some thoughts on this now for about 4 years...when.  If the Bible upholds all 4, could it be that there will be 3 different phases of the rapture.  I do not believe in a mid-trib rapture and know we are not appointed to wrath so that leaves 3, a very prophetic number in the Bible.  I have no idea and anything I say is speculation at best, NOT revealed by God and just my personal opinion.  We all have them and that's a good thing. While we may miss the mark by a mile, do you not think it pleases God Almighty for us to think on His Word, to seek Him?  Of course...ask, you will receive; seek and ye shall find; knock at it shall be opened to you.

I promise you that our Heavenly Father is not going to ask you what timing you believed in, the age of the earth or what did Joel 2:15 mean.  It's great to study the Bible but if you know the saving Gospel in First Corinthians 15:1-11 and trust in grace alone; faith alone; and Christ alone for our salvation, if you never understand another word, you are saved by grace through faith.  Jesus Christ PROMISES you this in Ephesians 2:8-9.  Our good deeds are filthy rags.  You cannot buy, earn or bargain your way in.   You enter by Jesus Christ or you don't get in.  Why so much contention by other "religions" on this?  One, it is all inclusive.  I don't care who you are, were, race, creed or national origin.  It has nothing to do with intelligence or education.  You don't even have to be literate.  Acts 8:37, which is left completely out of most "new" versions is where the Ethiopian man who is gentile, but loves God with all he has, Philip is led by the Holy Spirit to teach him the Gospel.  He accepts it and wants to be baptized.  There's water near and Philip tells him "If you believe with your whole heart that JESUS CHRIST IS LORD, then thou mayest."  This was before the Mystery of the Cross was given to the Apostle Paul by Jesus Christ Himself and in Jewish culture, you must be water baptized for remission of sins.  That's why Jesus was baptized, to fulfill the law for us.  He had no sins to be cleansed from but for righteousness sake.  We are made righteous by what He did.  He got baptized FOR us, not Himself.  It was also so that He could be a priest in the Order of Melchezidech (sp).  He came for Israel first, remember?

Now, back to the pre-trib rapture.  I've heard that many are making videos, writing books, even handwriting the Holy Scriptures and hiding them to hopefully be found.  Well, very few people haven't heard of Jesus Christ and know what He did.  Why do they reject this free and life-saving gift?  It's stunning but I guess people would rather enjoy their lusts and passions now.  Living for Jesus Christ brings on much hatred, persecution, loss of loved ones, and we're viciously attacked online and in person.  The year 2016 was the first time that Christians were THE most martyred people and that doesn't include the persecuted, just the ones who lost their lives for their faith.  Notice that the Bible never says anti-God, just anti-Christ.  The world doesn't hate JWs, SDAs, Mormons, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, even satanic worship with the exception of the Jews.  They are hated too.  

Now, if we're writing these books, scriptures, etc., and you believe in a pre-trib rapture, I hear all the time that they're so sure they're not stockpiling supplies. Okay, I understand that BUT isn't that self-centered and hard hearted?  The Bible says there are going to be tribulation saints.  Whatever timing you believe in, esp. pre-trib, go ahead and get as much water, food, Bibles, literature, videos, letters, whatever you feel led to do because many will need that food IF there's a pre-trib rapture.  It could save their lives.  Don't be selfish, esp when it feels like there's no way we're not rushing headlong into the tribulation.  There may be a few days or years left but can we afford to wait?  Think of those who will be left behind and do your part in keeping them alive.  At no other point in history will this be as vital and crucial because what if it's you that's one where Jesus Christ will say, "Depart from me, I never knew you."  What if this happens in your lifetime and you get left behind and be one of the tribulation saints.  What if it's your children and/or grandchildren?  Your best friend and neighbors (Love thy neighbor as thyself). On the other hand, what if we are WRONG on the timing?  Will we not need it and we may have little so think of the fishes and loaves.  God fed 4,000 and 5,000 with very little and He doesn't change.  How He'll do it, I don't know but I do know He will.  The worst thing in the tribulation would be a "dead" Christian.  We will need every born again Christian we can get and while many will be killed, not all.  I think many will see the signs and will never take the mark or worship the beast.  Sharing the Gospel of Salvation and how to know the tribulation has started is crucial, even if it's not heeded today.  God will bring your words to their memory.  

For those who do write, make videos or hand write the scriptures, for times sake so you can get it done fast, concentrate on the Gospel of Salvation, information on the false prophet, anti-christ, and the Whore of Babylon, weapon of indignation, and how NOT to take the MOTB or worship his image.  Tell about the deception and how to tell the false Christ from the true.  The false has a white horse (NOT literal but indicates the a/c as pure and the Holy) and Jesus Christ rides a pale horse.BGo to and it gives you perspective on these horses and what the beast AND color signifies.  

Does this sound extreme to you?  Crazy even?  What if it's not the end times?  Well, then you have a great start and pass your work down to someone who is willing to pick up where you left off.  It is more excellent to be ready and prepare the world for the coming judgment.  We are sealed forever by the Holy Spirit.  This isn't meant to burden you, scare you or put you under bondage.  You can't do it all but do your part now and for the future. There's no downside to doing this because helping others is a great thing, even if it's because of a natural or man-made disaster.  God will work it to the good, no matter what (Romans 8:28).  I don't know what God is going to do but I'm going to ensure others have access to as much info as possible.  I also wouldn't use a computer because it will be removed.  Write it down.  Share it and get your fellow brethren involved.   The life you may save is well-loved by Jesus Christ.  I'm not being a fanatical.  I don't say we're definitely in the end times but each day draws us closer.  Keep watch but keep working.  Spread the Gospel and go door to door and leave info.  Have a Bible study in your neighborhood.  Have one in a park.  Sow the seeds and God will provide the increase.   Help any future generations.  God uses us for His will.  If not for the faithfulness of so many who ensured the common man could have their own Bible, most were martyred for it, we wouldn't know the truth.  Carry on their convictions.  We live in very exciting days.

The video below is by Paul Washer on how to not love this world.  Short but applicable to this post and I pray you read and share it.  

God Bless, Much Love and Love Much in Christ Jesus by sharing His amazing free gift of love...Salvation by grace alone, faith alone, Christ alone!  The Mystery was revealed only to the Apostle Paul by Christ Himself...the Cross!  He could not teach it because He had not yet risen from the dead, seen by many and received into glory. is the best website I've found.  Watch their video on how to rightly divide the Word of God (it's way more than OT/NT) and their video on the Rapture is so amazing, it changed my very skeptical heart to 99.9%.
Death/Burial/Resurrection = SALVATION PERIOD IF...


John 3:16-17


I was listening to Pastor Steve at Discover Ministries (I cannot spell his last name) and after a while, I found myself disagreeing on too many big issues and felt he was walking a thin line between what is true Spirituality and the occult.  I don't mess with the occult.  I don't even read fortune cookies or read horoscopes and used to be mildly superstitious but I've almost overcome that nonsense, lol.  But he mentioned something called "prophetic slips." Unlike others, I do not call him a false prophet.  He preaches the right Gospel.  Who am I to say he's wrong BUT please don't pin your faith on these "signs" coming up this month and Sept.  Can He return?  Of course.  Will He?  We don't know.  It's definitely noteworthy and it probably does have some prophetic meaning BUT remember, end times is all about Israel and not the U.S.A.  I just pray we are on the side of God.

It's when you say something out of the blue, not knowing why and then it comes to pass. That doesn't qualify us as prophets nor false prophets if what we say does or doesn't happen.  I've had this happen to me many times.  Once, I didn't want to go to see my in-laws at the beach in N.C. back when I celebrated it traditionally with satan claus, I mean santa claus and when asked why, I said because there was going to be a huge snowfall and was afraid we'd be stuck there.  Talk about a nightmare before Christmas, lol.  Anyway, David thought that was hilarious.  He teased me about it for days because they average about 3 inches every 10 to 15 years in his hometown.  Yet, it snowed 2 feet.  

Another time, my older kids were acting like crazy people and I told David that we were making huge mistakes with our kids (as a nation, NOT just us) by letting our children be the center of the home (goes directly against Biblical principles - Honor thy mother and father; spare the rod, spoil the child; etc.).  I then said to remember that they would be running this country one day.  Of course I had no idea how bad it would be but somehow, at least momentarily, I knew it would not be good.  We bought into building their self-esteem, participation trophies and giving them everything they wanted.  We made them our friends, not our kids.  Believe me, I am reaping what I sowed.  To all of them, it's about what they want right now, feelings and the world revolves around me thinking.  

Last, but not least, on 9/11/2001, I told David that now the Christian persecution had begun.  We had wiped out the Name Jesus Christ from our schools, work, the public square, government, our homes and, what a horrible thing, even from a lot of churches. We now have some that not only marry homosexuals but encourage them to become ministers.  It would be awesome IF they had overcome it as what a testimony to Christ Jesus but they can be actively gay and still preach.  Some pastors now don't end their prayers "In Jesus's Name we pray."  Notice, the Bible never says anti-God but anti-CHRIST. I've been angry with God but never at Jesus.   Hmmmm.  Just thought about that.  

So, share your "prophetic slips."  I've said some things recently and I  make NO claim they are revelations to me by God in any way but how does the Holy Spirit work in us? Pontious Pilate is the most famous man who made such a slip.  Do you know what he said?  Look for it and tell me when you know, lol.  I love challenges and, in fact, I'm begging you to challenge me.  You want to start one, email it to me at; put CHALLENGE in the subject line and post it.  I'll even write it for you if you give me the question.  Let's learn the Word of God, how to rightly divide it and clear up all false doctrines so we can unify.  Age of the earth, rapture timing, etc. are not salvation issues and we don't know.  Let's be ready at all times for whatever is to come and let's get grounded in the truth of what the Bible is saying so we can be true ambassadors to Christ Jesus.  I'll be sharing some Christian Apologetics videos, websites, etc. as well as some Intelligent Design and scientific proof of the truth of the Bible.  

Now, I want to hear YOUR prophetic slips because God created ALL things and even seemingly secular slips may be profoundly, I love to have fun, challenge and be challenged.  Don't just "like" or share this post, DO something.  God bless and much love in Christ Jesus.

The Heavens and Earth Declare His Glory!

Love and Shalom in Messiah Yeshua


I don't think I've shared his sermons before and again, very rarely do I ever fully endorse or agree with any human but I use a test, sort of.  If the world loves the pastor, I don't but if hated, I think they're true men of God but prone to human error.  Listen or don't but he clears up some things from the Word of God.  The more info we have, the more effective we will be in sharing the Gospel of Salvation.  

As always, if you know I share something or someone that is teaching a false Gospel or Jesus, let me know.  We all have opinions that may or may not be right so I don't care if our human imaginations on non-salvation issues don't always agree, maybe things that challenge us to defend our positions works to increase our faith?  Adversity is not inherently wrong.  Let Him work it to the good.  Romans 8:28




JOHN 3:16-17


ROMANS 3:23 AND 6:23


I really like this man.  He is not a pastor and doesn't have a ministry but rather he calls it "his mission" in life.  He always backs up what he says by God's Word and he really does give us things to think about.  He has an ability to explain prophecy and what is happening in the world today.  He's a man so I don't always agree with him on every point but just because, say Romans 8:28 means one thing in my life, it doesn't necessarily make it any less true.  Justin Peters said it best, scripture has ONE literal meaning but many applications.  It is our personal Bible, God wrote it for each of us in the only way anyone could and that's because with God ALL things are possible.  God bless, much love and always love much in Messiah Jesus.

I've begun to notice that brainwashing us in television and movies began back in the 60s and is growing worse and worse.  IF God is even allowed on a show, it's only the Catholic Church and the show then goes out of its way to do the opposite of what the Bible teaches us.  I can watch the Andy Griffith Show, MASH and a few other older sitcoms but it's become so unGodly, especially the commercials.  Be careful of what you subject your mind to.  I watch television and even non-Christian movies, depending on what the message is BUT the closer I come to Jesus Christ, the less I desire these "worldly" shows and 98% of what's on the internet.  The Holy Spirit will convict you if He needs to so obey Him, not the opinions of any human.  They can't get you to Heaven but they can keep you out.  This also speaks on abortion as well.  Be blessed and if you like, subscribe and if you wish to donate to his mission, do so.  I can't but would.  Prayer is a GREAT way to support all of our ministries.


First Corinthians 15:1-11
Ephesians 2:8-9
John 3:16-17


Romans 3:23 and 6:23


By:  Brenda Alexander
March 16, 2017
May repost, share, quote without permission

My name is Brenda Alexander and I want to share with you why I am such a strong advocate for choosing life over abortion.  First, and I realize your first thought will be that it's for "religious" reasons.   While to a degree, that has something to do with it but there is just so much more to it than that.  Second, I worked in the medical field as well as the legal system for much of my life and I'm knowledgeable about things your local Planned Parenthood is not going to tell you.  Third, I myself made the choice to abort my unborn child.  I realize that I'm risking loss of my Christian friends, opening myself to self-righteous judgment and maybe even loss of my reputation.  However, what I cannot be accused of is hypocrisy.  

After the birth of my 4th child, we used birth control, of course, but it failed.  We could not afford the baby.  My child was about 4 months old, I was breast-feeding so my means of b/c were a bit limited and while she grew up eventually, she was a very difficult "baby" and literally demanded my attention 24/7.  She wouldn't sleep in a crib (and we tried for months) but pure exhaustion won.  I felt trapped.  No money, I'd have to stop breast-feeding and she would not take a bottle (another failed attempt because she went for 2 days without eating unless I fed her.  I felt I'd go insane if I had another baby and my husband didn't help matters and family support?  I have never had that in my life unless I do what they demand.  I considered adoption and wanted to go that route but, for many reasons I now deeply regret (and regretted immediately), I chose to have an abortion.  I have always been a believer and pro-life so I went against my own standards.  I bought the deception and outright lies but being pro-life is not limited to just Christians or other religions.  Many nonbelievers are pro-life as well.  It's not unique to any group as I have Christian friends who are pro-choice.

When I went to the doctor to have this "procedure called a D&C," I changed my mind.  The doctor told me it was too late only to find out he lied.  It was not too late but in my ignorance, I believed him.  I blamed him, my husband, my family and my baby daughter for years.  The truth is, the choice was on my head.  I take full responsibility for MY choice.  I'd love to find a way to justify what I did, to make it someone else's fault but if you're honest with yourself, you will one day have to face the consequences of every choice you make, be it bad or good.  Ye do reap what ye sow.  In fact, I was so trying to blame everyone for my mistake that for a very long time, I had such hate, anger and resentment to my family and friends who fully supported and even helped "convince me" I was doing the right thing.  The fact is, it was NOT the right choice for me.  

Abortions medically are not as safe as doctors make it seem.  Many women have died, had their uterine wall punctured, lost fertility, some even the ability to eat and must be fed by TPN (total parental nutrition) for life.  Also, many times abortions are not complete and you get very sick with sepsis (a life-threatening infection of the blood) days or weeks afterwards.  While the risks for the first abortion is fairly low on some of the issues (like future furtility and uterine rupture), the others depend mainly on the competency of the doctor doing the procedure.  Abortion mills, like Planned Parenthood, are sloppy.  They do so many without complications that they get overly confident and that makes them dangerous. They become uncaring and lazy.  Sterilization of the instruments in these mills are sorely lacking because it's a money game...get them in and out ASAP so we can do another one. However, each subsequent abortion you have, the risks of something going seriously wrong increases by about 30 to 50 percent each time.  So, if you choose multiple abortions, do not ever, ever lie and say it's your first time because even the sloppy doctors will take the best route possible if for no reason other than not to be sued.  Jesus Christ warned us that the world would make merchandise of us one day AND money is the root of all evils.  Ever heard the slogan "follow the money, honey?"  It's very true in doctors who primarily perform abortions.

I saw on the news the other day about a woman who previously worked at PP for 8 years and she said it's illegal to "sell" aborted fetuses BUT if you charge whatever you want for "shipping and handling," then that's NOT illegal.  It depends on the wording.  Another lab said that 50 livers per week would make her lab "happy" from aborted children.  Your child is being sold like merchandise and God only knows what they are really using them for.  I do know back in the 80s that they were used for experiments.  I don't know the graphic details in full but trust me on this, you really don't want to know.  I wish I didn't.  

Do I want abortions to become illegal?  Oh, in my heart of course but is it the RIGHT way to end abortions?  I would love it if we lived in a perfect world where if they became illegal (except in extremely rare cases where the mother's life IS at risk because the Bible actually speaks that the mother's life is first) but we don't.  Abortions would happen and it would cause way more death, disease, and other problems.  They would be so unsafe and just anybody on the street could perform one with just a little research.  I believe the answer lies in education, teaching why using a condom is of the utmost importance today to keep yourself safe from some horrible diseases.  You could be on 3 different forms of B/C but self-control or condoms are a MUST.  Keep yourself safe.  Oh, and another bad idea is to intentionally get pregnant in hopes of a happy forever after ending, to get out of the house, or you really want to get married to the love of your life right now.  It may work for a month or two but you won't get the happy ending, wonderful marriage fairy tale.  In today's world, keeping yourself a virgin until marriage is a GOOD thing, albeit not very realistic.  This isn't about preaching virtue, it's why I fear and pray for you facing (or who have made this choice) get some help and alternatives.  Adoption, even in the case of rape, can be healing. It's not going to matter which decision you make because that event is going to be life-altering for the rest of your life.  I've read accounts where having the baby, regardless of keeping it or putting them up for adoption is actually very healing.  Most said that even though it was like a constant reminder of the rape, incest, etc., the knowing that they were giving a family what they desired so much and probably have been praying for, the miracle of having a child.  Adoptive parents see that child as their own.  Not a bit of difference and you can choose the family and choose for yourself how much, if any, involvement you want in the child's life.  I'd say about 98% of adoptive parents will want you to be involved IF it's right for you.  They WILL respect your wishes but before promising them your child, make sure you'll follow through.  If you want to wait until the birth, you have time.  

Go to and they give you real-time help, counseling, care and resources depending on your choice of keeping your baby or adoption.  The Church has failed you in this and I am sorry.  It is not an unforgivable sin.  If one day, or even now, you're a believer, you can or have been forgiven.  The Apostle Paul promises us in Romans 8:28 that ALL things work to the good, for those who love the Lord and are called according to His purposes.  We made or may make a bad choice but we're not perfect, we are just forgiven.

I'll end with this, if the lack of a heartbeat determines death, then shouldn't the sound of a heart beating determine that there is life?  If you need to talk, contact me at  I have more to say about how badly my decision affected my life but Jesus Christ healed me years later.  I am here if you need help regardles of belief, color, etc.  I know your pain well.  God bless and as much as I love and care for you, God loves you so much more excellent.  ALL lives matter!


Titus 3:3-7   " For we ourselves also were sometimes foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another.  But after that the kindness and love of GOD our SAVIOR toward man appeared, not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to HIS mercy HE saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the HOLY GHOST;  which HE shed on us abundantly through JESUS CHRIST our SAVIOR;  that being justified by HIS grace, we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life. "

     Dr. T.C. Horton wrote the following helpful words concerning those who are self-righteous:  "The  'self-righteous'  represent a large and growing class of people. In these days, the  'sense of sin'  is largely lost, and in its place has come a self-satisfaction fostered by much of the literature, preaching, and teaching of the present day. People are self-righteous because (1) They have false ideas of GOD. They do not understand or realize HIS Holiness. (2) They have false ideas of themselves. They do not know their own weakness or the subtlety of Satan. (3) They have false ideas of the WORD of GOD. They do not know or understand its teaching concerning the exceeding sinfulness of sin. Many of these people are living, outwardly, 'moral' lives.  Many are philanthropic and engaged in many forms of  'good works.'... They may be recognized by their use of certain phrases, such as  'I pay my debts,'  'I live an honest life.'  ' I never wronged anyone,'  'If I do my best, surely the LORD will not be hard on me,'  'I am a better person than many church members,' 'I have my own ideas on religion.'


(Have created this letter for after the Rapture & leaving it for the people who might come into where we once lived & find it ... I pray it a help to all.)

TO WHOEVER FINDS THIS LETTER: An event has occurred wherein myself & members of my household family … along with a countless number of others have disappeared. You have found this letter in the mist of scouring through our apt. after the fact of our disappearance, & I’m sure your life has become helter-skelter. This letter is left for you in hopes that it will help bring an explantation to what has happened & what you can now expect. First off, let’s make this perfectly clear … we have not been abducted by aliens, we did not join a cult & flee to the mountains, & no, we did not drink the cool-aid.

What has occurred, & what you really need to sink into your mind, is that we have been Raptured.

Now some may slowly begin to understand this as more & more facts come forth from the news channels & from the personal on the spot information that many will be experiencing. Experiencing, because you are all part of the left behind ones.

I’m sure there will be many who will simply remain clueless out of pure disbelief & stubbornness. BUT, the truth of what has taken place in this great disappearance has been written about in the bible & taught & believed for centuries by many born again believers. It is called the Rapture of the Bride, or often referred to the Remnant, or the Church, it all means the same thing. People have suddenly disappeared from off the face of the earth without a trace, leaving all their possessions behind & pure chaos has broken out globally in their wake.

So, we have been Raptured & you have been left behind. I know this is not easy for you, but try to understand. Notably the word ‘rapture’ is not found in the Bible, but, the word itself comes from the Latin word rapere’ which translates "shall be caught up”. This event is stated in the Bible, you can read about it in Thessalonians 4:15-17 which is one of several verses describing the Rapture:

For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and thus we shall always be with the Lord.

This is the great world event that has taken place, the RAPTURE.

The God of the Bible is real. Jesus Christ, His Son is real & He has ‘called up & taken out’ all those who put their trust in Him & He has taken us home to heaven. Before you say that that can't be because there are still christians here, so that's not really true. The christians who are still here are the ones who never really put their trust in Jesus or really believed in Him. They wore a religious title or badge, but their hearts were from from God. Although I’m sure many probably do believe now & repented! But, it does not change the fact that you have all been left behind because you did not put your trust in Christ for your Salvation beforehand.

I can only surmise the utter chaos & horrors that are starting to take place on earth right now & in very personal ways. Sorrowfully true, because so many people are not only missing … but the deaths of many others have come about because of the missing ones being suddenly taken from the earth!

The now missing were suddenly taken from planes, ships, trains, boats, cars, jets, motorcycles, bikes, etc … with either all the missing drivers & or passengers. Plus many other people missing now were taken from on their jobs, in whatever employment position they held. Extensive losses in corporations, companies, governments, banks, defense systems, security positions … etc. Many men & women & don’t forget all the children are gone & suddenly families & homes are left in pure devastation.

Surely by now the news media & all its reporters are going haywire trying to explain away & account for what has taken place in their own locals & then globally too. All the news coverage will be spotty at best & will only tend to add to the confusion & to all the controversies that now exist. They might even try to lie their way out of all this mess with hyped up stories. This earth changing event is affecting almost every area of everyday life on planet earth & will continue to. Woefully … this event was meant to have such an effect. This event is God’s prophesied word coming to pass. It is God’s call to order & His own personal wake up call to anyone left on planet earth.

Through all the commotions taking place, no one will be able to explain away so many missing people … gone all at once! Perhaps a few preachers or teachers will finally step up to the plate & make a little sense for some, but the truth will speak the loudest. I have to tell you, many will not believe the true report of the Rapture, little less turn to God even now. In fact this event will inflame the heart of many unto more lawlessness & more evilness.

Such dark ignorance & deception will be wide spread within the religious circles to the secular circles. Even with this great event many will still not turn to God & will suffer its consequences. You who are left behind have some major decisions to make & it will take everything in you to survive in these days of God’s wrath & judgements. Because that is what is going to take place.

The bible states that in this time of great confusion & chaos, a man will come to power & he will seem like Jesus Christ himself. He'll seem to have all the answers & will seem to usher in peace & prosperity. Do not trust him. He is the Anti-Christ. The Antichrist so many have discredited as fantasy & fables from the freak christian followers of Christ, but now has come upon the scene. You will be able to know who this Antichrist is for certain when he signs a peace treaty with Israel for seven years. You won't be able to miss that because of the turmoil in the middle east will usher in this prophetic world Antichrist leader. Then there is a seven year time span called the Great Tribulation, beginning soon when that peace treaty with Israel is signed into effect. You can read about this in the bible in the Old Testament book of Daniel & the last book of Revelation.

Many will still remain skeptical during this time, not even remembering the fulfillment of prophecy this century where Israel became a nation in 1948. Read Matthew 24 & how it refers to the fig tree (which represents Israel) how it became tender (1948 coming into nationhood) & bloomed (1967 with the 6 day war). If you will read Matthew 24:37 it talks about the days of Noah & how it will be similar in the days right before Christ’s return to catch away His beloved. Perhaps you will start putting together all the pieces for yourself & come to the truth, prayerfully so. Perhaps you will begin to see that all of this happened for specific reasons. God still rules & reigns in the affairs of mankind & this is His earth that He created for His purposes. And, you are finding out His purposes now in real time.

To give you a better understanding right now you need to know that the coming of Christ occurs in two stages. The first stage was the Rapture, which of course just recently occurred. The second stage will be the Revelation of Christ’s coming again & appearing on Mt. Olive. The time between the two stages is not less than seven years & is culminated in the heavens with the ‘Judgment of Believers’ for their works & on the earth by The Great Tribulation Period.

At the Rapture Christ came for his Saints & at the Revelation of His Coming when He descends upon Mt. Olive, He will come back with his Saints. Once the Tribulation Period is over Satan will be bound for 1000 years & people will be able to live on earth as God meant them to. But, even after all of this there is more judgements to come, because Satan himself is judged also. It is described in Revelation 20 …

When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth—Gog and Magog—to gather them for battle. In number they are like the sand on the seashore. They marched across the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of God's people, the city he loves. But fire came down from heaven and devoured them. And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

For you right now, you may have a little time to prepare for the Tribulation period. It may be a few months or so before the peace covenant with Israel is signed, but once that covenant is signed you will have seven years of pure hell on earth. You will have to face the fact that none of this time, now that the Remnant has been Raptured, will be pleasant by any means & lawlessness will be rampant across the whole globe.

For you right now the earth & everyone left behind in it will be going into the prophesied times of this Great Tribulation. This is the truth that so many have believed & lived & taught about. We were part of this remnant & our blessed hope (Titus 2:13) has taken place & you being the left behind will need to make some life & death choices that will effect whatever time you have left. You will no longer be able to doubt the reality of God. Please read the prophecies in the book of Revelation & you'll see them all come true as though you read the news in advance. You will see three quarters of the remaining left behind world population not surviving this Tribulation period.

So point blank … for right now this is what you should & shouldn't do during this time. When the Antichrist insists on everyone taking the ‘Mark’ (the Mark of the Beast) spoken of in the book of Revelation 13:15-18 & Revelation 14:9 (plus many more) to buy & sell, don't submit to it. This ‘Mark’ acts as a seal for the followers of Antichrist & the false prophet (who is the spokesperson for the Antichrist). The false prophet (the second beast) is the one who causes people to take this ‘Mark’. The mark is literally placed in the hand or forehead & is not simply a card someone carries. The ‘Mark’ of the beast will be an end-times identification, required by the Antichrist in order to buy or sell, & it will be given only to those who worship the Antichrist.

Please, don’t take this ‘Mark. If you take the ‘Mark’ you're done. You have condemned yourself to spend eternity after you die in hell. Please know the severity of this ‘Mark’ & it consequences. There literally is no turning back from taking the ‘Mark’ & to do so is to declare yourself an enemy of God.

You must know straight up also that because you rejected Jesus Christ & His Salvation offered before the Rapture, you will now most certainly face a martyr’s death for refusing to worship the ‘image of the Beast’ & not taking the ‘Mark’. But, the only consolation & the truth of what you must now do is make a choice turn to God & His Son, Jesus Christ & His Salvation that He still offers.

Those who refuse to bow the knee to the Antichrist & the image of the beast may be persecuted on earth, but they will be rewarded in heaven:

Revelation 15 states … I saw what looked like a sea of glass glowing with fire and, standing beside the sea, those who had been victorious over the beast and its image and over the number of its name. They held harps given them by God and sang.

The image of the beast is front & center in the nightmarish kingdom of Satan, but it will not last. The Bible specifies forty-two months, or three-and-a-half years, that the Antichrist will have worldwide influence (Revelation 13:5). After that, the image of the beast will be destroyed, the two beasts will be thrown into the lake of fire (Revelation 19:20), Satan will be bound (Revelation 20:1–3), & the Lord Jesus will establish His unending kingdom of perfection (Isaiah 9:7; Luke 1:32–33).

So in wrapping this up for you … let’s come back to the fact that for you to get thru this period in your life … you will need to get right with God Almighty. No ifs, ands, or buts. Anyone left behind at this point in history needs to be born again. Since you know now that everyone who was born again has been Raptured & now only the left behind people remain. That one simple reason for this is because your heart was not right with God Almighty & you did not know Jesus Christ. You can be thankful that you have another chance to make everything right with God. Please take time to read Romans 3:23, Romans 5:8. & Romans 6:23, & Romans 10:9-10! It’s your time to read the bible & find out exactly what is going on & what you really need to know now.

Romans 10: 9-10

If you will confess with your mouth Jesus Christ as Lord, & believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart man believes unto righteousness, & with the mouth confession is made unto Salvation.

Give your life to Jesus Christ. Do not put off your decision of accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Savior another minute! Many people are going to die during the Tribulation period & it would be the worst mistake of your life to put off your decision & then die without eternal Salvation. All you have to do is pray a simple prayer & honestly mean it. Tell God that you know that you are a sinner & you believe that Jesus Christ paid the penalty for your sins on the cross. Ask Him to forgive your sins & for strength & guidance in the days ahead. After praying that prayer of repentance & accepting Christ into your heart, find a bible & start reading the New Testament books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John. Read the book of Revelation. The book of Revelation will tell you exactly the period of history that you are about to go through & it also describes what’s going to happen after Jesus Christ returns to earth.

This is your time to repent of your independent & self willed life that separated you from God. It is your time to submit yourself to God now while you are offered another chance. God is love & will receive you gladly. This is God’s free gift to you thru His Son Jesus Christ & it has never changed, but it will change you. The only thing left now for all of you who have been left behind is … Salvation … or the lake of fire & death, & hell. There is a heaven & there is a hell & many have already chosen & you have seen the results of that. Now is the time for you to choice.

What you will still have to do now, because you are part of the left behind … is prepare for these next seven years. These years are going to be tumultuous & difficult, & will task your soul bitterly. You will need to stock up on food & water if you can. Medical supplies & perhaps arms also. Find a remote place to live & try to live off the land as able. Saying once again that during this time anyone who accepts the ‘Mark’ of the beast described in the book of Revelation will be cursed & hell awaits them. That so called ‘Mark’ of the beast enables left behind survivors to buy food & supplies under the complete juradiction of the Antichrist. Please, do not accept this ‘Mark’, it is a matter of life & death.

In closing … whatever you find here in this place … our abandoned living abode (whatever is not already been confiscated) you can claim it as your own, We have no use for it anymore. If anything you find here helps you survive … that is good. You will need a bible for sure & there are several around our work stations here & I pray you use them. Remember, God still hears & answers prayers & you will find Him as your life line in the times that are ahead for you. I am sorry you have to go thru all of this … but, soon you too will be in heaven if you choose Christ & His Salvation. God is ever present & a help for all those who call upon Him.

I bless you all in the name of Jesus Christ our Savior & King.
The Mareydt household


Todd Friel (Wretched) is so funny AND Godly.  I love his videos.  They're never long but it really shows just how bad it can be in this unbelieving world.  Shhh....the Christians always win.  Enjoy, learn and laugh.  Good for ya!  This one deals mainly with the government forcing churches or Christians for refusing to bake cakes, marry homosexuals, photography. If it deals with the Christian church, the millennials get upset but change it to Muslim, they give a much different answer.  Hmmmm....

God Bless and Much Love in Christ Jesus!


First Corinthians 15:1-11



God Will Bring Israel To Repentance

" Who is wise, and shall understand these things? Prudent, and shall know them? For the ways of the Lord are right, and the just shall walk in them;..."(Hosea 14:9). Israel and Reliance on World Powers:

"Woe to those who go down to Egypt for help, and rely on horses, and trust in chariots, because they are many; and in horsemen, because they are very strong; but they look not to the Holy One of Israel, neither seek the LORD!

Yet he also is wise, and will bring evil, and will not call back his words, but will arise against the house of the evildoers, and against the help of those who work iniquity" (Isa.31:1-2).

See Palestinian, Davidic and New Covenants
Dt.29; Jer.31 & 33; 50:20; Isa.1:9; Ezk.39:25-29; Rom.11:5

Israel, the nation, in unbelief, is in a portion of the land promised it's forefather's. It rejects the gospel. It is not the land God promised. Nor according to His plan

A NATION BORN IN A DAY (Isaiah 66:8, 15-16) One day a remnant of believing Jews from the world over will occupy all the land promised in the Palestinian Covenant. After the terrible time of Jacobs Trouble. After the great tribulation. After The Lord delivers them from all their enemies...when they believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior. When King David is raised from the dead. After the latter rains. Then Israel will be the worlds capital and Jesus will rule the kings of the earth and David will assist Him.(Jer.31:27-37; 32:37-40; 50:4; Joel 2:28-32; 3:1; Isa.11:10-12; Ezek.37:21-28; Acts 15:18).

"I will ransom you from the power of the grave; I will redeem you from death..."(Hosea 13:14).

Matthew 24:7-22--Jesus said concerning the tribulation and the activities of the Antichrist (against other nations in wars and Israel in great persecutions destroying 2/3rds of its population! See Zech.13:8),

"Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows. . . . When ye, therefore, shall see the abomination of desolation, (Antichrist seeking worship as God in the rebuilt Jewish Temple in Jerusalem) spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place (whosoever readeth, let him understand) , then let them who are in Judea flee into the mountains; let him who is on the housetop not come down to take anything out of his house; neither let him who is in the field return back to take his clothes. And woe unto those who are with child, and to those who nurse children in those days! But pray that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day; for then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved. " Jesus warning reiterated the revelation Daniel heard: there would be a future time at the conclusion of man's day of rule of unprecedented trouble for God's people Israel (Dan.11:35).

Chaim, least

# Great Tribulation # Israel #Jacobs Trouble # Antichrist # Rapture #New Covenant


This interesting prayer was given in Kansas, USA, at the opening session of their Senate. It seems prayer still upsets some people. PLEASE PASS THIS ON

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When Minister Joe Wright was asked to open the new session of the Kansas Senate, everyone was expecting the usual generalities, but this is what they heard:
"Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and guidance. We know Your Word says: "Woe to those who call evil good", but that is exactly what we have done.
* We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values.
* We have ridiculed the absolute truth of Your Word and called it Pluralism.
* We have worshipped other gods and called it multiculturalism.
* We have endorsed perversion and called it alternative lifestyle.
* We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery.
* We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare.
* We have killed our unborn and called it choice.
* We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable.
* We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self-esteem.
* We have abused power and called it politics.
* We have embezzled public funds and called it essential expenses.
* We have insitutionalised bribery and called it sweets of office.
* We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition.
*We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression.
* We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment.
Search us, Oh GOD, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin and set us free. Amen!"
The response was immediate. A number of legislators walked out during the prayer in protest.
In 6 short weeks, Central Christian Church, where Rev. Wright is pastor, logged more than 5,000 phone calls with only 47 of those calls responding negatively.
The church is now receiving international requests for copies of this prayer from India, Africa and Korea.
With the LORD'S help, may this prayer sweep over our nation and WHOLEHEARTEDLY become our desire so that we again can be called "ONE NATION UNDER GOD."


Interview with 
Founder & Teacher,
Audio Transcript
Local college students return to class in a few days, and as the fall semester begins, we have an email from an incoming freshman named Sharon. “Dear Pastor John, I graduated from high school this summer, and I will be moving across the country to attend college this fall. It troubles me because I have seen many kids who stopped going to church and gave up their relationship with God after they moved out and moved to campus. Do you have any advice for me as to how to stay close to God despite all the distractions and temptations that come with campus life? How do I continue to grow spiritually? How do I balance time for school and time for God? Thank you, Pastor John!”
This is such a good question. I wish every high school graduate who’s heading off to college or university would be thinking this way and asking this question.
Let me say a word to Sharon and to all of them in the hope of being of some service to this generation of younger Christians who are heading off to school. I’ll limit myself to five words of counsel which, of course, will leave many specifics unanswered. I think these five have the effect of enabling students, if they accept them, to answer the other specifics as they arise.

Prepare for War

First, students, recognize that maintaining a Christian faith is war. First Timothy 6:12 reads, “Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life” Ephesians 6:11 reminds us, “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.”
“Students, recognize that maintaining a Christian faith is war.”
First Peter 5:8 declares, “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” He will seek to devour on campus and everywhere else. Finally, James 4:7–8 says, “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.”
Let me put a particular twist now on this exhortation — the exhortation that you recognize maintaining a Christian faith is war. Here’s the twist. Sooner or later somebody who’s a little too smart for their gospel breeches is going to belittle your habit of meeting with God every day in the word and prayer. They’re going to say something like, “Do you still think that you have to be that legalistic? You think you must have a ‘quiet time’ and a ‘personal devotion’? Haven’t you grown up? Don’t you know that your relationship with Jesus should be more free, more natural, more spontaneous?”
Here’s the twist. I want you to have your answer to that immature objection. You say something like this: “Well, I don’t know about you, but I know that I am in a war with the highest possible stakes because of what the supreme commander says to me in his manual — the Bible. I don’t think mainly in terms of legal requirements or pious platitudes like quiet time and devotions. I think about keeping my guns clean and making sure my ammunition is ready and reviewing the battle plans. I think about making sure I know the enemy and his deceptions and restoring my zeal for the glorious cause, like George Washington, who caused the revolution. If that’s a glorious cause, what is this? This is what the Lord has enlisted me for. Whatever you’re talking about, I know what I’m doing. Join me if you want every morning, but I’m going to be there.”
That is exhortation number one. As you head off to college, the Christian life is war — no matter where it’s lived. And Christians who try to pretend like it’s not are almost certainly going to be captured by the enemy.

Love the Word

Second, make the word of God a priority in your life. When you look at the armor that Paul describes in Ephesians 6:11–17 — an armor that every Christian is supposed to put on at campus or anywhere else — it’s amazing that, among the six pieces of armor, four of them are related to the word of God.
Most obviously, the sword is called the word of God. Second most obvious is the belt. It’s the belt of truth. Third most obvious is the shoes. They’re shoes of the gospel — readiness to run to the gospel.
Fourth — not as obvious, but plain when you think about it — is the shield of faith. Faith in what? Faith in God when he talks to you — when he speaks in his word. We’re going to trust. Faith doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of God — faith in the word of God (Romans 10:17). And, of course, the other two are salvation, the helmet of salvation, and the breastplate of righteousness. Those two, salvation and righteousness, are all rooted in the gospel, which is the word.
My second exhortation is make the word of God a priority in your life. Read it every day, meditate on it every day and night, memorize key portions of it that are relevant to your situation and carry them with you all day long.
“Never leave the local church. University is an institution created by man. The local church was created by God.”
Here’s another twist I want to put on this — a special aspect of this exhortation. Just as college life will lead you into increased depths and complexities of cultural and personal and intellectual life, similarly, college can increase your grasp of the depths and the complexities of the glories of Scripture. Don’t stay at a high school level, don’t stay at a Sunday School level or homeschool level. Some of you may have gone very, very deep in homeschool, but don’t stay anywhere.
The Bible says grow in grace (2 Peter 3:18). Now, what that means particularly is, as you spend time in the word, also find new challenging authors. You’re going to be introduced to all kinds of secular, global, relevant authors to all kinds of issues in your classes. Do the same for your faith.
Find out who J.I. Packer is, and read Knowing God. Find out who Wayne Grudem is, and read Systematic Theology. Yes, even if you’re not a theologian. This book is designed for every Christian. Find out who R.C. Sproul is, and read The Holiness of God. Find out the classics like John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress.
The point is, make the word of God the substance of all the armor in this warfare — both the offensive and the defensive. Make it a priority in time, a priority in focus, a priority in maturation deeper and deeper into the depths and the complexities of the Scriptures.

Invest in a Church

Third, never, never, never leave the local church. The university is an institution created by man. The local church is an institution created by God. If you prioritize allegiance to university over allegiance to church, you are prioritizing man over God.
This, by no means, implies that Christians will work less hard at learning in the university — less hard than non-Christians do. No way. You’re going to give yourself with all your might to learn as much as you can in every class. It simply means that the church will remain central to the rhythm of your life.
God has designed corporate worship and the preaching of his word and fellowship of his people to be an essential part of maintaining a military discipline in your life with joy and triumph for the next sixty years. Think of it that way.
You are forming military habits of mind for the next battles you will fight thirty years from now. Gathering with your comrades every week in corporate worship under the word of God is essential for being ready to follow the commander into victory when you are at your peak at fifty years of age. That’s what’s at stake right now. You think you’re going to take a break from church and be powerful at fifty? You’re dreaming. Soldiers don’t function that way.

Find Good Friends

Forth, as an overflow from your experience with God’s people in church, be sure you have a handful of Christian comrades in arms who are speaking into your life and listening to your heart day in and day out.
“Ask for God’s help ten times a day. Be weak in his presence so that you can be strong in the presence of men.”
Hebrews 3:12–13 is so important. It says, “Take care, brothers, lest there be in any of you an evil, unbelieving heart, leading you to fall away from the living God. But exhort one another.” How is that going to happen now? You’ve got to obey this. “Exhort one another every day, as long as it is called ‘today,’ that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.”
God has designed human beings so that no battle is to be fought alone, none. Jesus never sent anyone out on a solo reconnaissance mission — never. They were always two by two, and Paul’s missionary adventures were always in teams. We’re not designed to meet the enemy alone. The challenges of college are meant to be encountered arm in arm with fellow combatants.

Ask for Help

Fifth, live a life of prayer. That is, turn everything you read in Scripture, everything you hear in corporate worship, everything that is spoken into your life by your comrades — turn it all into prayer. That is, plead with God. Plead with God to work in you what you have seen in his word or heard from others founded on his word. Never presume that you can do anything on your own. Ask for God’s help ten times a day. Be weak in the presence of God so that you can be strong in the presence of men.
Make the Lord’s Prayer the outline of your daily cry. Cry out that God would make his name holy and revered and cherished and treasured above all things in your life and through your life and the lives of others. Plead with him to enable you to do his will the way the angels do it in heaven. Plead with him to lead you out of temptation and into righteousness as you extend his kingdom. Plead for the protection against the evil one, the enemy and all his schemes.
Yes, ask for your daily bread. Why? Just so that you can get on with the battle. It’s a glorious life in front of you. You have a great commander. Those are my five exhortations as you head off to school. So much more can be said, but I really believe if you make these five things a priority, God will guide you to all the help you need in all the things that I haven’t addressed.

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