Wednesday, May 17, 2017


I always have wondered why this man or whatever it is won't be recognized by unbelievers.  I mean if the rapture theory is true, and I think it is, and millions of people just vanish, most people know what's in the Bible, they just don't believe it.  However, we have a book called THE BIBLE or WORD OF GOD that tells you what has happened.  But for the sake of arguing over the rapture, let's go at this in a different way.  What if we are wrong about the rapture and we too have to go through the tribulation, we're going to warn everyone what's going on.  I even hear that people are writing letters, journals, making videos, etc. so that if we are raptured, our loved ones will know and believe.  I mean how could they not?  We're sealed with the Holy Spirit so we will see him right away and we can't be deceived.  Jesus Christ told the Apostle John that even His very elect cannot be deceived in Revelation.

And what about the NWO and One World Religion?  The mark of the beast?  Why are unbelievers still going to believe the biggest lie ever told?  Why will they still take the mark and worship the anti-Christ with all the info available?  I do not get it.  We are in trouble and if we don't do our job and spread the Gospel, do you realize that most of the people will perish?  Why are we silent?  We need to roar like the Lion of Judah and with the love of the Apostle John.  Maybe leaving letters and videos aren't such a bad idea.  I don't know but until the Church...the Body of Christ...stops fighting each other and becomes of one voice/one accord, we're wasting our time.  We need to preach exactly what the Apostles taught, preach the real Gospel of Salvation and the right Jesus Christ and pray without ceasing for this world.  We gotta stop with the false prophets and churches, preach the Word of God or let your loved ones perish.  Me, I'm going to find the truth and those who are deceived, I'm going to do what I can to teach them that Jesus Christ is God, our Savior and that the Godhead is not only truth but scriptural.  I for one am sick of false prophets and churches.  I love them and pray for them but I will expose the truth of what they preach but I will do my best not to speak evil of another person but I know I will.  Be open to all truths and learn to understand prophecy, what it is and why it was given.  Learn and teach.  It is our only hope!

I pray to be alive and well on that glorious day of His return!  I can only imagine...


Praise the Lord and make a joyful noise all you people!  Declare His Holy Name!

God bless you all!


I have 2 very good friends who are members of this organization and I love them dearly.  However, I have found that unless you are extremely knowledgeable about our Holy Bible and their teachings, it is almost impossible to get them out of their deception.  They will not allow you to question their teaching and are so brainwashed and indoctrinated that I fear for them.  It is so easy to see the errors of their teachings but they are blinded to the truth.  They are only interested in converting me and if I try to prove their errors, they over-talk me.  Their final authority is the Watchtower which is full of occult symbols.  They demand you call God Jehovah.  Okay, I agree that is one name He is known by but Jehovah with a "J" is incorrect as there is no "J" sound in Hebrew.  Jehovah is another way of saying Yahwey or YHWY.  That should be the first clue.  Also, does our Heavenly Father, all knowing, really worried what I call Him?  Honestly, I feel so close to Him at times I call Him Dad or maybe I'll call Him Papa as that is what Abba Father means.

Because I was so severely abused and then stalked by members of a well-known cult, after being brought out of my deception, I promised God I'd do whatever I am led to share to help others who are also being abused by very strict and domineering "religious organization."  I cannot change anyone but I can give you sound scriptural basis for what I share.  I will never argue nor debate you on these cults.  I am woefully and willfully ignorant of the Watchtower and JW Bible.  I do not visit their sites nor am I interested in hearing your truth.  I have and I reject it.  I'm trying to help but, in the end, it is your decision.  I just ask that any comments be respectful and we can agree to disagree.  Regardless, you are in my prayers.

If you are in this organization, please do not think I am judging you.  I got caught up in 2 very dangerous cults for a year and it took about a year to get me to the truth.  The Bible is sufficient to interpret itself and they even wrote their own Bible to uphold their doctrine because the KJV doesn't. BTW, every Bible scholar worth his salt will tell you that the KJV is THE closest translation to the original text on earth.  I don't think it needs to be rewritten but rather, reread.  I also read the NKJV and it is easier to read and I read it along with the KJV and except for leaving off God and Jesus's name a little too many times for my comfort, none of the meanings have been changed.  To me, it's a great reference Bible that helps you understand verses you may be struggling with.  Get a Strong's Exhaustive Concordance (under $4.00 online with free shipping) and a good regular dictionary pre-1980.  The older dictionaries include Biblical meanings of words like worship, jealousy (not what you think) and other words like that.  We think of worship as bowing down and literally worshiping someone but it means "exclusive loyalty" in the Bible.  It sets us the "no idols" commandment and tells you why.

Again, this is not to offend, judge or to cause any dissension with you.  I love you all and just want all to know the truth.  Jesus Christ said "the whole world is deceived."  I believe Him.  We all have something we believe or don't believe that is wrong.  It's my prayer for us who surrendered to Jesus Christ to be of one voice and one accord.  We all have good and bad teachings but if we listen, maybe we can come together and run off these wolves in sheep's clothing.  Yes, JW is a cult.  Please learn the truth and give the Holy Spirit the chance to lead you out.  BTW, I am against all denominations.  We are followers of Jesus Christ and He was not a Baptist or any other church member.  God bless you all.

The ONLY Gospel of Salvation....the Cross!!!


Today's sermon.  Very credible, Bible-teaching pastor.  He speaks the truth of God's Word and isn't interested in tickling ears.  Today, it's hard to find men of God who do these things.  I've finally found a church that is "good enough" that I feel comfortable attending.  It's new but not small though and it's racially and culturally integrated, which I love.  We have all ages and races.  It's not fancy but I'm grateful for that.  Any money given actually goes to how it's supposed to.  Our leader is great and you would never believe he's working on his 4th doctorate degree.  You can't even call us non-denominational.  We just go by the Word of God.  Baptist is the closest but if you prefer the Pentacostal church, or any other denomination (unless you're in a cult or cult-like church) you will feel at home.  You are free to worship as the Holy Spirit leads.  If you speak in tongues, it must be done Biblically.  We preach the right Gospel.

I made some posts last night about tithing and I want to talk about it because I know we are not required to tithe.  That is part of the oral law and for Israel, not the gentiles.  However, I feel some may get the wrong idea that I think we shouldn't tithe.  No, we should not tithe, we should freely give every dime the Holy Spirit leads us to give.  Give until it hurts if you attend a church that preaches the truth because if you don't, you won't have a church for long.  We need to use our money wisely.  Everyone should know exactly what tithing is all about and how it is to be used.  I'm sick of this "give to get" doctrine that's being taught in many churches today.  GOD IS NOT A BANK and Jesus said not to let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.  When you give, you shouldn't put your name on an envelope.  Give but give anonymously.  Please God, not man.  When I am blessed to have some money, you better believe I give, many times every dime I have.  Now, that may mean I only gave $2.00 but I give, I just do not give to get.  I store up my treasures in Heaven, not on earth.

Please give.  If you go to a good church or even if you go to "internet church" as I did for 3 years, that's great but make sure you find good pastors and not these false prophets.  This man preaches the truth and he's from the 80s so it's not in light of our political climate but God's word NEVER changes so what is true then is true today.  There are so many ministries you can support but use discernment and never give to people on F/B as most are scammers.  If you want a list of good pastors and ministries to support, let me know.  Give!  Give!  And then...give more.  You will be blessed and sometimes it will be financial but me, I love His blessings more than money.  We are a very blessed...and peculiar...people.  Enjoy and share the Gospel in 1st Corinthians 15:1-11.



Part Seventy-One of the Series...God bless you all!

Much Love in Christ Jesus and Share the Gospel of Salvation!

First Corinthians 15:1-11






The Sad State of Affairs in the World Today!

We need a lot of prayer warriors!


I have shared 3 witnesses who agree with what I was always taught.  We gave lots of offerings and we could tithe if we chose or not or could afford it.  It had nothing to do with membership of our church or being banned.  Even if we were, it is not done by the Bible and, BTW, Jesus Christ never told us to tithe.  I'm trying to help you do what makes God happy and read Acts 8 and it is all about offerings by a gentile believer, not tithes.  Read your Bible on how tithes were to be spent and ask this, is this what your church does?  If not, you might have a problem but when I get a job, I will tithe from choice, not law and what I can afford and be grateful I had it to give.  However, I will never put my money in an envelope with my name to prove I tithe.  I choose to not let my left hand know what my right hand is doing.  I don't give to get. God is not my banker.  God bless and I won't share more.  It's up to you to discover the truth but I found when I told God I would open my heart to all new truths, and this is where He led me.  It's up to you but you give more when you don't feel pressured and resentful as many do.  God bless and I pray you learn the truth for yourself.  You do what feels right for you, I will do the same and yes, I give every dime I can...very happily.


Again, I have nothing against tithing but pastors who claim to teach Biblical truth lie about this doctrine.  We are to cheerfully give.  We are not the House of Israel and that is who the tithing law was given.  Jacob or Issac only tithed once in his life.  You should support a good Bible preaching church as much as you can but we are not under any of the law, including tithing.  That's works.  Give if you can and if not, there's many ways to render unto God's what is God's.  We don't pick and choose.  We are either under the law or grace.  If you want to be under the law, you will be judged by the law.  I prefer grace.  Give cheerfully and give what the Spirit leads you to give, not man.  We are under the Covenant of Grace, the Church Age.  Do you want your money going to support lies?  I don't.  Teach the right Gospel, the right Jesus and then I'll support you.  Oh, and I don't mind feeding the hungry, helping the sick, etc.  That matters when you have no income.  We have to also take care of the Temple...our bodies.