Monday, October 17, 2016


Commentary By:  Gordon King
I can’t make anyone believe in God Almighty, I can only tell them what I know to be the truth.  I can only share with them my experiences with God.  I can share the love of God with them, but I cannot make them believe! 
If you tell me that you don’t believe in God and that He is nothing more than a made up fairy tale, that there is no heaven or hell, then I will tell you to look around.  Look at the mountains, the sea, the sky.  Look at the trees and the wind blowing through their branches.  Look at all of the different animal species, the insect species, all of the fish and the birds of the air.  All different, all unique.  Then please tell me that all of this just sort of happened randomly, from nothing more than a pond of slime!  Preposterous!
I haven’t even mentioned humans themselves.  Humanity, created in the image of God, for the purpose of communing with God.  What other reason is there for our existence?  How could anyone in their right mind believe that all of this came from nothing?!  That order and life came from chaos and randomness.  The odds of this ever happening are impossible.  Human life is so very intricate, down to the smallest of particles.  Etched upon these particles is written information which determines exactly what that life is and how it operates.  Where did this information come from if life came from nothing?  It had to come from somewhere!  Information doesn’t just randomly generate itself from nothing, it comes from a source, and that source is Jesus Christ.

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