Sunday, October 30, 2016


In the fight over abortion, some claim that men have no right to an opinion on the matter. This is about a woman’s choice and health, they say; men have no grounds to speak into the issue like women.

However, from a biblical standpoint, such a claim lacks foundation. Moral duty is not an arbitrary social construct but based on God’s commands and character, and the judgments we must make based on these have nothing to do with whether we are male or female. If abortion qualifies as murder (and it does), then men and women alike have a responsibility to oppose it. To refrain from having an opinion on the matter is not an option.
In today’s society, the surface-level emotional appeal of this argument is understandable. It appeals to our sense of tolerance, liberty, and minding one’s own business. Dig any deeper, though, and the sentiment falls flat. Even without explicit reference to biblical reality, there are good reasons why men should have a say when it comes to public policy on abortion. Here are seven reasons why men have a right to speak out and should not capitulate into silence.

1. Men bear an enormous part of the responsibility for creating an abortion culture.

Negligent men/fathers are a huge factor behind the astronomical abortion rates, and so part of male public repentance must involve speaking against and shouldering much of the responsibility for abortion. Men have a role to play in abortion, at least insofar as their failure to commit to and support the children they have fathered drive many women to feel as though abortion is their only option. These men should repent and show the fruit of repentance by opposing abortion and caring for their children and the mothers of their children.

2. We were all once in the womb.

Men are not simply “male.” Their maleness is only one aspect of their being. They are also human: fathers, sons, brothers, children, adults, and former infants. It is unclear why this one aspect of maleness should trump other aspects, which may be relevant. For example, all males were once infants in utero. All males were once potential victims of abortion, and many abortion victims are, in fact, male. Why should these realities not impart to men a right to speak on the matter? Why should it only be that their maleness precludes them?

3. Every aborted child has a father.

A child is an extension of the father as well as of the mother. This is true objectively and scientifically as it concerns the source of genetics and DNA, and it is recognized socially and legally with regard to last names, dependence, custody, inheritance, and in other ways. The Bible assumes and affirms this reality as well (Genesis 5:3Genesis 44:30Micah 6:7). The child to be aborted is not an isolated unit but the fruit of both a mother and a father. Surely the father should have some say in what happens to the baby.

4. We are part of a society that is being deprived, annually, of hundreds of thousands of people.

Human life never exists in a vacuum, we are inherently social beings in relationship with each other. Over fifty million babies have been aborted in America since 1973 — close to a sixth of the American population. There is inherent value and dignity in each of these individuals, and it is mind-boggling to think of all the potential contributions to society and culture that this lack represents. If society generally is of public concern (and clearly it is), then men should have some say on whether such massive numbers of those coming into it should simply be snuffed out, or allowed to participate.

5. Taking a human life is always a public issue to some degree (homicide, manslaughter, war, capital punishment). There is no good reason why abortion should be different.

If abortion is indeed the taking of a human life, that fact demands a judgment from society at large. Taking a human life may involve homicide, which demands public trial and accountability before civil authorities. It may be negligent manslaughter, which likewise demands public evaluation and judgment. It may be war, which requires a declaration by public authority. It may be capital punishment, which is a public, civil penalty. It may be pure accident, which still calls for some kind of third-party determination to discern.
In any case, taking a human life can never be a purely private matter, and there is no good reason to restrict men from taking part in judgment on it.

6. Part of masculinity is speaking for the vulnerable.

Our society today will be less persuaded by appeals to masculinity. More and more the whole idea of “masculine” is seen as an arbitrary gender construct. This is an important issue in its own right, but at the very least, we should be able to agree that the stronger should protect the weaker. None are so weak as those in the womb, and so common decency (chivalry, some may call it) calls for their protection from any who are able — including men.

7. Possession of a uterus has zero to do with making moral judgments.

A final point to consider is that the objection that men have no right to speak against abortion because they don’t have a uterus is completely arbitrary. What relevance does that have? How does having or not having a uterus affect one’s ability to make valid moral judgments?
Sin finds refuge in unreason. The claim that men should refrain from condemning abortion for what it is simply because they are male is not a reasonable claim. It’s rather a facade, which can appear enlightened at first glance, but is, in fact, a refusal to honor God and his image in man and darkens the understanding (Romans 1:21).

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Worship and Work
October 30

"One man considers one day more sacred than another; another man considers every day alike" (Rom 14:5).
Avodah (Ah´-voe-dah) is a Hebrew noun used in the Bible that has two distinct yet intertwined meanings: worship and work. It is also derived from the Hebrew verb L'Avod which has two meanings; to work and also to worship. The dual meaning offers powerful wisdom for modern times for how we are to view our work lives.
Work, if done with integrity and unto God, is a form of worship in the biblical Hebrew context. There has never been a concept of segmenting our work from our faith life in the Bible. It is in the realm of the sacred to bring God into our everyday life. Hebrews did not set aside a "day of worship," such as Saturday or Sunday, but everyday is a place and time of worship. They did set aside a Sabbath day of rest.
It is a western idea to segment one's faith life from our work like. In the Middle East and Asia, their cultures would never separate their faith from their work life even though their faith foundations might clearly contradict Christian beliefs. When someone comes to faith in Christ from this area of the world, they have an easier time of assimilating their faith into their work because they have always done so.
God calls us to do our work as an act of worship to Him. Our work is not to be a place of sweat and toil, but an expression of our love, faith and adoration of Jesus Christ. Today, before you work, ask God to help you see your work in a new way--as worship to Him.


Shall he that contendeth with the Almighty instruct him? He that reproveth God, let him answer it.
For further study - Job 40:1-24

This portion chosen for our devotional reading today is a continuation of the conversation between God and Job. Back in Job 38, the Lord responded to Job's concerns of how he was being treated with "where were you, Job, when I created the world especially the earth?" The Lord was reminding Job that He created all things and could take care of him. Again, Job 40 is simply a continuation of that conversation.

As we eavesdrop on the talk between God and Job, we can learn some very valuable information about the Lord's Creation that will prepare us for the onslaught of questions from the so-called "educational community" of our present-day world.

Let me remind you that Peter warned that there would be those who would deny the Second Coming of the Lord and do so based upon their misunderstanding of how "man" and all of creation came into existence, II Peter 3:3-8.

Here in Job, we have the record of the creation by God of the "chief of the ways of God" in creation, verse 19. The creature described in this passage of Scripture is none other than the "dinosaur" referred to as the "behemoth", verse 15.

The writer of this book, Job, records the Lord's words that introduced to the world this "colossal beast", the "dinosaur". Notice the detailed description of this massive animal that ate grass, as an ox would, verse 15. This creature had a tail like a cedar log, verse 17, his bones like bars of iron, verse 18.

The writer of Job places this massive animal near Jericho lying in the Jordan River and seemingly drinking all the water of the river, verse 23. In the animal world, Job is told that the "dinosaur is the chief of all animals" and that which the Lord wants to show off to mankind. Let me remind you that the Lord created dinosaurs on the sixth day of creation before He created man, Genesis 1:24.

Though many of the dinosaurs had disappeared from the earth, soon after the Flood, 4500 years ago, there are still some around today. They are mostly found in Florida and are called alligators.

God's detailed information on His creative acts 6,000 years ago recorded in Job 38-41 gives us the Bible information to combat those who deny that our Lord Jesus Christ created the heavens and the earth and all that in them is, Colossians 1:16 and Exodus 20:11.

The "Creator" thus then can tell the "creation" of the future He has planned for them. Our Lord knows the "beginning from the end" and has a plan that will unfold in the last days. The next event on His agenda is the Rapture and that could happen today, keep looking up.

PRAYER THOUGHT: Thank you, Lord, for the assurances we have as we acknowledge Your creative acts and Your plans for the future as revealed to us in Bible prophecy.

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First Corinthians 15:1-4


I will be taking Sundays off from the computer from now on.  I need time to renew my Spirit and personal relationship with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  I won't be going to any communities so if you make a comment and I don't respond, get up with me on Monday as I simply cannot catch up and it causes great stress to try.  I think we all need to take time off.  In fact, I probably spend way more time than I should but I enjoy the fellowship.  I apologize for missing posts but Sunday is my day with God and with my family.  Also, we have to live our lives and can't be glued to a computer.  So from now on, let's all just do what we can, when we can but in everything rejoice in the Lord.  God bless and if I'm not here a lot next week, I want you to know I am struggling with a personal situation so your prayers would be extremely appreciated.  God bless and see you soon!  


First Corinthians 15:1-4