Wednesday, August 16, 2017


I really like this man.  He is not a pastor and doesn't have a ministry but rather he calls it "his mission" in life.  He always backs up what he says by God's Word and he really does give us things to think about.  He has an ability to explain prophecy and what is happening in the world today.  He's a man so I don't always agree with him on every point but just because, say Romans 8:28 means one thing in my life, it doesn't necessarily make it any less true.  Justin Peters said it best, scripture has ONE literal meaning but many applications.  It is our personal Bible, God wrote it for each of us in the only way anyone could and that's because with God ALL things are possible.  God bless, much love and always love much in Messiah Jesus.

I've begun to notice that brainwashing us in television and movies began back in the 60s and is growing worse and worse.  IF God is even allowed on a show, it's only the Catholic Church and the show then goes out of its way to do the opposite of what the Bible teaches us.  I can watch the Andy Griffith Show, MASH and a few other older sitcoms but it's become so unGodly, especially the commercials.  Be careful of what you subject your mind to.  I watch television and even non-Christian movies, depending on what the message is BUT the closer I come to Jesus Christ, the less I desire these "worldly" shows and 98% of what's on the internet.  The Holy Spirit will convict you if He needs to so obey Him, not the opinions of any human.  They can't get you to Heaven but they can keep you out.  This also speaks on abortion as well.  Be blessed and if you like, subscribe and if you wish to donate to his mission, do so.  I can't but would.  Prayer is a GREAT way to support all of our ministries.


First Corinthians 15:1-11
Ephesians 2:8-9
John 3:16-17


Romans 3:23 and 6:23

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