Wednesday, June 7, 2017


I haven't seen the movie or read the book but wanted to warn you not to.  It is full of Biblical errors and unsound doctrine.  It's another wolf.  Now, I'm fine with watching fictional and even true inspirational Christian movies so long as you don't base your theology on them and know fact from fiction.  PureFlix is a great subscription has some awesome true,GG fictional, cartoons, end times, all sorts of genres and all I've seen have good messages but I have never once changed my beliefs based on one.  Some make me think but ultimately, I usually reject their teachings but there's nothing wrong with thinking and always making sure your belief is based on the Word of God.  However, I've never heard such bad things about a Christian movie by Christians.  It's your choice but here's a video that helps you understand why this may be extremely dangerous to a new babe in Christ or one who hasn't quite decided.  Be ye never deceived.

God bless and get grounded in the Word of God!!!

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