Monday, October 17, 2016


Is Russia the real threat or is this another false flag?  I don't always agree with Alex Jones but I do agree with him on many issues.  I've heard what Putin has stated he's going to do if Hillary is elected.  There is no way we can win a war against Russia.  Our military is the worst it has been since WW1; liberals have zero respect for our servicemen (yeah, I'm quite aware women are in the military, I'm tired of PC as I mean them too); we are divided as a nation and we have alienated our allies.  We won't stand a chance and many claim "the weapon of indignation" mentioned in the Scriptures refers to an EMP.  I'm not sure but it fits the description.  That's exactly what Putin intimated would occur if she wins.  Why are they poking this bear?  It's all about deceiving us to the truth, the one thing they'll never say is we are at war with RADICAL EXTREMIST ISLAMICS.  I am not Islamophobe in that I feel every muslim wants to cut my head off and I feel many just want to live their lives in peace, just like us.  I worked with muslims.  I know many and they are wonderful.  But why is being an Islamaphobe such a bad thing?  They've shown and told us what the are planning to do and still we won't call it for what it is but if it was Christians and/or Jews, we'd be annihilated!  Listen and decide for yourself.  God bless you all and please pray!

Things are getting really bad scary.  You may not believe in God but I urge you to reread the Bible and this time with an open-mind and you've got plenty of credible sites to find out the truth of what it means and says.  Let me tell you a little secret, we Christians at times have doubts too.  We don't have all the answers and don't understand why but at the end of the day, we know He is real.  We've simply seen and learned too much to ignore the elephant in the room.  Ask yourself one question, if the Bible weren't true, why are all eyes on Israel today?  Something to think about.

God bless you all!

First Corinthians 15:1-4
Plan of Salvation

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