Saturday, June 10, 2017


The word "supposed" was added by me, not Perry Stone.  I have a book called Bible Questions and some of the things he said are in there.  Circumcision on day 8 is even recommended by physicians today.  No other day in a baby or man's life is as perfect as when a baby is fully 8 days old.  Only our Creator YHWY could have known that.  It's based on Vitamin K and another enzyme specific to males that work perfectly on that ONE day in their life.  Of course today we have ways to deal with emergencies but back then, we had YHWY and it is so amazing that what He said then is still perfect today.  There are no real contradictions in the Bible.  However, could an insignificant word be used during translations?  Of course, men aren't perfect but the Jewish people say it is almost identical to the original text.  Never settle for a Bible that the world loves.  We are not of this world and to the unsaved, the Word of God is foolishness.  Besides, once you learn how to read the KJV Bible, you won't want to read another.  It is beautiful. It is inerrant and infallible.  New Bibles leave off certain scriptures that "offend" the world.  Well, that's kinda the point as it's called "conviction." When you leave off your sins, what's the point of a Savior?  Do you want to be entertained and have your ears tickled or do you want to serve Jesus Christ?  Now, I've read the New KJV and it does help but read it along until you get the hang of it.  It's easy. Be blessed and enjoy!

Share the Gospel of Salvation



We live in such a politically correct world and I fear it's our downfall.  We think if we soften down words, make them sound prettier will somehow change the situation.  Of course I do not call mentally-challenged or Down's Syndrome people "retards" as that's just wrong and cruel but yet it doesn't change the fact that they are mentally stunted.  Just because we have the right to say something doesn't mean it's RIGHT to SAY it.  We know that and we don't need the PC police or the government telling us what we can and can't say.  If you call something like that a retard, I hope you reap what you sow immediately.  

Take PTSD for instance.  In WW1 and/or 2, it was called "shell shocked."  There is nothing wrong with that term.  In fact, I think it is far more powerful than PTSD as now everybody claims to have some form of PTSD when it really is meant for those in battle.  Then it turned to battle fatigue.  I think another term was used but can't recall it off-hand.  PTSD can be anything.  My feelings got hurt, I now have PTSD and need safe spaces, coddling, days of of school, bubbles, coloring books and crayons, not have to take tests because Hillary Clinton losing has sent you into a very disturbing mental mess.  College is to prepare you to face life and the harshness of it.  You are so ill-equipped for life that I believe you'll be living with your parents at age 40, not working or doing anything with your life and expecting them to take care of you until they die and it's possible you may partially be the cause of their death.  We are not meant to raise and care for you until you die!  You are fully expected to care for your parents in their old age.  I mean they did give you life.  They don't "owe" you more than the basics but we love you so we give you more but nobody is automatically going to college on their parents' dime.  We don't owe you a college education.  You can earn a scholarship, work your way through school or take out student loans.  In fact, I would suggest to parents not send their kids to college, at least for now.  Not everyone is college material and their skills tend to not need one.   I would never pay for my kids to go to such liberal schools that if they dared disagree with their liberal students, it could do them great harm.  Even in some Seminary Colleges, they aren't even required to be born again to graduate and even in some churches today, pastors don't either.  That's how bad it's become.

I've been called all the go-to words.  I am a racist even though some (if not most) of my best friends are black or from another country.  I get along fine with muslims but I don't know how they feel about me as a Christian.  I honestly do not believe my calling is to witness to Muslims.  I don't read the Koran and have no interest in learning it.  I leave that to those who are called but I don't know where God will lead me in the future and I want to be ready for where He leads me.  We are a blessed and peculiar people and God never calls us to anything we can't do.  We all have different callings but one central commission and are duty bound to do it and that is to spread the Gospel of Salvation by Grace through faith and belief alone as found in First Corinthians 15:1-11.  We have other callings like to ministries, teaching, or just being encouraging and keeping our brothers and sisters in the faith!  Learn HolySpiritSpeak and be led by the Spirit.  No, we will always be sinners in our eyes and especially the world's eyes but not in His.  We are righteous by His shed blood.  I thank Him for grace and not works or there would be NO HOPE for anyone.

We are the ones of LOVE.  We are commanded to Love God first with every fiber of our being and the second greatest is to LOVE thy neighbor as thyself.  We are to love our enemies, pray for them and do good for them.  We are called to LOVE and as Paul says in First Corinthians 13, even if you speak in tongues of angels, heal, prophecy, have all wisdom and knowledge, the discernment of spirits, etc. but have not love, we're just a bunch of noise.  We are "saved by grace through faith. It is a gift of God.  Not of works nor deeds lest any man should boast." (Eph 2:8-9) and I am grateful.  However, good works always follows true repentance. What are good works?  Jesus Christ sums it up and says this, "if anyone wants to, pick up your cross, deny yourself and follow Him."  We aren't now free to go do what we want cos we said the unBiblical "sinner's prayer" once upon a time!

The name of this is THE most UN-PC name, word, etc. we can say today is Jesus Christ, especially the verse where He says, "I am the truth the life.  No man cometh unto the Father EXCEPT THROUGH ME."  Does He say you have to be Jew, Gentile, black, greek, red, brown, muslim, bhuddist or anyone is NOT included?  Never!  Read John 3:16-17.  Jesus Christ includes everyone and doesn't care what you've done.  He warned us we'd be hated for His Name's Sake because the world first hated Him."  He went on to say, "be thankful to be found worthy to be mocked or worse because of his Name.  It is an honor and we need a tough shell.   Put on the full armor of God every single day and never forget, the battle wa won on the Cross over 2,000 years ago.  We won!  Never be ashamed to say the name of Jesus Christ and let your life be the light of Him to unbelievers.  While I don't think it's a sin to war a cross but rather ask yourself why.  We are to be the light of the world and salt of the earth.  God's 2nd Commandment says "make no graven images," without exceptions.  I personally can't wear jewelry so it's not an issue for me but I don't want a cross to tell people who I follow, I want them to see Him live His life in me.  Just my thoughts and share the Gospel of Salvation - the RIGHT Gospel in First Corinthians and the RIGHT Jesus Christ.  Do not add works to grace.   He fulfilled the law and is our Sabbath rest.  We aren't to tithe but cheerfully give all we can.  Don't put yourself back into bondage when Jesus Christ, our God and Savior, died; was buried; and resurrected in body to save you for Himself so that you won't perish but have eternal life with Him.  He did not die in vain.   


The church struggles with this area of bondage.
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Observant Christians who have walked with the Lord for over 30 years, as I have, and students of recent Christian history, see an interesting pattern among evangelicals.
Early Pentecostals tended toward extreme legalism.
In fact, I remember as a teenager when my dad took over a church, we were cleaning out the secretary's office and found an old welcome pack for visitors. In it was information about the church and denomination, which included a comprehensive list of things they didn't do: such as wear pants, wear jewelry, cut their hair, go to movies and billiard rooms.
In the mid-80s, the pendulum began to swing in the other direction. As the Charismatic Renewal was exploding, there was a cry for freedom.
This cry for freedom was legitimate.
There were those, however, who misunderstood the biblical message of freedom and this freedom led to excess and excuses for worldly behavior, and we are reaping the consequences of that imbalance today.
The children of the Charismatic freedom fighters, and even some of those freedom fighters themselves, who became bloated with too much worldly freedom have now swung into even further imbalance in the other direction and are finding the discipline of orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism more to their taste.
The problem is that they have gone into even greater legalism and a works-based faith than even early Pentecostalism preached!
Paul addresses these two types of bondage in Galatians 5.
2 Types of Bondage and True Freedom
1. The Bondage of Legalism
In Galatians 1-4 Paul has already laid a foundation for the bondage of legalism, explaining thoroughly how preaching that the law justifies us and makes us acceptable to God leads us to destruction.
He goes on in chapter 5 to actually say that this doctrine has "estranged them from Christ"that they have "fallen from grace" (Gal. 5:4), and uses Jesus' words "A little leaven leavens the whole lump."
In Matthew 16 and Mark 8, after Jesus and the disciples fed the 5,000 with five loaves of bread and two fish, He warns the disciples to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees. Paul uses this same example in 1 Corinthians 5 when talking about how to deal with immorality in the church.
This "leaven" represents both types of bondage.
You have the leaven of the Pharisees that is legalism. Even the slightest legalism in the church will infect the whole church.
In fact, we see in Galatians 5: 15 and 26 that not only does legalism put people in a position where they must keep 100 percent of the law 100 percent of the time (Galatians 5:3 – " I testify again to every man who is circumcised that he is obligated keep the whole law.")but the critical and judgmental spirit that arises from legalism causes a church to "bite and devour one another (v.15), "consume one another (v. 15) and it causes it to become "conceited, provoking one another, envying one another" (v. 26).
You could say that the leaven of legalism actually leads to the second form of bondage we see in Galatians 5.
2. The Bondage of the Flesh
Because the Galatian church had fallen under the spell of false teachers that enslaved them to the Law as a means of justification, they fell into the trap that all Christians fall into when they become legalistic.
Legalistic Christians have a judgmental spirit.
By means of their doctrine they must be so! Because their acceptance by Jesus Christ is based on how well they perform, they critique the performance of their fellow brothers and sisters.
They devour one another with condemnation and gossip, which arises from a spirit of conceit. They resort to provoking one another with pessimistic sermons and judgmental words, and grow envious of those who perform better than they do.
Such a toxic environment, a perfect lab for the works of the flesh to overtake their hearts and lead them into even further estrangement from Christ!
With this, Paul segues into a list of the works of the flesh, ranging from sexual sins and pagan sins to sins of temper and drunkeness.
I find it interesting that he titles these "Works of the Flesh."
Works: things we do of our own volition, and he uses the plural form of the word.
Contrast this with the spirit-filled Christian.
The leaven of the works of the flesh is powerful. When one begins to "fall from grace" and entertains sin in their heart, they relinquish the control to say how far into sin they will go.
They are already in delusion concerning their justification. This only leads them into even greater delusion as they fall even farther and farther from grace and into even greater works of the flesh.
True Freedom
Paul's second list in Galatians 5:22-23 is titled "Fruit of the Spirit."
In contrast with the "works of the flesh", fruit is something that cannot be brought about by our own volition. Fruit in the life of a believer is something only the Holy Spirit can bring about.
Furthermore, it is singular.
Love is the fruit.
From love flow the remaining eight elements of the work of the Holy Spirit: joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
The freedom to walk in the spirit first begins with salvation.
If you are not saved, you cannot walk in the spirit. You may learn certain behaviors that mimic the fruit of the spirit. One may be loving, happy, appear peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful and gentle, but the fountain from which those behaviors flow is not from the Holy Spirit. The fruit is not genuine and it is not lasting.
Once we are saved and filled with the Holy Spirit, we must learn to reject the temptation to try to earn God's favor by our good behavior and rest in His perfect agape love.
When we are filled with agape love—God's kind of love—these eight elements of that fruit will begin to grow and spill out of our lives, touching and impacting those around us.
When we begin walking in love, we will naturally obey the Law—not out of performance but out of love and honor for Jesus Christ.
Jesus said, "If you love me, keep My commandments" (John 14:15).
Only when we walk in true freedom from the pressure to perform as a Christian, will agape love grow in our lives. And when agape love is present we will begin grow in joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
Rosilind Jukica Pacific Northwest native, is a missionary living in Croatia and married to her hero. Together they live in the country with their two active boys, where she enjoys fruity candles and a hot cup of herbal tea on a blustery fall evening. She holds an Associates of Practical Theology and is passionate about discipling and encouraging women. Her passion for writing led her to author a number of books. She is the author of A Little R & R where she encourages women to find contentment in what God created them to be. She can also be found at these other places on a regular basis. You can follow her on FacebookTwitterPinterest and Google +.
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While there is no place or purpose for the supernatural power of tongues any longer in this dispensation there remains those who confuse the rest of us with their so-called power to speak in unknown tongues.
Paul says to the Corinthian believers that he would rather speak five words that can be understood in the church than ten thousand in tongues.
“Yet in the church I had rather speak five words with my understanding, that by my voice I might teach others also, than ten thousand words in an unknown tongue.” – 1 Corinthians 14:19
Ten thousand words may be the amount of words spoken in about an hour’s worth of preaching. Apparently, an entire sermon of tongue talking could be replaced with five words.
Below is a list of five word phrases that Paul spoke that were more beneficial than tongue talk. Perhaps some of these are what he had in mind when he wrote 1 Corinthians 14:19.
If we replaced every ten thousand word tongue talking with one of these phrases by course then we might finally hear the gospel again in Pentecostal churches!

Plan of Salvation

First Corinthians 15:1-11


By Justin Johnson

No matter how many people desire the powers given to the kingdom apostles and early church, the Bible rightly divided teaches that the Spirit has stopped giving these spiritual gifts of supernatural ability.
A failure to rightly divide is the reason many still pursue the power of spiritual gifts disregarding the more excellent things God is doing today.
Below are five reasons from Paul’s ministry why spiritual gifts have stopped.
1. No More Ministry of Israel’s Kingdom
According to prophecies there would be no blind, deaf, lame, or sick in Israel’s kingdom. The power of God was given to the apostles at Pentecost as a sign of Israel’s kingdom come.
“And heal the sick that are therein, and say unto them, The kingdom of God is come nigh unto you.” – Luke 10:9
As long as God the Spirit was ministering Israel’s prophetic kingdom, miracles and powers needed to continue, but his ministry changed when he revealed the mystery of Christ to Paul for the church (1 Cor 2:10Eph 3:5).
Whereas Spirit filled Peter preached Jesus according to prophecy (Acts 3:19-24), the Spirit gave Paul the preaching of Jesus Christ according to the mystery (Rom 16:25).
Israel’s kingdom required the presence of supernatural healings and powers. The mystery message of the church, revealed to Paul, had no such prophetic necessity.
2. No More Signs to Israel
The ministry change by the Spirit is what inevitably caused the spiritual gifts to stop. However, Paul and the Gentiles of the early church were also given power from the Spirit, why?
The spiritual gifts given to the early church were signs to Israel that God was doing a new work through Paul and the Gentiles to build a new thing (2 Cor 5:17Gal 3:2-5).
Tongues were said to be a sign for those that did not believe God was working through them (1 Cor 14:22). Paul’s miracles were the signs of his special apostleship from the Lord (2 Cor 12:12Gal 2:7).
Without the supernatural signs neither Peter, the Jerusalem saints, nor any other unbelieving Israelite would been assured that God had told Paul to send salvation to the Gentiles (Acts 9:15Acts 22:21).
“Then all the multitude kept silence, and gave audience to Barnabas and Paul, declaring what miracles and wonders God had wrought among the Gentiles by them.” – Acts 15:12
When Paul manifested his apostolic signs and those wonders among the Gentiles to every Jew from Jerusalem to Rome, there was no more need for the signs to Israel.
Acts 28 is the clear stopping point of Paul’s ministry to unbelieving Israel. As a result, the spiritual gifts given to Paul for a sign stopped as well.
“Be it known therefore unto you, that the salvation of God is sent unto the Gentiles, and that they will hear it.” – Acts 28:28
When considering this reason it is important to remember just because the powers of the Spirit stopped at Acts 28 does not mean anything new started there.
3. No More Israel
Signs and powers were promised to God’s earthly nation, Israel. Miracles peppered their history as God operated by their covenants of promise.
When Israel stumbled at the cross, and fell by rejecting the means of forgiveness preached by the twelve apostles, Israel lost its spiritual standing with God in part. They were blinded (Rom 11:7-10).
“For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.” – Romans 11:25
Without Israel to display the glory of God in their earthly kingdom for all to see, God started working through the church by a message of faith not sight (2 Cor 5:7), spiritual blessing not physical (Eph 1:3), and in heaven not in the earth (Phil 3:20).
Till their Messiah returns to reestablish the nation with miracles and wonders, the world is offered the gospel according to things they cannot see.
4. No More Children
“When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.” – 1 Cor 13:11
When under the law, God counted his heirs as children. Miracles were God’s provision for his dispensational children, but as we are no longer under the law, the church is counted as full grown sons walking by the knowledge of Christ, and not by what they see of the Spirit’s manifestations and power (Rom 6:14Gal 4:5Eph 4:13).
“And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” – 2 Cor 12:9
The manifold wisdom of God revealed to the church explained God’s purpose to make us “complete in Christ” (Col 2:10) and “no more children” (Eph 4:14). To operate as such, it required that we continue not in the things of children, but in the things more excellent (1 Cor 12:311 Cor 13:13).
5. No More Scripture
Without the spiritual gifts, the inspired scriptures could not have been written and identified by the early church.
“If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord.”- 1 Cor 14:37
While many supernatural powers had stopped before the Bible was complete, such as healing (2 Tim 4:20), the Spirit still supernaturally moved men to write the rest of the Bible (2 Tim 3:16).
Once all scripture was complete and the canon was fully revealed, the need for further supernatural manifestations of the Spirit goes away.
Where the completed canon of the scripture is questioned, the desire for spiritual gifts will abound. Where the sufficiency and inerrancy of scripture is upheld, men will be equipped with God’s word rightly divided, instead of false hopes of the Spirit’s manifested powers.
Conclusion: No more Spiritual Gifts
After the dispensational change from prophecy to mystery, Paul knew that the spiritual gifts would not last and began immediately preparing the churches for the time when they would vanish.
“Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.” – 1 Cor 13:8
Failing to rightly divide prophecy from mystery, leaves people thinking that the miracles performed by the apostles and early church is our pattern. It is presumed that what the Spirit did before, he must continue until the Lord returns.
Rather than proving the continuation of spiritual gifts, the Spirit’s ministry through Paul contains at least these five reasons why spiritual gifts stopped.
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Go to our section on spiritual gifts to read more about this controversial subject.
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Published: October 19, 2013
Last Modified: October 20, 2013


Please take the time to listen to this series.   It teaches you how to rightly divide the Word of God and understand the Old Testament and just how relevant to the New Testament it really is.  Share the Gospel to the Word.  Many who can't get out in the world, we have it at our fingertips!   God bless you al.

Genesis - Part  Eighty-Three



Share the Gospel of Salvation

First Corinthians 15:1-11


The Book and the Blood...I hope it blesses you.

God bless you all!


First, I am not posting this because I date-set nor do I share those who do as most are proved wrong.  One day, someone will get it right but I just don't believe we are intended to know for many reasons.  While I don't necessarily agree with this but it does adequately explain how the sun was darkened for 3 hours during the crucifixion.  The very most a normal solar eclipse can last is 7 min and 29 seconds, it is well documented in the Word of God as well as in secular writings that what the Bible says happened did, in fact, occur.  So, I am sharing this for that information alone. It's about half-way through or watch the whole video.  After all, he could be the one man that IS right.  All I do know is strange things are happening and our tribulations are gaining speed daily.  Are we really that close to the end of the age?  It's time for the church to start teaching the way of Salvation and stop the arguing over speaking in tongues, timing of the rapture, etc.  We must be of one voice and one accord and evangelize the world.  It is found in First Corinthians 15:1-11.  Oh, and the video goes ino great detail about the event that will occur in the heavens on September 23, 2017 with the sign of the woman giving birth.  I can't wait to see it.  God bless.

Much Love in Christ Jesus!  Shalom.