Sunday, February 4, 2018


Written by Brenda Alexander
February 4, 2018

Any and all content may be copied, quoted and shared, in part or in whole without need of permission nor do I need credit.  I would, however, appreciate a link back to my blog so that those lost and are seeking the True Living God may, by His blessings and grace, that it will help lead others to salvation.  My blog is not more relevant or special than another as all Christian blogs are done to bring glory, honor and truth to the world and edify the Church; nor am I an educated or ordained minister, just a regular person who loves our Lord God and Savior, Christ Jesus and wants to share the Good News to the world.  I have been freely given, freely I give.  Any personal  posts are my own thoughts and opinions except when when I am quoting directly from the Scriptures.  Use this as you will but if it used in any way to bring dishonor to YHWY or to mock, persecute or hurt the Church (the Body of Christ) or to simplify it, the Father; Son; Holy Spirit; you are expressly forbidden to use this in whole or in part, no permission will be granted and as it is copywritten, I will take all necessary action.  This must accompany if you choose to use/share the entire article but not in part.  Thank you!

I did not attend college, must less a University nor have I taken one single class in Theological or Bible college so I speak from my heart and what I hear and see that's occurring in our present-day world as it relates to my faith and especially end times prophecy.  I am not a date-setter and even though I think we are very likely to be right now and that either we or our children will see the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.  However, that is my "opinion" and nothing more or less.

I have been really blessed in that God has answered my many questions and I know they are true because they are inline with Scripture.  I am not a young or old earth believer; I have a strong Bible-based belief in the timing of the rapture (pre-tribulation) as after hearing many seemingly unrelated verses, when read in its proper context DO tend to hold to that.  However, I am not so sure of my own interpretation or that of other men that I'd teach that this is what the Bible says.  The only thing I can say for certain is that (1) there WILL be a rapture at some point because we will be "caught up" in the air to meet the Lord but this could be at His Second coming.  The biggest problem with that theory is this one though, WE (the Church) are NOT appointed to wrath.  That much is very clear in many verses.  (2) that you best be ready at all times for whatever it is that God has foreordained in His Word.  Be ye not deceived, there will be a rapture but we argue constantly over the timing.  

The other issue I want to discuss is this, is it even scientifically reasonable and/or logical that nothing created something?  Is it logical to think something went boom in the beginning and an explosion caused this beautiful planet called earth?  Explosions cause damage and ruin.  Did the airplanes on 9/11 cause something to be created or destroyed?  We all know the answer to that question.  

If you do what you're commanded by Peter in 1st Peter 3:15, you must always be ready to give sound and solid reasons for the hope and faith in you.  BTW, scientists and atheists hate "the big bang theory" because it agrees with Genesis 1.  Most aren't very happy when the evidence points to God because that means we won't worship them, the government or anyone else.  We will answer to a "higher power" and will not submit to their demands.  

I see the Church and Judaism constantly persecuted.  I am even seeing a lot of antisemitism in the Christian circles which is highly offensive to me.  I know we are not under the Levitical (or Mosaic) Law now and many think we are no longer under the 10 Commandments but if not, then why does Jesus and the authors of the NT uphold them?  In fact, Jesus Christ took them to an even deeper level.  Did you know according to Jesus we are MURDERERS?  We may not have taken a person's life but He said if you hate them, you've committed murder in your heart.  The same with adultery.  You tell me if we are not under the 10 Commandments now, which one(s) are you willing to break?  I bet you say the 4th...Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.  Sabbath means "rest" in Hebrew.  Paul says we can esteem one day or all days alike, it doesn't matter.  However, Jesus Christ is our Sabbath rest but also, God "rested" on the 7th day and made Sabbath for man, not man for the Sabbath.  He knew we'd become workaholics and spend all of our time working.  It is stressful and, more importantly, it takes away time with your family and other loved ones.  God gives you His blessing to do absolutely no work one day a week so you can enjoy your life, allow others to rest too and be a good husband/father/mother/wife, etc.  Spend time enjoying your life because at the end of it, no man has ever said, "I wish I'd spent more time working."  

Back to something from nothing.  I've read thousands of comments by nonbelievers that believe in life on another galaxy...far, far away, of course.  They are far more intelligent than us, more advanced, and some even make very specific claims on what they are like (good or evil) and other bogus claims without one iota, not one speck of proof.  Nothing.  Zero.  Nada.  We have a very well-written book that is still taught and believed, Christianity has changed the world and it is an indisputable fact that no Man (God) has had a greater impact on this world than Jesus of Nazareth.  You can debate Him being God but that's getting harder to do.  So, I guess I'm just wondering why science is trying so hard to prove there is no God.  

One theory I have is that deep down, the world (unbelievers) knows they are wrong or at least have strong enough doubts that it terrifies them but if they can get Christians to deny Father, Son and Holy Spirit, that then somehow it magically makes the Bible untrue.  Problem is, it changes nothing.  God is real and He created us in His imagine.  No matter who agrees/disagrees with this means a thing.  God doesn't care much about what we have to say about Him.  He did say, "I AM WHAT I AM."  

I think that's a valid reason but this is the one I think is MORE likely to be the root cause of this "God is Dead" debate and that's if we do obey and submit to a higher power, then the politicians, government, wealthy, the elites, the haves, etc. will have no power.  The government wants to be your "god" and it is "puffed up" and will NOT share it's authority.  They are also well aware that nobody can truly enslave a Christian.  We have no rituals and ceremonies we must perform to be saved.  We can sing, pray, communicate with fellow believers, and praise God in our hearts and there is nothing they can do to stop us.  They can force us to say the words they want to hear but nobody can dictate to another what they have to believe.  

Lastly, there is subjective truth and absolute truth.  Some days I feel more like doing things men enjoy, like playing sports, camping, fishing, etc. but tomorrow I may feel like dressing up and going out with my husband and feel feminine.  Either way, either day, I am a woman.  I am not confused.  I would not have surgery to change who I am on the most basic level.  Do you know what the most commonly asked question of a pregnant woman to her doctor, be it the first ultrasound or birth but it is "IS IT A GIRL OR A BOY?"   

I have compassion and grace on the LGBTQ community.  I cannot imagine this is an easy life for them.  Just as with all other unrepentant sinners, they are in bondage to sin.  Social sciences has done so much damage with this self-esteem, it's all-about-me mentality and participation trophies where you get rewarded for what, being born?  The mother is the only one who deserves THAT reward.  She did all the work.  Notice I say he and she.  You can self-identify as a purple kangaroo crossbred with a koala bear but I'm going to call you a crazy, confused human who is either male or female.  It's an absolute truth.  There is no in between or "other" choice.  Live your life as you choose but all choices *good and bad) have consequences.  As a Christian, I am called horrible names, hated, cursed out, threatened with bodily harm all because I believe in God.  They call me a dumb sheep for believing what I cannot see.  When I then asked them about their belief on life on other planets in distant galaxies and they all do, isn't that the same thing?  They believe in someone or something they cannot see.  They are the hypocrites, not us.  We KNOW (and if we don't, we're self-righteous and probably not saved) we sin and fall short.  We admit it.  We don't pretend to be perfect.  That's not hypocrisy, that's honesty.  

I'll leave you with this...without a Creator (YHWY) who gave us moral laws and all truth is subjective, then if I think it's okay to kill anyone who cuts me off in traffic, then who is the "world" to tell me I am wrong.  By whose standards?  Without absolute standards of morality, then whatever you want to do is okay.  It's not right or wrong, it's just your truth.  Well, what if the person I kill has a different opinion?  Whose belief takes precedent?  I say there's.  


God bless you all!

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