Wednesday, June 7, 2017


I am not very knowledgeable about the RCC but what I've learned is quite scary.  They do not believe as we Christians do and do not even call themselves Christian.  Vatican City is the richest sovereign nation on earth, yet millions are dying for lack of clean water, food and diseases that one bottle of antibiotics would cure.  Why?  Why is the catholic church not giving them part of all that money?  Research the truth about Mother Theresa.  Ask yourself this, is she the "saint" everyone thinks she is?  Don't go to catholic sites as it's all propaganda just like the democratic party but find out where the money many good-hearted people donated to build hospitals, buy medicines, food, clothes, etc. really went and exactly how St. Peter's Basilica was really built!  God bless and learn to UNlearn the lies.

And Jesus Christ said..."I AM the way, the truth and the life.  No man cometh unto The Father EXCEPT through ME."  How, then, can priests or the pope forgive anyone of their sins?  He is not Jesus Christ on earth as they claim.  Learn the truth.

"By no other Name (Christ Jesus) under the sun can any man be saved."

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