Wednesday, July 5, 2017


I don't have the answer to this question and I'm not sure there is one.  Many denominations forbid it, others encourage it, and a few demand it.  I have found no Biblical principle that prohibits us from voting but we are so unique.  We are the youngest nation and we were created and founded for religious freedom.  We dedicated our country to the Living God, Our Creator, YHWH.  We've been blessed for a long time but I see we've been steadily declining since the 60s.  When prayer was taken out of schools, it seemed to have a domino effect. Now, certain religions are allowed but not the Judeo-Christian faiths on which we were founded.  I guess as long as it doesn't consume you, it's good to keep watch on what's going on and I would prefer that MY representatives believe in our Creator.  I want them to have a high moral standard but not to force it on others or use it as judgment but to allow Him to guide them in His will.  They have some very difficult decisions to make and I pray they do it in prayer and soberly.  

Also, I want to encourage everyone to research any pastor or church, whether they are online or in person to see if they preach the truth.  However, you have to allow that there are some things we can agree to disagree on and that pastors are fallen men and are not always right.  They are going to be wrong.  It doesn't make them a false prophet.  There are plenty of false prophets and churches out there and most of you are aware of them and if you know someone who follows them, I encourage you, in Christian love, to teach them the truth.  However, I read a Bible verse last night that struck a nerve.  I have tried to find it but have no idea where it is but it talks about things that God hates.  One is those who cause discord in the body of Christ.   Well, I've said it a lot today so once more won't hurt...THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE.  I realized I've spoken very harshly against them when I should have been praying for them.  I guess because I was so bad deceived and then Spiritually abused as well as stalked and threatened by 2 well-known false churches, I decided to do everything I could to keep others from going through it.  

Here is what helps me.  First, do a wee bit of research but, at the same time, consider the source.  Every pastor or man of God and all the mega-churches are labeled as a false prophet and that means everyone who preaches from Billy Graham to Joel Osteen.  Of course some are but WHY are the labeled this way?  Go to and read some of their articles on what a real false prophet is and go from there.  The only thing I will say is that these mega-churches probably fall into that category.  We don't go to church to be entertained and have our ears tickled.  If the truth hurts, usually that's conviction.  We should go to learn and grow, fellowship and community outreach.  Also, beware of certain doctrines that are not Biblical, especially this we are "little gods" because we are made in His likeness and this sowing seed money of faith because God's will is for all of us to be rich.  I will say this, Jesus said "It's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to go to the Kingdom of God," and "money is the root of all evils."  There's more but that's enough to prove my point.  If it's hard for the rich to be with Him, then why is it His will that we become rich?  John 3:16-17 answers that.  There's nothing wrong with having money (nor not having any) but too often when you are wealthy, money becomes your idol.  You read the stock market reports before you read the Bible.  All your hope is on your bank account but I'm telling you, we are nearing a financial collapse that will make the Great Depression seem like nothing.  Also, I would not advice you to invest your money in gold or silver either and especially not oil.  Help the needy.  I promise you it's far more satisfying than having a bigger bank account.  Doing good feels good.  Why?  Because you glorified God.  Not because of what YOU did by giving money you won't miss but it's all about Him.  God will provide.  Well, maybe He means YOU will do His will by helping your struggling neighbor and it doesn't have to be about money!  Also, don't lend money but give it to them if you can. Tell them to pay it forward if they try to pay you back.  In all things, glorify God.  Store up your treasures with Him because that's where your heart will be.  I have nothing but we give everything we can when we are blessed with financial gain.  I got one of $220 last week.  The timing could not have been more perfect either.   You most certainly reap what you sow.

I ask for your help in forming a prayer chain for all people who claim to be men of our God and our Savior, Christ Jesus.  Call them out by name to Him.  Pray for the Body of Christ and if we have concerns about the credibility of someone, let's search the scriptures.  However, I have seen some new movements that worry me.  One is that the God of the Old Testament is not YHWH and that one scares me a lot.  I believe they are badly mistranslating something our Messiah said to the Pharisees but I do not agree with his conclusions.  Be very careful of what you watch and listen to.  Also, about music, I like some of the new CCM and I do listen to it but worship is more than emotions.  It's not about feelings so if you wake up and don't feel "saved," don't worry.  It's not about that but you have God's word that assures you. You are righteous by His blood.  Worship the Creator YHWH, and our God and Savior, Christ Jesus and not the creation.  After all, it's all about...

First Corinthians 15:1-11
Ephesians 2:8-9
John 3:16-17

For info on false prophets and churches, please click on the link below and type in the search bar either false prophet, their name or church...


Honor thy mother and father so that your days may be long.  -- Ten Commandments --

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It is no longer honor thy mother and father, the government tells you to bow to the will of the child or they will be taken.  You no longer are sovereign over your children with the right to do what you feel is right and moral, it's about the child being the head of the house and not mom and dad anymore.  We are their legal guardians but the government owns your child.  They are sovereign and step out of line, they disappear.  This is in flagrant violation of the Judeo-Christian faith.  Spare the rod, spoil your child.  It's unbelievable the amount of people who read that as God telling us to beat our children with rods.  Rod means authority and is a sign of it.  Do they not read the rest where it says to use nothing stronger than a wet noodle?  The Bible is so right that I am constantly amazed.  If you don't believe or genuinely seeking God, the Bible says it will be nothing but foolishness to them.  I love it when a self-proclaimed atheist calls me names or curses me out and I always tell them thank you.  I love it when the Bible is proven true.  I get a lot of different responses but when I tell them that Jesus said they'd do this to me because it hated Him first, funny that I never hear from them again.  Peter tells us to always be at the ready to give sound and solid reasons for our faith.  Learn a little Christian Apologetics.  It's amazing at how just a little knowledge goes a long way and you find you know more than you think.  In the end, the atheist will think they "won" the debate but unless they can offer up solid PROOF that the Bible is false, which they cannot, pray that your words will sink in.  We can't save anyone but we can spread the truth.  Step back and let the Holy Spirit take over.  Don't be like me and argue with them.  It gets nowhere.  Offer solid and sound reasons.  There's more proof than you may think.  I suggest, Lee Stroebel's "A Case for Christ," and Dinesh D'Souza's "What's So Great About Christianity."  Solid believers.  But I digress...

In 1998, Bill Clinton signed into law giving Child Protective Services and judges the right to terminate parental rights after 15 months IF the biological parents were deemed not to be doing anything to get them back.  Sounds like a great law, right?  No, it was way too broad and was probably the most abused law ever made.  It targeted the poor, both black and white though mostly the white children were adopted out while black and hispanic children either languished in the system until 18 and were evicted on their birthday since the foster families would not receive any further financial incentives and to my knowledge, no one has followed up on how well these poor dear ones fared after that.  I imagine some overcame but more likely than not, they girls probably found the first man she could find to hopefully have some stability and love in their lives but married abusive men and probably ended up as a single mom without any support.  The system is so rigged against biological parents, especially in some cases.  Here's a link to a site you should see but it doesn't tell the whole story but will give you a general idea of what really happened...


In short, the federal government paid the state(s) up to $150,000 for every child adopted out of the foster care system.  Sometimes I hate facts but facts do not lie.  One, the fed gov gave every social worker 150,000 reasons to terminate parental rights because it's always a trickle down thing as they got bonuses.  Children were made merchandise and sold to whoever was willing.  Second, the very children this law was meant to help was not.  It was meant for the black/hispanic children to find homes.  The FACT is that all the white children had no problems being adopted, it helped a few hispanics but it hurt the black children way more than helped.  Also, the saddest FACT is if the parents had money, they could be serial killers, sexually abused their kids, horrible parents in every way, their children were not removed.  "Money is the root of all evil."  I didn't have the greatest parents to CPS but I would not have wanted to be taken from mine.  I don't care that I didn't have everything I wanted.  To lose my family, as imperfect as it was, would have traumatized me and I'd have been a runaway.  The parents are shamed into silence.  I could write a book on the greatest tragedy to ever happen to the American family.  Funny, the first step to socialism and this NWO agenda is "destruction of the family unit."  Now, I see it coming around with the new generation.  Be careful and if you think it can't happen to you, it can and it has nothing to do with how good of a parent you are.  All it takes is to make them attend church too much; take away their phones or other "toys," or just do anything they don't like and you'll find yourself caught up in a very unjust and corrupt system.  There is NO financial incentives to reunite families, only to tear them up.

You may know someone (in fact I know you know a few) who this happened to.  They won't come forward for fear of you.  Christians are awesome, no doubt, but too many are judgmental and tend to think if you were turned into CPS and God forbid your children removed that you are horrible parents and people.  They deserved it, I'm sure.  In about 5% of the cases, that's true but the truly abused children are never reported.  Abusive parents know how to hide their crimes well.  Besides, who wants to adopt a damaged child.  

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I supported a family going through this and they won their appeal.  They thought they were getting their children back.  No, they started from the day of removal all over again.  This time they pulled out the heavy weapons that are not limited to but include blackmail.  One woman was threatened that if she didn't sign over her rights on her own, they were going to put her husband on a supposed sexual child abuser list.  They even took their kids to so many doctors, psychologists and psychiatrists to try to force them to admit to sexual and physical abuse by their father and when they refused repeatedly, after 15 doctors, they were forced to stop by the doctors saying they were causing more damage as not one had found one shred of evidence of either.  The father is innocent of those charges.  The facts prove it.  

The saddest case I helped with was the one who was told in July that they would have their kids back by Christmas.  What a relief but the questions continued.  What are you going to do that's different?  The biggest thing is we are going to raise them in Church.  The courtroom grew silent and they were asked what KIND of church.  They named the church they were attending, a Baptist and at the end, the judge announced (after only 8 months of being removed) that she'd changed her mind and a TPR was done.  That means "termination of parental rights."  The judge was a lesbian, ex-nun.  With nothing else to lose, the woman told this judge that instead of serving our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, our God, she decided she'd rather play God.  Yes, that's exactly the state of affairs.  Raise your child in the way it should go and it shall never depart from it.  They were raised by atheists.  Guess which way they're heading?

Pray for these children, caught up in a corrupt system that doesn't care about them.  Also, stop stigmatizing parents and shaming them and instead help them.  Most are not the monsters you think but the system is.  Don't judge them.  They may have made some mistakes but who among us hasn't?  I pray if you have any doubts about the truth of this, do some research.  You are going to be shocked and appalled at what you find.  Prayer is powerful!  God bless these little ones and their parents.  It's time to end the silence!

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John MacArthur

 John MacArthur Answers

Jul 05, 2017 by Will Maule
As Christian baker Jack Phillips prepares to have his case heard in the Supreme Court, John MacArthur answers a key quesion thrown into recent public debate: is it sinful to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding? Phllips was sued after refusing to make a wedding cake for a gay couple.
"It's not sinful for a cake maker to make a cake for a gay wedding anymore than its sinful for a guy who runs a restaurant to serve dinner to somebody who is gay, sits in a booth and eats the food, or goes to the market and buys a loaf of bread and you own the market," MacArthur argued. "What the issue is, is not whether that's sinful. It's whether the federal government can demand that people do certain things, which goes against their Christian conscience."
That being said, pastor John argued that the whole discussion is "more of a political governmental issue." "I actually think that we need to show love to everyone and particularly, we need to do good to all those that are outside the kingdom, as well as inside the kingdom, as much as possible — a gesture of kindness toward some unregenerate person is in itself not a sin," he added.
"You don't want to train yourself to ignore your conscience," MacArthur said. "I think it's a personal issue. The issue becomes when people are basically fined or imprisoned for doing things that are religious-conscience matters. And, that speaks to the issue of how much authority the government has to make you do that."