Sunday, February 12, 2017


I read a comment on a Biblical video by an "unbeliever" who said that to her, the Bible is THE most accurate book she'd ever read.  She had no answer (or credible one anyway) when I asked her why then was she an unbeliever.  

I've heard many claim that the Roman Catholic Church, or rather the papacy, is the anti-Christ or false prophet.  Now, I admit that from what I've read and heard, it does appear he very well could be BUT which pope?  Is it this one?  Well, I don't know but out of all the videos and books I've read on this issue, THIS video really goes into a lot of verses and details I've never heard before and can't deny the truth in them.  I'm sharing so you can be on the watch and always be ready BUT let you decide for yourself.  I sure have.

God bless you all and much love in Yeshua ah Messiach.

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