Sunday, February 12, 2017


What Idols are set up in the heart?

What keeps us from doing what JESUS said to do in this short life?

What has kept Holy Fire from being in our lives?

I watched an elderly monk of one of the Eastern Orthodox Churches speaking to an interviewer at his little hermitage. He said that The LORD+ waits for men and women to be with HIM+, to spend time with HIM+, but everyone is too busy for that.

They have other more important things to do. Church on Sunday will be sufficient they say.  Personal idols must be served. The LORD+ waits for close and intimate communion with us, but we are too busy.

Then the Church wonders why there is no Power within their Church or in their lives.  It is the simple law of sowing and reaping. No discipleship, no obedience, equals no Power, no discernment, no sick ones healed, no dead ones raised, no demons cast out.  A sad and sorry situation.

It is TIME to Learn to live in the presence of GOD, to hear HIS+ Voice, to see with the eyes of the MESSIAH+ and to hear with HIS+ ears.  The SON of GOD did not call us to be religious or to be “churchians” but to follow HIM+ in the Straight and Narrow way that leads unto Life.

HE+ spent much time in prayer to HIS+ Eternal FATHER. If HE+ did that, we much more need to do that!

We have shrugged off spending quality time with HIM+ for too long, and it has weakened us immensely and made us vulnerable to satanic attack.

There are many USELESS things in our society that are designed to pull us away from our LORD+. The satan delights when we spend hours on activities and pastimes that WEAKEN us spiritually.

These activities become idols in our hearts that pull us away from being in the presence of our SAVIOR+.

It is time to pull down the idols!

We are living in VERY PERILOUS TIMES. These are the days that The HOLY SPIRIT has warned us about. It is totally necessary to be strong in the Strength of The Blessed HOLY SPIRIT. 

Let us learn a lesson from the hermit monks of the Orthodox Christians and learn to spend hours in The LORD’S+ presence, both speaking to HIM+ and hearing from HIM+. 

In the days ahead we will need to know HIS+ Voice and have HIS+ direction.

It is time to tear down ANY idol that gets in the way of spending holy time with our LORD+ and MASTER+, our Commander and Chief, WHO+ is seated at HIS+ FATHER’S Right Hand, making continual intercession for us. 

To be in HIM+

and HE+ in us

is our ONLY Protection

for the days ahead.

Let us think about this: Which is harder… to tithe our pocketbook … or our TIME ?   As Keith Green used to sing, ” I+ don’t need your money; I+ want your LIFE.”

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