Thursday, July 20, 2017


Why does God allow bad things to happen?
A lot of people wonder and ask things like “Why does God let children be abused, or starve to death?”. So why does God allow bad things to happen?

It's like the old story where a young boy says that he is going to run away from home so they let him, because they know that it won't be long before long he will realize that he can't make it on his own and return home. That is EXACTLY what God is doing with mankind.

You see, there was a long period of time early on where when things were going very well for the people, and much like today, when things are going well for people they tend to think that THEY are doing SO good that they don't need God, so they drift away from him and start doing things THEIR way instead of God's way, then when their way has eventually gotten them into much despair, they cry out for God to help them.

This is what the people did, they did it over and over again, they would drift farther and farther away from God and his ways until things got really bad then they would cry out and beg him to come save them, “bail them out” so to speak, and he did. This happened over and over again until God got fed up with it, even though God IS longsuffering, which means “patient”, he does have his limits.
God finally decided to stop that cycle and leave mankind to their own devices in order to PROVE to themselves that they can't do it without God. And all we have to do is take a good look around, it doesn't take long to see that we've made a pretty big mess of things doing it “our way”. I'd say that the one thing we (mankind) as a whole are doing a pretty good job at is proving God's point, that man just can't pull it off “his way” without God.
So that is why our heavenly Father allows these things to happen and go on in the world, they are not of His doing they are of ours, and just like a rich spoiled child, if daddy bails them out of every jam they get themselves into and “fix” everything that they screw up for them he is doing them a disservice as they will never learn the lessons they need to learn that way.
May God bless & guide 


Not what you are expecting....



Justin Peters just shared this to my F/B page and my headphones are charging up but I can only imagine.  Do you hear people saying God SPEAKS to them audibly and they claim to speak in a secret prayer language that's a "secret" that only Jesus Christ understands, and they have no idea what they're saying but God does and that's all that matters?  I admit I "think" I heard Him say to me "Brenda, if you don't get out of that bed today and walk, you'll die in that bed."  I thought my husband said it but he didn't.  I heard it and I also believed it and got up and walked outside.  It was my first step on my journey back to Him. Was it audible?  It sure sounded like it and it was from the other side of the room but whether it was audible or the Holy Spirit screamed that to me, I'm not sure.  I've heard Holy Spirit speak tell me what to do and I simply could not disobey.  I was NOT given a choice and both times something wonderful happened.  Also, both times it was about finding a loved one who was lost.  I was told where to find them and they were there.  Only once though did I feel it was audible but now that I understand better how to discern the Spirit, it's not audible but extremely clear.  No questions and if I didn't do it, I would not have received the blessings.  A few times I know His intervention saved my life literally.  So I wonder why God is saying all these things to these wealth and prosperity teachers and not me.  Does He not love me as much or trust me to listen?  Am I not worthy?  Am I saved? Have I been rejected?

Why doesn't He speak to me like that?  Because it is NOT Biblical.  It does not line up with the Word of God that He audibly speaks to you.  It is NOT Biblical we are to pray in words that we don't even know what we are saying.  Most Pentacostals, Word of Faith, and off-shoots twist scriptures so bad and it's sad.  Like Justin says, if you want God to speak to you, read the Bible.  If you want Him to speak to you audibly, read the Bible out loud.  As one of my favorite Bible believing videographer/YouTuber says...JUST THINK ABOUT IT. Search for and listen to both Justin Peters and Just Think About It on YouTube.  Very well done and hits the Biblical message's bullseye!  Be blessed!



Recently, I’ve suffered the heartbreak of watching a couple of students choose the world over the Savior. Nothing discourages me more in this life than watching young people walk away from the Lord.
I do take some encouragement from this. They’ve heard the true Gospel. Not a Gospel that Jesus can make your life circumstances better that so many preachers love preaching these days, but rather the Gospel that Christ loves to forgive sinners, but that, in return, He expects their lives to be given back to Him. The ones who stick around understand the cost of discipleship and are willing to pay the price.
We’ve all heard the following sentences:  Jesus doesn’t want to be a part of your life,  He wants to take priority in your life. He doesn’t want to be a piece of it, He wants to be preeminent.
Implicit in these statements is the fact that being crucified with Him might bring about temporary pain in this life. And yet, many Christians remain shocked by the fact that the Christian life may cost a lot in this life.
A lot of us look forward to the comforts of heaven without any desire to lose any comfort on earth, but Jesus not only prepared His disciples for trials, He also taught His disciples to expect trials. We all know the following passage, but it is a passage that we should meditate on often so that when one of these areas of life is affected by the Gospel, we will respond positively and be used mightily by God.
The passage is Luke 9:57-62. It reminds us of the cost of discipleship and how it affects three areas of life. 3 men, 3 earthly comforts, and 3 times Jesus makes it though to follow him.
As they were going along the road, someone said to Him, “I will follow You wherever You go.” And Jesus said to him, “The foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.” And He said to another, “Follow Me.”But he said, “Lord, permit me first to go and bury my father.” But He said to him, “Allow the dead to bury their own dead; but as for you, go and proclaim everywhere the kingdom of God.” Another also said, “I will follow You, Lord; but first permit me to say good-bye to those at home.” But Jesus said to him, “No one, after putting his hand to the plow and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.” Luke 9:57-62
1) Personal Comfort
“The foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.”
This guy was pretty excited to follow Christ. And yet, Jesus attempts to warn him, you might even say to discourage him.  Jesus wants him to know that following Him means that you must forget about comfort.
The Gospel obviously affects your personal comfort. It affects every decision you make. The Gospel calls us to be selfless. It calls us to prefer others. That means we are called to work hard even when tired. We are to sacrifice ourselves for the good of those around us. We are to share the Gospel and tell people that they are sinners and that they are headed towards an eternity in hell. We are to sacrifice free time for serving the church and evangelizing the lost. We go on mission trips instead of going on vacation. Sometimes, we even take a job oversees rather than in America for the sake of the Gospel. And, ultimately, it might cost us–and does cost many Christians all over the world their freedom and even their lives.
Don’t be surprised when the Gospel makes you uncomfortable.
 2) Financial Security
“Allow the dead to bury their own dead; but as for you, go and proclaim everywhere the kingdom of God.”
Jesus knows what’s behind this man’s statement. This man isn’t talking about honoring his father, rather he’s asking to be able to bury his father and walk away with his inheritance. Then, he would gladly serve the Lord.
Jesus calls men and women to be willing to forgo their earthly inheritance for an eternal one. It’s like exchanging one dollar for a billion, and yet so many people have a hard time with it. People will do anything for financial security. They will stab friends in the back figuratively speaking, some will even stab people in the back literally. Others will sell their bodies, and some cheat their way up the corporate ladder. The love of money, as Paul says, is the root of all kinds of evil. Christians should be willing to give up earthly possessions for the sake of following Christ. This is the opposite of the prosperity of the Gospel, whether it’s giving to the church, missionaries, or brothers and sisters in need. Sometimes we might even lose a job or two because of our stand with Christ. Regardless, we gladly buy stock in heaven knowing it is an investment that gives an infinite return.
Don’t be surprised when the Gospel affects your bank account.
3) Familial harmony
“No one, after putting his hand to the plow and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.”
This man simply wanted to go see his family, and yet Jesus warns him not to. Jesus knows that if this man goes back, his family will convince him not to follow Christ.
The family is an incredible blessing from God, but it can be a source of temptation for many. A temptation to compromise the Gospel and to not serve the Lord as hard as we can. Whether it is parents who for whatever reason don’t want their children to be in ministry or unbelieving relatives who constantly mock and discourage the zeal of the believing family member, Satan can use family for much harm in a Christian’s life. As Jesus says elsewhere, we are called to even hate our family for Christ’s sake and we must resist the temptation of allowing our family’s word to trump God’s.
Don’t be surprised if the Gospel affects your relationships.
It’s very tempting to water down the Gospel and promise great comforts in this life for those around us, but while there is great joy in knowing Christ, we need to be careful to speak the truth. While we should be regularly pleading and encouraging our children, our neighbors, our coworkers, and family members to give their life to Christ, let’s follow His example in evangelism and let’s warn people about how difficult the Christian life is, while always exalting the glories of Heaven. It’s also easy for us to forget the fact that the Gospel will affect out lives, and we should be willing to forgo earthly rights for the sake of eternal rewards.