Sunday, February 12, 2017


Not Of This World

by @unashamedojesus
And He was saying to them, "You are from below, I am from above; you are of this world, I am not of this world. John 8:23

Are you living for this world or are you preparing for eternity? It’s easy to get caught up in this world and live for making money and obtaining possessions. But Jesus taught us that everything in this world is temporary. Everything including this world will eventually pass away but God is eternal (Matthew 24:35) So why do we devote so much time into temporary things?
For we brought nothing into this world, and we can take nothing out of it ( 1 Timothy 6:7) All the money in your bank account or the fancy car you drive are not going to save you from death. The world can bring you temporary pleasure, but only through Jesus Christ can we obtain eternal life. Are you preparing for eternity or living for the temporary?
We’ll take it one step forward “Anyone who loves the world, does not love God” ( 1 John 2:15) But how can this be? Didn’t God create the world? Yes but mankind chose to follow the evil of Satan (Genesis 3), and has corrupted the whole world.  The world is ruled by Satan (2 Corinthians 4:4)
When you understand this , you understand why the world is so messed up. You understand why evil does happen in this world. Jesus is not of this world, he has overcome sin, death , and hell. If you want eternity, fix your mind and eyes on above, not below. Prepare for the coming of Gods Kingdom in Jesus Name Amen


I read a comment on a Biblical video by an "unbeliever" who said that to her, the Bible is THE most accurate book she'd ever read.  She had no answer (or credible one anyway) when I asked her why then was she an unbeliever.  

I've heard many claim that the Roman Catholic Church, or rather the papacy, is the anti-Christ or false prophet.  Now, I admit that from what I've read and heard, it does appear he very well could be BUT which pope?  Is it this one?  Well, I don't know but out of all the videos and books I've read on this issue, THIS video really goes into a lot of verses and details I've never heard before and can't deny the truth in them.  I'm sharing so you can be on the watch and always be ready BUT let you decide for yourself.  I sure have.

God bless you all and much love in Yeshua ah Messiach.

Strategies for Building a Quiet Time with God - Daily Hope with Rick Warren - February 12, 2017

Strategies for Building a Quiet Time with God
By Rick Warren
“But more than anything else, put God’s work first and do what he wants. Then the other things will be yours as well” (Matthew 6:33 CEV).
Everyone struggles with quiet-time consistency from time to time. Know that if you’re struggling with it, you’re not alone! The good news is that with a common problem come some common solutions. Next time you find yourself struggling with your daily quiet time — or even before you start to struggle — try some of these solutions:
1. Make a covenant. Commit to God that you’ll spend at least some time with him every day of your life, even if it’s just two minutes — not because everyone else is doing it, but because you want to spend time with Jesus. Put your commitment in writing.
2. Put it in your weekly schedule. Put it on your computer, your phone, or wherever you keep your schedule. Block out in advance a time to meet with God every day, just as you would a doctor’s appointment, a business lunch, or a meeting with your boss.
3. Be prepared for the attacks of the Devil. To be forewarned is to be forearmed.The devil will do whatever he can to keep you away from your time with God. Be on your guard and prepared for the attacks.
4. Do it for six weeks straight. Psychologists say it takes about six weeks for a habit to develop. It takes about three weeks to get familiar with a new task or new behavior. It takes about another three weeks before it becomes a solid habit in your life. Most people have never been consistent in their daily time with God because they’ve never made it past the six-week barrier without missing a day.

5. Depend on God-power, not willpower. You can only succeed by the power of God’s Spirit. Ask God to strengthen you and give you the mind of Christ, so you’ll depend on him to help you develop this habit. If you just depend on willpower, you don’t have any hope to stay consistent.
Jesus wants you to spend time with him. He died on the cross to give you fellowship with him. You don’t have time not to do this. Jesus said in Matthew 6:33“But more than anything else, put God’s work first and do what he wants. Then the other things will be yours as well”(CEV). Make time for God, and it’ll change your life.
Talk It Over
  • What steps will you take today to become consistent in your quiet time?
  • Why is a consistent quiet time with God critical to your Christian growth? How does your answer to this question line up with the way you have a quiet time?
  • What is the work that God has told you he wants you to do (Matthew 6:33)? How have you made it a priority in your life?
For more Daily Hope with Rick Warren, please visit!


February 12
Today's ReadingLeviticus 13>Matthew 26:26-50
Today's Thoughts: Seek His Promises
"And blessed is he who keeps from stumbling over Me."-  Matthew 11:6
While teaching on Joshua 1, I realized that God clearly told Joshua that He fulfills His promises. God even clearly restates what those promises entailed. However, today, many people do not know how to get promises from God. And even if God is speaking to them, many Christians do not know how to wait it out, and so they fail to watch God work it out to completion. As a result, many Christians stumble over Jesus and the way He works in our lives. But that is not God’s intention as He desires to speak to us and reveal to us things that are to come.
My mom came over today and I asked her how she would teach someone to get promises from God. Immediately, she started giving me illustrations of when God gave her promises. So, I asked her again, “But how did you learn to get a promise from God?” She used another illustration of a promise God gave her to try to speak in the generalities of teaching someone else. I was thankful for the discussion because I had also realized that it is very difficult to come up with a “basic formula” in receiving a promise from God.
God’s Word is filled with promises He gave in the past which can be applied to my present circumstances. I can give a very simple way of how I get a promise from God. First, I start by praying to Him about a burden while asking for His will to be done in it. It is not God’s will for me to be stressed out and unsettled, so I start reading the Word, looking for a passage that addresses what I am praying about. If a verse pops out, I will start meditating over it, asking God about it and looking up the cross references for it. I know that it is a promise from God if it addresses the burden on my heart in future terms while giving me a present day peace. I also know that it is a promise and not a command if I can’t do anything to fulfill it by myself. God wants me to trust and have faith and He will accomplish the rest.
Today, try to read segments in the book of Isaiah. God has given me so many promises in that book. Keep seeking the Lord’s will until He gives you a verse. Then trust Him. He is more than able to address and accomplish all that concerns you today and every day!
Our mission is to evangelize the lost and awaken the saved to live empowered lives by the Work of God and His Holy Spirit. Daily Disciples Ministries makes a difference for the kingdom of God by teaching and training believers how to be in God's Word, how to pray and how to walk with Jesus every day, as His daily disciple.
Daily Disciples Ministries, Inc. 


What Idols are set up in the heart?

What keeps us from doing what JESUS said to do in this short life?

What has kept Holy Fire from being in our lives?

I watched an elderly monk of one of the Eastern Orthodox Churches speaking to an interviewer at his little hermitage. He said that The LORD+ waits for men and women to be with HIM+, to spend time with HIM+, but everyone is too busy for that.

They have other more important things to do. Church on Sunday will be sufficient they say.  Personal idols must be served. The LORD+ waits for close and intimate communion with us, but we are too busy.

Then the Church wonders why there is no Power within their Church or in their lives.  It is the simple law of sowing and reaping. No discipleship, no obedience, equals no Power, no discernment, no sick ones healed, no dead ones raised, no demons cast out.  A sad and sorry situation.

It is TIME to Learn to live in the presence of GOD, to hear HIS+ Voice, to see with the eyes of the MESSIAH+ and to hear with HIS+ ears.  The SON of GOD did not call us to be religious or to be “churchians” but to follow HIM+ in the Straight and Narrow way that leads unto Life.

HE+ spent much time in prayer to HIS+ Eternal FATHER. If HE+ did that, we much more need to do that!

We have shrugged off spending quality time with HIM+ for too long, and it has weakened us immensely and made us vulnerable to satanic attack.

There are many USELESS things in our society that are designed to pull us away from our LORD+. The satan delights when we spend hours on activities and pastimes that WEAKEN us spiritually.

These activities become idols in our hearts that pull us away from being in the presence of our SAVIOR+.

It is time to pull down the idols!

We are living in VERY PERILOUS TIMES. These are the days that The HOLY SPIRIT has warned us about. It is totally necessary to be strong in the Strength of The Blessed HOLY SPIRIT. 

Let us learn a lesson from the hermit monks of the Orthodox Christians and learn to spend hours in The LORD’S+ presence, both speaking to HIM+ and hearing from HIM+. 

In the days ahead we will need to know HIS+ Voice and have HIS+ direction.

It is time to tear down ANY idol that gets in the way of spending holy time with our LORD+ and MASTER+, our Commander and Chief, WHO+ is seated at HIS+ FATHER’S Right Hand, making continual intercession for us. 

To be in HIM+

and HE+ in us

is our ONLY Protection

for the days ahead.

Let us think about this: Which is harder… to tithe our pocketbook … or our TIME ?   As Keith Green used to sing, ” I+ don’t need your money; I+ want your LIFE.”


I removed the video because I'm not sure it speaks all truth.  I jumped the gun and do  not want to mislead.  Forgive my mistake!  God bless all.