Thursday, June 8, 2017


A great video by Perry Stone.  I know, many call him a false prophet and while I don't agree with any pastor 100% of the time, he knows the Word of God and the Jewish history, times and customs.  They are essential to our faith and I highly recommend you learn as much about Judaism as possible.  Their language is awesome.  Oh, and do not buy into the Catholic Church's pictures of a long-haired, blond, blue-eyed Jesus who looks very feminine.  One, Isaiah 53 says Yeshua (which means Salvation) He is not comely or have any beauty for us to desire Him.  I doubt He had long-hair, His beard was probably well kept, He looked like a Jew and feminine...NEVER!  That picture I fear is going to hurt many as that's who they will be looking for.  He was most likely plain, not tall or short, no great orator but a normal-looking man.  It's in the should know this very basic information.  God bless!

Pray for Israel and Shalom!


I was badly deceived by 2 (almost 3) of THE most dangerous cults on the planet.  It took a wonderful friend working with me for about a year to get me back to Spiritual normalcy.  I thank God for being raised in a Bible-teaching, rock solid church built on Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, I strayed but was in and out most of my life.  Somehow I knew one day I'd get it right.  I remember the day and I also remember thinking "Yeah, this will last about 2 weeks."  Well, I think God showed me just how sovereign He is and not this time.  Oh, I'd stumble and fall, be deceived but I thank Him for that as it lead me to really study the Word of God.  He uses everything to the good (Romans 8:28).  Four and a half years, I've grown, I've regressed but I know Him so much better than ever and am so looking forward to the journey.  Trials and tribulations are not much fun, you have doubts, fears and wonder if you're saved and if so, why would Jesus Christ chose YOU.  I call them "Spiritual valleys."  I always come out better, stronger and closer to Him so I am grateful for everything.  He does it for our own good.

Because had I not been raised in the truth, one of those cult-like churches, that have transformed into a full-blown cult, quite possibly would have caused me to leave the faith.  I don't believe one should bark and howl in church and saying it's the Holy Spirit; running around churches, laughing hysterically, convulsing on the floor, etc.  The Spirit brings me to my knees but I assure you not once has He ever caused me a bit of pain.  He is gentle, reverent and is loving.  He would never hurt anyone.

We have many false prophets, teachers, full-blown cults and wolves seeking to devour and destroy the Body of Christ, which is the ONLY true church.  Sorry to those in these new churches that claim they're the real church, like God would allow a false church to thrive for 2,000 years and only give us the truth.  Does that make sense?  Is God a God of confusion or of peace?  These churches confuse me.  

We are all called for different purposes.  I LOVE people and I happen to worry about everybody's eternal destination regardless of how I feel about their character.  I don't want anyone to suffer hell and no, I don't know what hell is.  I know it's a place you don't want to go.  Other than that, unless you trust and believe that Jesus Christ died, was buried and resurrected in body and is the author and finisher of your faith and salvation, you are not taught the right Gospel or the right Jesus.  Don't believe me, read it for yourself in First Corinthians 15:1-11.  That's God's Words, not mine.  Do not add nor take away from GRACE. We are saved by grace not works (Eph 2:8-9).  

I also want to teach you what is and what is not a wolf or false prophet.  Every single man of God since the 50s until today, someone has labeled them a false prophet.  I don't even know why.  We need to know who they are and especially who is not and then we can help get this world out of deception.  Until they are fully identified, we are losing big time because who are they to believe?  I'm not judging them, I'm praying for them and loving them enough to care about their salvation.  One of my older favorite pastors, J. Vernon McGee is labeled one but no one said why.  I plan to make a post on every pastor from Oswald Chambers, Ellen White (WOLF), Billy Graham (need proof) to the Catholic Church (not a stretch to believe).  I will ask for a prayer chain for these people.  You can choose to watch, read or not, it's your choice. And yes, it is our responsibility to correct, rebuke and chastise other "Christians" and if there's wolves that fail to repent, we cannot have anything to do with them.  Not my words.  

Be ye NOT deceived.  Stay grounded in the Word and you'll see the lie because they wrap it up in truth in a pretty package with a bow.  Spiritual abuse is dangerous and many are leaving these oppressive and abusive churches and becoming unbelievers because they were not taught the true Jesus Christ...the one Who loved you so much that He died for you.  

I am not trying to offend you but ask yourself this if you are...why?  Could it be me or could it be conviction of the Holy Spirit?  I don't want my ears tickled, I want truth. Sometimes it hurts as I found out the other day but I needed to hear it.  God bless and much love in Christ Jesus!


Editor's Note...I did not write this.  I found it online and as I stated, I'd post information on the different opinions on the Rapture.  While personally I reject what this man says as it is essentially not based on scripture but more so on his POV.  However, it's the first one I saw and will hopefully find others that use the Word of God to uphold their view rather than what they think.  I welcome anyone to send me any Bible-based article or video upholding other views but please, use scripture as well as your personal reasons why you believe this.  It's not a Salvation issue but I do agree that we should care about the condition of this earth today.  It's God's creation.  It's His earth where He chose to bring us into being.  We should strive to take care of it because it's God's and to disrespect His very first creation is disconcerting and just feels WRONG.  God bless.

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I grew up in church culture. Most of what I recall from those early childhood and teenage years bring memories of good things.  People genuinely taught me that loving Jesus matters more than anything else in the world.  The world, after all, is corrupt and the place we truly long for is far, far away – heaven.  So we are to love Jesus and hate the world.
Now, this is not hatred toward the people on earth.  I did not grow up in a church culture that taught that we ought to tell outsiders how much they suck, but that this “world is not my home, I’m just a passin’ through.”
World and physicality = bad.
Jesus and spiritual bliss in a distant heaven = goal of the game.
This distinction came with a subset of beliefs about the destiny of God’s world.  Eventually this planet would be destroyed and we Christians would “fly away” to heaven at the rapture of the church.  Certain Christians understood the timing of the rapture as it corresponds to the book of Revelation differently than others, but no one ever denied the imminent return of Jesus to evacuate the church out of earth.
What I’ve come to realize is that the church of my youth probably had the rapture all wrong.  You see, the Bible flows from Creation (Gen 1-2) to Renewed Creation (Rev 21-22).  This is the narrative of Scripture.  Nothing in the text (if read in its proper context) alludes to the actual complete destruction of the planet.  This world’s worth to the Creator runs deep and because of this, the world as a whole ought to be intrinsically valuable to us.
Physical/earthly realities such as social injustice, violence, hunger, preventable sickness, and the destruction of nature are invitations to the church of Jesus to get our hands dirty and proclaim that this world matters (even in its broken state)! Christ will complete creation upon his return, uniting heaven and earth for the life of the age to come!
The famous “rapture” passage is found in 1 Thessalonians 4.15-17 and reads:
According to the Lord’s word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep.  For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.  After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.
This passage, when placed in the larger context of the chapter, is answering questions that Christians in Thessalonica had concerning death.  What has happened to our loved ones who have died before the return of Christ to earth? What is theirs and our ultimate destiny? Paul’s answer: bodily resurrection at the return of Christ to earth!  Not an escape into the sky [see appendix below!].
In this passage, Paul borrows two specific images from the Old Testament that would have been familiar to Jewish converts and Gentiles who were familiarizing themselves with the Hebrew tradition.  The first of these that Paul employs in the text has to do with Moses who comes down from Mount Sinai with the Law with the great blast of the trumpet.
The second image is taken from Daniel chapter 7 where the “one like the son of man”  (or “human being” or “The Human One”) and the community he represents is vindicated over the enemies of the people of God.  Clouds here symbolize the power and authoritative judgement of God about the rescue of his people. This idea now seems to be applied to Christians who are facing various forms of persecution.
Finally, there is a third image in the text that comes from outside of the canonical context.  This is the image of an emperor who visits a city.  The people of that region would have gone out to meet him to usher him into their home in a royal procession out in the open air.  This, Paul seems to apply to the church who will usher in their King into the new creation.***
Rapture, as it is popularly understood, is nowhere to be found in this “rapture” passage.  Christ will return to resurrect, to purge, to heal, and to establish the eternal kingdom of God on this earth. Heaven and earth will unite like a bride and husband – for all eternity. That’s it.
The Bible teaches that when Christ comes back, it will be Good News!  “‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away’” (Revelation 21.4).  Surely we cannot erase judgment from the picture, but the hope is that those in Christ will be raised to eternal life and everything that is wrong with this world will be made right.
This world renewed is going to be our home for eternity, and we have the opportunity to reflect that future in our present.  Rapture invites us to escape this world: the last thing that Jesus would have ever taught! “On earth as in heaven” is what he said, not “in heaven away from the earth!” Our world’s future is hopeful. Let’s tell that story and not the escapist narratives that many of us grew up with.
[Kurt Note: This article is an adaptation from various pieces that are part of my “rapture” category.]



God Bless and Much Love in Christ Jesus

The Plan of Salvation


Please enjoy and Share!  God bless you all.

Genesis - Part 81

The Gospel of Matthew - Part 5-7


Gospel of Salvation - First Corinthians 15:1-11 - GRACE THROUGH FAITH AND BELIEF


Mr. Peters is not a pastor, I don't think.  However, he and I both were severely Spiritually abused by fake healers and these new and strange doctrines.  He has made it his ministry to expose them, not because of anger for not being healed because God used his CP to do His will.  God can do anything but evil.  He is a holy God, righteous and perfect.  He doesn't make mistakes and like Romans 8:28 says, all things work to the good.  Had he been healed, how many people may have suffered needlessly or even walked away from God, thinking they were too "unworthy" for Him.  Well, if that were possible, not a one of us would be found worthy.  Please don't buy into these strange doctrines that are so dangerous to you physically, emotionally and worst of all, Spiritually.  God heals at His pleasure, for His purposes but even Paul had a thorn in his side.  It keeps us humble and grateful.  Pray for his ministry.  He is "scripture alone."  

God Bless and Share the Right Gospel and Right Jesus Christ!  Never add or take away from the Word of God.  His plan of salvation is found in...

First Corinthians 15:1-11

Take up your cross, deny thyself and follow Jesus Christ!


A new series I wanted to share with you.  I've listened to two so far and have not found any obvious errors.  Well worth watching.  God bless and enjoy!






Not only am I 1/3 Cherokee, it's most likely that I began with 2 Jewish people who migrated to England and anglicized their name of Weinstein to my maiden name of Winston.  I'd heard that Cherokees and a few other tribes were a few of the lost tribes of Israel.  This fascinates me because if you see how Native Americans worship that have never read the Bible or taught the Gospel of Salvation, they worship the Great God in much the same way as the Jews.  Maybe this explains why I love Israel and the Jewish people so much.  God bless and enjoy.  

And God ALWAYS Declares His Glory!

First Corinthians 15:1-11


The newest teaching of New Agers is that "Jesus Christ" isn't a man/God with a physical body and will not return physically but in our consciousness.  We'll achieve how to be "human." God's Word is very clear that it will be a physical (and noisy) return of our Lord God and Savior.  You cannot rewrite the Bible nor is it open to private interpretation.  One big hint is deceptive is if the "world" loves it.  They hang on their words.  If it's truth, did Jesus not tell us we'd be HATED by this world for His Name's sake?  The "world" wants and they know they need Him desperately but they don't like the REAL Christ Jesus.  Like the teacher in God is Not Dead 2 said, "I'd rather be stand for Jesus and be judged by the world, than stand for the world and be judged by God."

Jesus said..."I AM the way, the truth and the life.  No man cometh unto the Father EXCEPT through ME."  I believe God, not man!

Share the Gospel of Salvation.  If you can't go out into the world, start a blog, a Google community or Christian F/B page.  Join groups and support ministries that are struggling because they preach the Word of God in truth and don't tickle ears.  Jesus Christ is our ONLY way out of hell!



Well, today's word is CONSTIPATION.  I think I'll share the word but forgive me, I just am not even gonna try to find a picture, not even for a laugh, lol.  So, I'll share a beautiful picture instead that has nothing to do with today's word.  I hope you'll appreciate my thoughtfulness, lol.

Enjoy the picture that is not related and God bless you all.  Share the Gospel of Salvation in First Corinthians 15:1-11



I have not seen...or see this movie.  I have not heard anything good about it and at it's best is it is inadequate but at its worst, it is DANGEROUS.  However, here's a video about why and it tells you where to go to watch it for free should you want to see what it says and offer your own opinion.  I subscribe to PureFlix because I enjoy movies.  I cannot watch but 2-3 TV shows and they're old and the best movie I've seen in over 15 years is a Dolphin's Tale 1 and 2.  However, I am well aware that most of the movies are fiction.  I don't base my beliefs and theology on a fiction movie (the "Left Behind" series, for example) and I highly doubt you do.  They do have a lot of documentaries, movies that just quote scripture, series, inspirational, faith-filled, kids' movies/cartoons, and even end-times as well as movies about Spiritual warfare.  So, if you choose to watch this movie, please tell me your thoughts.  I may watch it now that's I'm aware and know what to expect.  I do not like deception and the best way not to be deceived is to know the Word of God.  It's your shield.  

Pureflix's subscription just went up from $8 but I seriously doubt it's more than a few dollars more but if it's $20, it's well worth it.  Because I joined when it first started, my rate is locked in forever at $8.  They really value loyalty and will chat with you.  It is owned by David. A.R. White, who I love.  You should hear his testimony.  Talk about an amazing father and honoring him, it's just overwhelming.  Rarely is there any harsh language, never nudity and violence is shown only if it's relevant.  They always come with warnings.  Choose Pureflix and let Hellywood feed the masses.  You honor God!


First Corinthians 15:1-11
Ephesians 2:8-9
John 3:16-17
Acts 8:37
The Gospels