Monday, May 22, 2017


I like to think of myself as fair.  Great harm was done to me emotionally and Spiritually by the United Pentacostal Church and honestly, if I had not had a rock solid foundation and knew the truth of the Gospel (the death/burial/resurrection = salvation), I'm quite sure I would have walked away from God.  Let me be clear, the Holy Spirit has brought me to my knees but it was gentle.  I wasn't thrown, pushed down, I didn't laugh hysterically, bark/howl, convulse or run around the church in a fit of ecstatic frenzy.  I KNEW I was going to my knees so down I went except once and I prayed a very powerful power for healing of my sister's cancer and was exhausted and wrung out.  I was walking around and then put on one of my favorite songs and started dancing, felt the Spirit overcome me and well, I tripped over my own two feet.  Amazing, it didn't hurt, not a bit.   The fruit of the Spirit includes gentleness so would the Holy Spirit throw people down, put them in hysterical fits of laughter and to me, it seems irreverent and mocking God.  God is holy and righteous and Jesus Christ never knocked anyone to the ground.   I just cannot wrap my head around that the gentle Holy Spirit who appears as a dove when Jesus was baptized would ever not be gentle.  I cannot image that God is asking people to bark or howl for Him in church.  The church is to be done in order and God is not the author of confusion but of peace.

I believe Paul is quite clear that not all speak in tongues.  Read both books to the Church of Corinth.  It's all about the misuse and abuse of Spiritual gifts.  There are rules we much obey IF we speak in tongues.  There MUST be an interpreter present or you are to keep silent.  Speaking in tongues was a sign to the Jews as prophecy foretold, occurred once on the Day of Pentacost and Paul says that tongues will cease.  It was a sign to the Jews and a way (the only way back then) to share the Gospel.  Now, I truly believe if God wants to give someone this gift, He can and will.  But we don't serve an arbitrary God.  There would be need.  Speaking in an unknown prayer language, which is not upheld by the Word of God, it edifies only you and the gifts wee for edification of the Body of Christ.  I can speak in tongues if I want but it's not of God.  Now, this is weird, I started learning ASL (American Sign Language) and would make up signs until I learned the right way and more often than not, my made-up signs were almost identical to the real way to sign.  I find myself praying and using ASL.  Why couldn't that be a KNOWN language today?  If God can resurrect my body should I be eaten by a shark, I imagine He can do anything.  I also have a discerning spirit and I went to a UPC mega-church (NEVER AGAIN) and I can tell you know, the vast majority of tongues wasn't real.  It was confusing, scary and it took me 2 years to get my husband to go to another church.  He was raised Episcopalian and this threw him so out of whack that he thought all churches had come to that.  He is still not comfortable attending church.  There's more to it than that though so please pray for him.  He seems caught between two worlds.

So maybe some do have the gift of tongues and I've been told there's a difference in speaking in tongues and having the GIFT of tongues.  I also can't find any Biblical verses that even hint at a "secret prayer language" and as for me, I like knowing what I say to Jesus Christ.  BTW, that is NOT what quenching the Holy Spirit means.  Besides, how can you be taught a gift?

I listen to pastors who believe in this and as long as they don't push it on me as proof of anything, that's fine.  I did say a few words in tongues once and I knew what I said.  I just knew.  I knew I stumbled over my tongue.  Come to find out they were actually from the Hebrew language, not an unknown one.  I've prayed for the gift IF it's given and to date, I don't have it except ASL.  I made a covenant with God that when I made certain movements, it meant this.  Not many but we both know what I'm saying.

Some say it's demonic.  I have to admit that I do feel that from certain tongue speakers.  They are very cruel and mean.  They put me down and tell me they are so much more mature than I and at a higher Spiritual place.  Yet they can't tell me what the serpent on the stick was for, why it was made and what it meant.  They only know the Bible from the perspective of Acts and any verse that upholds their teaching.  I don't see the connection but I had fun learning Jonah, understanding the 4 horsemen and what they mean is awesome.  I love listening to Jesus Christ's words.  The Bible is my love and lifeline to Him.

If you do believe you speak in tongues, stop being cruel.  Don't tell others their Christian loved ones who've died will go to hell for not doing it.  Also, for everyone's safety, stop putting your hands on people in large or small groups without their permission.   I was abused and I don't like being touched by strangers.  Someone will get hurt one day.  I also noticed so much elder abuse in this church I've considered calling Adult Services to get them help.  You said you wouldn't give them a DVD so they could listen without misery because "the Holy Spirit wasn't there."  Are you KIDDING ME?  He abides in us so where I am, so is the Holy Spirit.  No, it's about money.  Not in church, can't tithe.

For fairness, here's someone to teach you how to have a secret prayer language.  You decide what is right and wrong, not by my opinion but what does the Word of God have to say about it?  HINt:  Read the books to the Church in Corinth.  God bless you all.


God bless us all and please, LEARN TO DISCERN!


Seven Needs
May 22

"The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds" (2 Cor 10:3-5).
Jerry had grown up with a father who was a successful workaholic. Although he lacked for nothing materially, he never sensed much warmth or compassion from his parents. Then, when Jerry was still in his early teens, his father died very suddenly. His large family was left with little support, and insecurity and fear became the dominating factors in the young man's life. Vowing to himself that he would never lack financial need again, Jerry worked hard at his business. A stronghold of idolatry brought reliance on the wealth he had accumulated rather than a prayerful dependency on God.
Arguments over money dominated his marriage. Distrust and greed permeated his home and business relationships. No one could "stand in his face" and tell him what to do. Finally, as his marriage disintegrated and his business gave signs of going under, Jerry renounced the strongholds of insecurity and fear that had made money his idol and had shaped his disbelieving view of God's ability to meet his need.
As the Holy Spirit brought conviction of the sins he had committed against so many people, he purposed to approach each one to seek forgiveness and make restitution wherever appropriate. His priorities shifted to God and family, then to close friends and business. God began to restore balance and intimacy with God and others as a result.
God created human beings with seven primary needs as represented in Genesis 1&2. Each of us has a need for:
1. Dignity
2. Authority
3. Blessing & Provision
4. Security
5. Purpose & Meaning
6. Freedom & Boundary
7. Intimate Love & Companionship
Whenever we seek to meet one or more of these basic needs outside God's design we have set the stage for the development of a generational stronghold. As in the case of Jerry, who in this case is the author, he needed to discover the needs he was attempting to meet through a demonic stronghold of insecurity and fear.
Generational strongholds can impact our relationship with God and others. Today, why not begin to investigate root issues that may be impacting you or your family.


Quote of the Day
"Don’t hesitate to take your queries to the Lord, dig into Scripture for answers, and seek the counsel of a trusted spiritual mentor. Prayer is too important to neglect."
~Charles Stanley (from "does prayer make a difference?")
Today's Answer
Who is the Holy Spirit?
Greg Laurie
"Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you. And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: of sin, because they do not believe in Me." (John 16:7)
It is sometimes hard for us to grasp the fact that the Holy Spirit is a Him, not an it. After all, the bible describes the Holy Spirit as a mighty rushing wind. We read of His coming upon the disciples in a divided flame of fire. We also read about His descending as a dove.
But let's remember that Jesus is called the Bread of Life, and the Father is described as a refuge, hiding us under the shadow of His wings. Does that mean that Jesus is a loaf of bread--or that the Father is a giant bird in heaven? Of course not. These are simply metaphors to help us understand God.
The Holy Spirit is a Him, and He has specific work that He wants to do. This includes convicting us of our sin--not necessarily sin in general, but to show us that we are sinners. The Holy Spirit takes the message of the death and resurrection of Jesus, shows us it is true, and shows us that we need to turn to God. Without the convicting power of the Spirit, you would never have come to Jesus. That is why, when I am praying for an unbeliever, I pray that God would convict him or her by His Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit doesn't convict us of our sin to drive us to despair, but to send us into the open arms of Jesus. When Peter preached on the Day of Pentecost, Acts 1:1 2:37 says that the people "were cut to the heart" (Acts 2:37). This phrase means "pierced in the heart" and describes something that is sudden and unexpected. The Holy Spirit will stab you, in effect, but it is not to destroy you. It is to show you your need for Jesus.
Taken from "the holy spirit's work" by Harvest Ministries (used by permission).
Today's Video
Do you have questions about the life, ministry, and resurrection of Jesus Christ?
Get real answers at


By: Scott Sayton
When I was younger, if you wanted to know what the latest news was, you read the newspaper in the morning or watched the national news at 5:30 and the local news at 6:00 and 10:00. Then CNN and Headline News showed up and you could get a feel for what was going on every 30 minutes. Even then though, you had to seek the news. You opened the paper or turned the channel to the news.
We live in very different times now. Our phones give us a steady stream of headlines. At every turn, a news headline that scares or angers you begs for your attention.
How do Christians process the constant barrage of news and information at our fingertips?

Read the News Like Your Time is Valuable

We live in an economy where the advertisers fight for your attention. They don’t have to get you in front of a television or sitting down to read the newspaper anymore. A device constantly begging for your attention sits in your pocket and one “quick check” can send you down a rabbit hole of links and discussions.
Steward the time you spend looking at your phone and set specific times during the day when you will get on social media or check news headlines. If you try to constantly “stay informed,” you will end up never accomplishing anything important while you take in a steady stream of relatively unimportant information. You only have one life, don’t spend it staring at your phone.

Read the News Like Your Hope is Real

When we think about the issues taking center stage in our day, many of them concern things that make us anxious– rising healthcare costs, a shrinking economy, the threat of terrorism, and battles over free speech and religious liberty. When we hear about another terrorist attack, a liberal professor stifling free speech, or an increase in our healthcare premiums, our natural tendency is to worry and panic.
In times like these, we need to review what is true for those who trust in Christ. We know that God providentially rules over all of human history and he is working all things together for good for those who love him and are called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28-30) We know that Jesus has ascended into heaven and is preparing a place there for those who belong to him. (John 14:1-6) We know that those who are in Christ will share in his inheritance because we are God’s sons and daughters. (Romans 8:16-17)
We could spend all day reviewing the glories that are coming to those who are in Christ and we need to look at the daily news in light of these overwhelming realities. This doesn’t mean that healthcare, abortion, social justice, and civil liberties don’t matter, instead, it reframes how we think about these issues. If we don’t get justice in this world, we know that ultimate justice is coming. If our opportunities for a comfortable retirement are declining, we remember that we look forward to something much better than retirement. Our great future hope changes the way that we look at everything.

Read the News Like You Love Your Neighbor

Most of our news comes to us with a partisan slant. The headlines grab our attention by reinforcing the bad things we believe about our political enemies or show how our heroes are being disrespected. What ends up happening is that we grow in our animosity towards the other side. We start thinking that they don’t just disagree with us on political issues, but are dangerous people who must be stopped.
Someone once asked Jesus what the greatest commandment is. He answered that the first is to love God and the second is that we love our neighbor as ourselves. Then, the questioner asked Jesus, “Who is my neighbor?” Jesus told the parable of the Good Samaritan to answer this question. He showed a man taking personal responsibility for the suffering of someone who would consider him a social, political, and religious enemy. Love for our neighbors looks like this. It crosses all of the lines that we like to draw.
Christians must not fall into the trap of reading daily news to feed our loathing of other people. Because Jesus loved us when we were hostile to him, we love the people with whom we disagree. We read, not to get angry and lose our cool, but to better understand how to engage those who stand on the other side of important issues. If you find that reading the news causes you to in personal animus towards other people, it’s time to review the message of the Gospel and remember the love and patience God has shown you.

Read the News Like You Have Heard Solomon’s Wisdom

Too often, we react to the news like people who aren’t growing as believers in Christ. Too often, we draw strong conclusions and develop unrelenting opinions based on incomplete information. We read the title of an article or hear an out of context quote and rage inside. Then we start reading the comments and shake with anger at people we have never met. This takes us to a place of anger, anxiety, and unkindness.
The Proverbs speak to us about listening and making sure we have thoroughly heard a matter before we develop a strong opinion and lose our cool. “If one give an answer before he hears, it is his folly and shame.” (18:13) “Good sense makes one slow to anger and it is his glory to overlook an offense.” (19:11) Solomon reminds us in these passages that wisdom calls us away from quick conclusions and hot-headed reactions. Instead, it beckons us to make sure we have heard what is being said and respond with a cool spirit.
Getting angry or anxious because of the news is not a new phenomenon. Things will take place in this world that will tempt us to shake our heads, grit our teeth, or fret over the future until Jesus returns. Until that great day, we walk by faith in the promises of God, remembering to love as we have been loved and live in a manner worthy of the calling we have received.
For Further Reading:
12 Ways Your Phone is Changing You by Tony Reinke 
This article originally appeared on Used with permission.
Scott Slayton serves as Lead Pastor at Chelsea Village Baptist Church in Chelsea, AL and writes at his personal blog One Degree to He and Beth have been married since 2003 and have four children. You can follow him on Twitter@scottslayton.
Image courtesy:
Publication date: May 19, 2017


Do not be afraid of peace in Israel.  Donald Trump is not the anti-Christ and because this is such a huge sign of the return of Jesus Christ, we tend to freak out.  Let's gain some Biblical perspective on what is going on and what is to come...and when.  Be not afraid.  Besides, who wouldn't be grateful to see the return of Jesus Christ unless you are not His?  If that's the case, read 1st Corinthians 15:1-11, repent, turn from physical lusts and sin (willful sin) and accept that Jesus Christ is our God, our Savior.  Let Him rule your life.  He does a better job than you do.  Salvation by Jesus Christ is for every single man, woman and child on earth.  He is all-inclusive!

God Bless Us All and Share the Good News of Salvation!

First Corinthians 15:1-11
Ephesians 2:8-9
John 3:16-17

May 22
Choosing Love over Rights
We talk a lot about rights these days. Yet the attention given to human entitlements hasn’t brought about corporate or personal freedom. Instead, most people are prisoners of jealousy (you have greater rights than I do!), greed (I deserve more!), or bitterness (my rights have been violated!).
Instead of focusing on the privileges due us, we should take the biblical perspective of loving enemies and forgiving persecutors (Matt. 5:44). Believers lay down their rights so they can take up the cause of a holy kingdom. That doesn’t mean that we let people trample on us. Rather, we offer a proper response according to biblical principles. In short, believers should be more concerned about showing God’s love to those who do wrong than about demanding their rights.
Maybe you’re thinking, But he doesn’t know how I’ve been mistreated. Indeed I do not. But what I do know is how Jesus Christ, our example, reacted to terrible abuse. He was betrayed by His friends, persecuted by His people, condemned by His peers, and crucified for our sins. Yet He said, “Father, forgive them” (Luke 23:34).
Before assuming that Jesus’ capacity for forgiveness and love is out of reach for mere human beings, remember: His Spirit dwells in believers. We can choose to give away our rights and let God’s love work through us.
Luke 6:29 says to turn the other cheek and give up more than is asked because expressing love outweighs exerting our rights. You can’t lose when you show others the boundless care of the Lord. You gain His blessing, and, hopefully, someone will be saved because of your example.
For more biblical teaching and resources from Dr. Charles Stanley, please visit
Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc. (c) 2016 All Rights Reserved.


Meet God's Ideal Mother!!!  Sermon of the day.  Enjoy!

God Bless Us All and Let Us Share the Gospel of Salvation

First Corinthians 15:1-11


I've decided to start a through the Bible series on books of the NT as well as the OT.  We can read these concurrently but as I feel time MAY be running out, I want to get out as much truth about end times, the plan of Salvation, the Gospels, etc. as possible.  So, most of us don't fully understand Revelation and some feel it's terrifying.  Since he's not teaching from today's headlines, yet a lot of what he says is happening, I feel this is a good place to start.  I will also add the Gospel of Luke as well.  I pray it helps.  God bless us all.

The Book of Revelation

The Gospel of Luke

God Bless and Share the Gospel of Salvation

First Corinthians 15:1-11


Today's word...Criminal.  Now you know me and I gotta have me some fun.  It's all in jest and not to offend anyone.  Just enjoy it for what it is.  God bless us all.

I truly want justice for Chris Stephens and the others in Bengahazi!

Poooooor man....


Part Seventy-Three of the Series...Enjoy!  Also, as I'm going in order, we are still in Genesis and while the videos are short, it may take a long time to get to the book you want to study.  Click on the video and then the YouTube button and it will take you to all his teachings so you can find the book you're interested in.  It's my prayer that God blesses my blog and either those seeking the truth about the Bible or newborn Christians, I mix things in for the more mature in the Word and for those new to the faith.  You've got a rock solid foundation if it's built on Christ Jesus alone but many young people today have never heard of Him.  I find that incredibly sad.  Those that have and not raised in the faith, they have no idea WHO Jesus Christ is.  I do my best to help all but newborns, I want them to stay and grow.  Please join me in prayer that they are led to my blog.

God bless us all and Share the Gospel of Salvation

First Corinthians 15:1-11


Commentary By:  Gordon King
How do we live our lives?  How do we treat others?  What is it that drives us to do the things that we do, to move us in the directions that we take?
If we are of the world then we are driven by the world, we are motivated by it, and we are led by it and do as the world does.
However, if we are true believers in Jesus Christ then we are led by the Holy Spirit, driven by the Holy Spirit, and should do the things of God.  But do we always follow?  Do we allow the Holy Spirit to always drive us?  And do we always do the things of God? 
If we say that we have not sinned we make God a liar!  Strong words but true, taken directly from the word of God!

1 John 1:5-10

This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.
Walking in the light does not mean that we will never sin, on the contrary, we will sin, however we are cleansed from all sin, the blood of Jesus cleanses us from “all” sin!  Those who say that they have not sinned are rejecting the gospel of Christ, they are unrepentant and unwilling to admit that they are sinners, they are walking in darkness and they are deceiving themselves.
Being a follower of Jesus Christ does not mean that we are perfect, none of us are, but He is.  God’s standards for salvation is perfection, that’s what He requires and none of us are good enough to meet those standards.  Yet Christ is the propitiation for our sins, He has taken our place upon the cross, taken our sins, and stands in our place to represent us to our Father in heaven.  The blood of Jesus is the only way to atone for our sins, there is no other way.  When God sees us He sees the righteousness of Christ, for we are one with Christ and Christ is one with the Father.
As true believers in Jesus Christ we can allow ourselves to fall to temptations, we can be led by the world instead of following the Holy Spirit’s lead, we can sin!  Just because we have been made new creations does not negate the fact that our sin nature is still with us.  All followers of Christ still battle between the spirit and the flesh, each and every one of us, and it’s a daily battle.
This is why scripture tells us over and over again to endure, to walk in the spirit, to remain steadfast.  We are God’s children and as such His will is for us is to follow His lead and perform His will, not our own will or the will of the world!
Being a Christian in the world today is not easy, we all need encouragement.

1 Peter 1:3-5

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.
This should give us encouragement, that we have been begotten to an inheritance which is incorruptible and undefiled, that does not fade away, which is reserved for us in heaven.  We are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.  If we are kept by the power of God, then who has the power to take away?
God bless my friends!  Maranatha!