Tuesday, January 9, 2018


Just some information about my blog and what and why I share what I do.  One thing you must know, just because I share a video or an article by any particular person does not mean I endorse or even WOULD endorse that person.  If it's Biblical and edifying, I share it.  It is then up to you to decide whether or not you want to believe it or not.  I also don't have the time to research everybody that I share but I don't share videos I have not listened to unless I am well aware of the trustworthiness of that person.  If I share something that you know is in error, I implore you to make me aware so I can check them out and if you're right, remove the post and never share them again.

I do not share anything by the well-known wolves and I do not knowingly share anything from the Hebrew Roots or Sacred Name movements and especially the Kaballah. However, we can't dismiss our Jewish heritage.  The Church was formed by the Jews.  To dismiss their writings in the Old Testament does great harm and is a stumbling block to our understanding of the New Testament, especially Revelation.  Since I am not familiar with those things I just mentioned, if I do share something by them, please let me know ASAP.  I am in no way antisemitic, I stand for and love Israel and I embrace them as my brothers.  YWHY has not forsaken Israel and never will.  I pray for them.  I will share any and all information I can about Israel.    

I shared some videos where the Book of Enoch is referred to.  I don't know why it's not included in the Canon or if it should be but it was found in the Dead Sea Scrolls, along with the other OT books.  It is also quoted in Jude and I believe Jesus even quoted it a few times (but don't quote me on that).  I do know it was not dismissed by the New Testament writers. 

If I see something that I feel is interesting, knowledgeable and worthy of at least consideration, I'll share it.  I may or may not agree in full or in part but I don't share things I disagree with in whole.  We need to listen to all the information, be good Bereans and study the Scriptures to see if such things are true, and then make an informed opinion.  However, don't make assumptions because of the title of a video or article no matter where you come across it.  You may be missing out on something very important.  

Also keep in mind that these are written by man, some more knowledgeable and learned than others.  They are also just as apt to be wrong as you and me and that's why we have the Word of God (Yahwey) to guide us into all truths as well as the Holy Spirit.  There are some things we can agree to disagree about, be wrong about or not know about but we must have the Gospel of Salvation right.  Otherwise, you are teaching a different Gospel and a different Jesus Christ than is taught in First Corinthians 15.  Paul was given the Mystery of the Cross that was hidden from the world from the foundation.  If you study the Scriptures, you will know why it was hidden.  It's quite obvious but also easy to miss.  It answers a lot of questions, especially why the Apostle Paul's teachings are different from what Jesus Christ taught.  Jesus taught the coming Kingdom of God and Paul taught the plan of salvation or Gospel, which means Good News.  Have you ever asked why Jesus had to die such a barbaric death on the Cross?  I have and found the answer in Paul's writings.  Ever wonder why some the Jews and others (esp the Roman government) were blinded to who Jesus was?  This too is explained.  And finally, should we put more emphasis and importance on the words of Paul over those of Christ Jesus?  As the Apostle Paul, the least of the Apostles and THE CHIEF of sinners would say...God forbid!  Jesus Christ's ministry and His commandments are the cornerstone of our faith.  He is our rock, the author and finisher of our salvation.  Paul upholds the words of Christ Jesus but was not the minister to the Jews as Peter was but to the gentiles.  Jesus Christ came to earth as a Jew, taught to the Jews first (but He also healed and ministered to the gentiles as well).  The simple way to say this is that although the Jews were YHWH's chosen people doesn't mean that salvation was only for them but as I understand it, many thought it was.  Gentiles or any non-Jew were considered less than and inferior to the religious leaders of the day.  YHWY's intention for them was for them to be the light of the world to the gentiles so that they too would be saved had they accepted their Messiah.  

I watched a documentary on this on PureFlix and although I would not recommend this movie to anyone, there were a few things that were Biblical and one of the few things I felt was right about this movie was that they rejected Yeshua as the Messiah (or Jesus Christ if you prefer), because He came announcing the Kingdom of God was at hand but it didn't look like the way they expected the Kingdom to look. They expected a conquering hero who would eradicate their enemies completely and save Israel and bring much wealth and prosperity to them.  The last thing they expected was a humble, meek servant that healed the "sinners" that they rejected and it greatly offended the Pharisees that Jesus ate and chose sinners as His disciples.  Sometimes I wonder if we Christians (or at least some churches today and known cults or cult-like churches) aren't the modern day Pharisees. They denied the Deity of Yeshua.  He could NOT be YHWY.  The Jehovah's Witnesses deny that Jesus is God, deny the Godhead and believe Jesus is really the Archangel Michael, created and not eternal.  He only became God after the ascension if even then.  I don't study that religion and know only the basics of their belief so please, fact check rather than quote me on this but I'm not sure they even see Jesus Christ as Divine God now.  Honestly, I think I just realized I probably should become more aware of their teachings.  BTW, in the post I made that's an article by Alan Horvath actually claims that the name "Jehovah" is actually more descriptive of satan than our Heavenly Father (see excerpt below)....

And finally, there's the all-popular Jehovah that we've all heard used. How and when did this name come into existence?

The Encyclopedia Brittanica states:
"The Masoretes, who from about the 6th to the 10th century worked to reproduce the original text of the Hebrew Bible, replaced the vowels of the name YHWH with the vowel signs of the Hebrew word Adonai or Elohim. Thus the artificial name Jehovah (YeHoWaH) came into being."
Even Merriam-Webster clearly points the name Jehovah to its origin of Yahweh. However, since there are no J's in the Hebrew alphabet, Jehovah is obviously a man-made attempt to Americanize Yah-Hovah ... and my problem with this is that Jehovah means Yahweh is ruin, chaos, disaster, misfortune and mischief! Even Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible blindly follows this error; if you look up "Jehovah" it will mistakenly tell you that this is the name of the Father while further revealing, through a more diligent study, that Yah refers to Yahweh ... while Hovah, as can be seen via reference number 01943, means ruin, disaster, misfortune and mischief. Therefore, Jehovah means Yahweh is ruin, disaster, misfortune and mischief! And that is a descriptive title of Satan! Need I say more?

Please note that these are his words, not mine.  I am not learned in Hebrew or Aramaic but obviously he is.  I also know there is no "J" sound in those languages nor ever have been so the way this "church" pronounces it is inherently wrong.  Our Father's name is not pronounced "Jehovah" in the way that that organization demands and I mean they absolutely forbid you to use any other name or pronunciation other than "Jehovah" with a "J."  Knowing that the Hebrew language doesn't have any vowels, break down Jehovah and knowing it would be pronounced with a "Y" rather than "J" here is what you get YeHoVaH or YHVH which is very similar, yet subtly different as the tetragram is YHWH but I've also seen it spelled YHVH as well so place no significance on this difference but rather read what it says in Hebrew, the original language of the Canon, especially in the OT, as well as Aramaic, the language spoken by Christ Yeshua, and is the most ancient form of the Hebrew language.  

I hope this helps you understand my blog and what I am trying to accomplish.  Please feel free to leave comments and if negative, use constructive criticism to everyone.  I haven't decided where I stand on issues but will pray and let the Holy Spirit lead me to the truth as should you!  God bless and love in Yeshua Messiah.


January 9, 2018

The apostle Paul was no enemy of social media. He wrote letters to mediate relationships and extend grace to faraway converts and protégés. And yet, as Marshall Segal observes in tonight’s lead article, even in writing what would prove to be holy Scripture, Paul acknowledges the limitations of the medium, and the priority of getting face to face. “I long to see you,” he says — not just in the greatest letter ever written (Romans), but in Philippians and Thessalonians and to Timothy as well.
Holy Writ is social media par excellence, but we may have something to glean from Paul’s expressed longing to get face to face. In particular, Marshall asks us whether our smartphones are bringing us a little closer to those far away while putting distance between us and those we love most. Ponder timeless principles for the place of social media and what Apple will never replace.
Our hope for Look at the Book is to help Christians learn to read the Bible well. This month we’re making a fresh effort to encourage users to study the verses for themselves before diving into the 10-minute episodes with John Piper. We’re featuring the study questions above the video. If you haven’t tried Look at the Book as a supplement to your own Bible study, perhaps set aside a few minutes to linger over Philippians 1:27–28 and then watch as Piper shows us how he tackles the text.
David Mathis
Executive Editor

Read this article below...

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Article by 
Staff writer, desiringGod.org
Have smartphones and social media really done anything to strengthen your most important relationships?
Your experience may not be mine (I’m sure for many it’s not), but I’m finding our recent advances in technology have not made for more meaningful communication with my family and closest friends. If anything, they have siphoned off something of the urgency and intentionality out of those relationships — out of me in those relationships.
New technologies do offer amazing potential for those with the maturity, discipline, and love to use them well. Text messages enable us to use spare seconds to exchange notes and encourage each other. FaceTime allows us to see the person we’re talking to in real time, suddenly making a phone call more personal. And of course, smartphones and social media almost immediately widen our network of relationships, allowing us to “keep up” with many more old friends while constantly introducing us to new people.
But I suspect that while new technologies have made many new things possible and many old things easier, they have not translated into deeper, more intimate relationships like we might have expected. Has all of our technology made the whole world a little closer, but left us farther than ever from the ones we love most?

Learning from Love Letters

All thirteen of the apostle Paul’s letters he wrote to real believers, in a real place, during a real part of history. His letters were personal — written to people he really loved, often when they were most difficult to love.
One refrain in his letters recently caught my attention as I thought about intentionality and communication in our relationships: “I long to see you.” He says something like that to the Romans, the Philippians, the Thessalonians, and to Timothy. Paul clearly believes his letters — cutting-edge technology in the first century — are limited in mediating love. In his mind, being face to face facilitates real love in a way technology cannot replace.
But haven’t our devices solved Paul’s problem — allowing us to see someone halfway around the globe with a simple Wi-Fi connection? No, I believe Paul would write (or tweet) the same thing today. While the ability to see someone in Cincinnati, Winston-Salem, or Los Angeles — or Cameroon, India, or the Philippines for that matter — is a truly remarkable gift from God, it does not and cannot replace the power of time together in the same room.
What I hear in Paul’s longing is as real in our day of iPhones as it was in his day of no phones.

Why Face to Face?

Does Paul say anything specific about the power of face-to-face interaction? When he opens his letter to the Roman believers, he says, “I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you — that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine” (Romans 1:11–12).
Why does he long to see them face to face? “ . . . that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you.” But isn’t that what his letter is? After all, his words were not only filled with spiritual affection and encouragement for the Romans, but they were breathed out by God himself (2 Timothy 3:16). Paul believes something will happen when he sees them that will not happen in the same way or at the same level through his letter (in this case, arguably the single greatest letter written in history).
What is that face-to-face reward in relationships? A unique spiritual gift that imparts unique spiritual strength (Romans 1:11–12).

To Strengthen and Encourage

Paul says, “I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift” — presumably some spiritual gift he could not give in this letter. We don’t know what, if any, spiritual gift Paul had in mind, but we do know that his presence would “strengthen” the believers in Rome, and that both Paul and his readers would be “encouraged” in a way they could not be otherwise.
Paul uses the same two Greek words together when he writes to the Thessalonians, “We sent Timothy, our brother and God’s coworker in the gospel of Christ, to establish” (strengthen) “and exhort you” (encourage) “in your faith” (1 Thessalonians 3:2). Similarly, he says, “We pray most earnestly night and day that we may see you face to face and supply what is lacking in your faith” (1 Thessalonians 3:10) — the supply of strength and encouragement that can’t be imparted in a letter (or text, or email, or even video call).
Physical presence allows Paul and Timothy — and you and me — to strengthen and establish, encourage and exhort in ways we cannot through media, however advanced that media may be. Paul made the extraordinary effort to be with his fellow believers because he knew the extraordinary potential of being face to face. He knew the potential joy of truly being together (2 Timothy 1:4Philippians 2:28).

More Than Eyes

Eye contact is one of the greatest treasures of physical presence. But even if Apple made it possible to look each other directly in the eyes from miles away, the distance would still make a difference. We simply are not captive to one another in the same way when we meet virtually. We don’t “see” each other the way Paul longs to see his loved ones. As long as you and I are meeting online, I’m always a small click away from being away again, which means I’m not fully, inescapably here with you.
While eye contact is precious in any kind of intimate or important conversation, meaningful interaction is about far more than eyes. Paul says to the Philippians, “What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me — practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you” (Philippians 4:9). Notice all the dimensions to their relationships — far more than mere letters could ever accomplish. It is a bond lived out in flesh and blood, space and time — a uniquely offline phenomenon of love.
We can only truly share all of ourselves — in all five senses (and probably more emotionally and spiritually) — when we put all of ourselves in the same space with someone else.

Make Time to Be Together

Instead of facilitating more meaningful time together, our phones and computers have often removed incentives to be together and distracted us from one another when we are together.
We all intuitively know that technology cannot replace face-to-face interaction. Would you ever propose to your girlfriend over FaceTime (or accept a proposal over FaceTime)? If you and your parents have a wonderful relationship and live ten minutes apart, would you be happy to only ever see them on Facebook? If a woman in your church lost her husband after fifty years of marriage, would you just drop her an email? No, we all know that certain conversations must, if at all possible, be face to face, eye to eye, in the same room.
When we choose to mediate moments that we could otherwise enjoy face to face, we diminish them — we surrender at least some of the gravity and joy we might have experienced. And our phones become the white flags of our physical presence.
Lay down the iPhone flags of surrender more often, and whenever possible, pursue the deeper, more meaningful joys of seeing — really seeing — the ones you love most.


This is a short and informative video I found on GotQuestions.org that I wanted to share with you.  The Holy Spirit is so often misunderstood today.  The church I was raised in as a child didn't speak much about Him and the only reason I knew about Him was from reciting the Apostle's Creed each Sunday.  As an adult, what I learned about Him was from the Pentacostal church which led me into a lot of confusion and caused me a lot of distress because He did not work in me the way they claimed He worked in them.  For example, speaking in tongues, hearing His voice, or having visions and dreams where He gave me extra-Biblical revelations.  I didn't become a prophet nor was I given "a word" from God.  So, do mainstream denominations teach this very important person of the Godhead in truth?  If not, I wish they would because I've heard so many say they've been saved but don't have the free gift of the Holy Spirit because they don't do those things either.  I've also heard from those who are not saved but have witnessed some of these services where people are convulsing, barking like dogs and having fits say if they have to do that, then they want no part of it.  That's sad and scary to me.  I hope this helps clear up some of the misunderstandings of this most wonderful gift of the Holy Spirit.  God in Heaven, bless you all.

To read more on this subject, please click on the link below and check out the related links as well as answers to your many questions about our Father in Heaven!


Quote of the Day
"You can be mistaken on some secondary issues and still be a Christian, but if you are wrong about Jesus, you are wrong in the worst possible place."
~Ray Pritchard (from "What Can a Fish Teach Us about Who Jesus Is?") 
Today's Answer
Why Should We Study the Genealogies?
R.C. Sproul
At first glance, the beginning of Matthew is a less-than-exciting literary starting point of the New Testament. It is a list of "begats" tracing Jesus' lineage back to Abraham.
What this beginning lacks in literary punch it makes up for in theological significance. Among other things, the genealogical tables of the New Testament place the gospel squarely on the plane of history. Jesus was born "in the fullness of time"--His ministry is defined and interpreted against the background of Old Testament history.
The New Testament provides two genealogical tables for Jesus, one by Matthew and one by Luke. These tables differ at significant points. Matthew was writing for a Jewish audience and Luke for a Gentile audience. Matthew was concerned to show that Jesus legally descended from David and was therefore a descendant of Judah to whom the messianic kingship was promised. Matthew treats the legal descent of Jesus and limits the lists to three groupings of fourteen generations, allowing himself to make omissions.
Luke follows the natural descent with greater detail. He takes the list back to Adam, as it was a central theme in his Gospel to set forth the universality of the gospel. Jesus is indeed the Son of Abraham and the Son of David, but He is also the new Adam who comes to redeem not only Israel but men and women from every tribe and nation.
Taken from "Tracing the Genealogy of Jesus" by Ligonier Ministries (used by permission).
Today's Video


This is to be used in conjunction with the videos I just shared to help you further understand.  Again, I'm not necessarily endorsing what he says but nor am I dismissing it.  I do know that our word for Messiah, Jesus Christ, the name "Jesus" has literally no meaning.  It's just the English version of the Greek name of Joshua.  However, Yeshua means "salvation" in Hebrew.  Remember that we don't serve a petty Father or God, if that's your preferred name for Him as He knows your heart and to whom you speak but I do not like being called Mrs. Alexander by anyone, not even children.  I want to be called by my real name, Brenda.  In fact, I often unknowingly ignore people when they use Mrs. Alexander not because it offends me or I ignore them out of pettiness until they call me "Brenda" but because it's not the name I go by or automatically recognize.  If I'm THAT particular about MY name, why would our Creator, the Living God who gave us Yeshua ah Messiach (Jesus Christ) NOT also prefer His REAL name?  It's up to you as He hears you but isn't it our duty to honor and cherish His Holy Name?  Names and naming children in Biblical days were extremely important.  We see that when John the Baptist was being named because there were no "Johns" in their family but rather he was named by YHWY Himself personally!  We see Yeshua changing Peter's name and Saul of Tarsus was renamed Paul.  Just sharing to give you "food for thought."  I also did research him and he is not in the Hebrew Roots, Sacred Name movements or the Kaballah that I could find but if you know different, please let me know.  Be always blessed, discerning and love in Yeshua, our Messiah!

"Brenda" Alexander
Your friend and sister in our Savior, Christ Yeshua!

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Go to this link for a short recording on how to pronounce His Name in Aramaic/Hebrew

According to Merriam-Webster, Lord is a reference to Yahweh, as it is to Yahshua ... but, obviously, this is not the Father's Name ... nor the Son's Name! In fact, the English way of saying "Lord" is "Ba'al" ... and in YirmeYahu (Jeremiah) 23:26-27, Yahweh speaks of those who have forgotten His Name for Ba'al.

Merriam-Webster clearly shows that "God", though often used to refer to the Father, may have many otherconnotations as well. And Yahweh's First Commandment makes it clear enough that He doesn't want us having any misconceptions about such things - there are all kinds of lords and gods but only one Creator!

"Adonai" (say "ahh-doe-nye") means "my master" ... "el" (say "ale") means "mighty" and "elohim" (say "el-oh-heem") is a plural reference meaning "mighty ones" ... however, when it is capitalized as "Elohim," it is a singular reference to "the Father, the Son, and His Qodesh Spirit."Greek interpretors also replaced the Father's Name with the terms Theos and Kurios ... but "Theos" means "God" and "Kurios" means "Lord" - both are titles that may refer to many false gods ... and none of these hallow the Father's Name.

Note: In the Book of Hanok (commonly known as the Book of Enoch), Satan's name is revealed as "Gadriel" (say "God-ree-ale") and the short of that name would be "Gad" ... the letter "A," in Aramaic/Hebrew, is always pronounced "ahh" - so "Gad" is pronounced "God." See what's been going on? Satan is awfully crafty, isn't he!

Considering how the Father commands us to honor His name, publish His name, glorify His name -- the list goes on and on -- I can't imagine why so many so-called scholars, who interpret the original Aramaic/Hebrew and Greek Scriptures into English, would remove His name altogether! But there you have it; they did! One excuse, which is often given for this abomination, involves a misinterpretation of the Third Commandment:
The Misinterpretation of the Father's Third Commandment:
"Thou shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain."

The Accurate Interpretation of the Father's Third Commandment:
"You shall not take the name of Yahweh your Elohim and bring it to nothing."
See the difference? Of course you do! Well ... their poor excuse is that, by not speaking it or printing it, they cannot be accused of taking it in vain. What they don't realize is He said we are not to bring it to nothing ... and not speaking it or printing it, does just that!

The Encyclopedia Britannica states:
"Yahweh, the God of the Israelites, revealed his name to Moses as four Hebrew consonants (YHWH) called The Tetragrammaton. After the exile (6th Century B.C.), and especially from the 3rd Century B.C. on, Jews ceased to use the name Yahweh for two reasons. As Judaism became a universal religion through its proselytizing in the Greco-Roman world, the more common noun elohim, meaning "god," tended to replace Yahweh to demonstrate the universal sovereignty of Israel's God over all others. At the same time, the divine name was increasingly regarded as too sacred to be uttered; it was thus replaced vocally in the synagogue ritual by the Hebrew word Adonai ("My Lord"), which was translated as Kyrios ("Lord") in the Septuagint, the Greek version of the Old Testament."
The New International Version of the Bible, in its preface, reads "In regard to the divine name YHWH, commonly referred to as the Tetragrammaton, the translators adopted the device used in most English versions of rendering that name as "Lord"... " -- noting the fact that most all English translations of the Bible have indeed replaced Yahweh (or YHWH - ) with the Lord.

And finally, there's the all-popular Jehovah that we've all heard used. How and when did this name come into existence?

The Encyclopedia Brittanica states:
"The Masoretes, who from about the 6th to the 10th century worked to reproduce the original text of the Hebrew Bible, replaced the vowels of the name YHWH with the vowel signs of the Hebrew word Adonai or Elohim. Thus the artificial name Jehovah (YeHoWaH) came into being."
Even Merriam-Webster clearly points the name Jehovah to its origin of Yahweh. However, since there are no J's in the Hebrew alphabet, Jehovah is obviously a man-made attempt to Americanize Yah-Hovah ... and my problem with this is that Jehovah means Yahweh is ruin, chaos, disaster, misfortune and mischief! Even Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible blindly follows this error; if you look up "Jehovah" it will mistakenly tell you that this is the name of the Father while further revealing, through a more diligent study, that Yah refers to Yahweh ... while Hovah, as can be seen via reference number 01943, means ruin, disaster, misfortune and mischief. Therefore, Jehovah means Yahweh is ruin, disaster, misfortune and mischief! And that is a descriptive title of Satan! Need I say more?

Now, please don't misunderstand my intentions! The Bible tells us that the Father listens to our hearts and I believe that when we pray to "God" or cry out to "the Lord" or even to "Jehovah," he knows by our hearts whether someone is praying to Him or not. I'm certainly not trying to heap condemnation on anyone with these notes ... I'm only attempting to remind us of the Truth found through His Word: The Father has a name ... he commands us to hallow His name ... His name is not God ... it's not Lord ... and it's not Jehovah ... it's Yahweh. So ... all I'm saying is, why not obey Him -- why not properly esteem Him -- and use His true name?
If you want to understand more about all this, read my essay:
The Sacred Shem Revelation -- Click Here


What is God's real name and what about satan?  Lucifer?  I'm going to share two videos but I bet no one will take the time to actually listen but will draw a faulty conclusion based on the "title" of the videos.  Admittedly, we must be very careful and discerning about what we watch and believe but I'm not asking you to "believe" this but I expected to be very offended and angry based on the title.  I only watched it so I could blast him with the TRUTH.  Just listen to what he's saying and what names mean in Hebrew and Aramaic.  You won't be offended by this even if you reject it but you might learn a thing or two and bring some important things to light.  You might be surprised what "lucifer" means in Hebrew.  This will not shake your core beliefs in any way and is really unoffensive.  Watch both videos in full and pray about it.  The Holy Spirit leads you into all truth.  That IS what the Word of our Father in Heaven says, after all.  If you don't watch, you have no right to attack it.  If you do and see errors and KNOW what you are talking about, I really want to hear.  While it makes sense to me, we all can be deceived. If he's deceiving me then explain why I've felt uneasy using the name God for a while?  It's generic and all religions use that name.  YHWY is the only Living God and we are set apart from the world so shouldn't the name of our "God" be separate from other religions too?  That's a thought and question.  I don't know this man so I am not endorsing him or this video but I find it worthy of thought and prayer.  I'd love to hear your thoughts but not in hate or anger but rather in love as that is what Yeshua ah Messiach commanded us to do...correct our brothers in love IF, in fact, they need correction.  Sometimes you and I both are wrong.  Please watch and have NO expectations on what he is going to say.  Be open and discerning.  May our Heavenly Father YHWY bless you and be saved by the blood of His Son, Yeshua ah Messiach!

Part One

Part Two