Monday, December 25, 2017


Two Babies -- Two Mommies
Two women decided it was time for them to have a baby. They were both married, financially ready, strong Christian women, physically and mentally healthy. They were basically the same as far as "timing" is concerned but, they were drastically different personality-wise.
Mommy #1 was was very selfless and put all of her heart and soul into helping others. In fact, she was a nurse and volunteered her services at Hospice and nursing homes. She got involved in every event in church, sang in the choir, and was the one everyone turned to if they needed a friend. She visited the sick, be it the flu or a life-threatening illness and took care of their every need until they were back on their feet. A Godly woman who lived her faith. She would also willingly go without or even sell something to keep someone's lights on or from being evicted. She often bought people groceries, expecting nothing back, and if she had to skip a meal or two, she'd use it to fast and pray. No doubt she was blessed and her needs were met too.
Mommy #2 was also a Godly woman but she was a wee bit on the selfish side. While she gave a lot of her time to her church, family, friends, the sick and volunteered at church; helped the sick as well but instead of taking care of their every need so they could rest, little by little she made them take care of their own needs as was physically possible. Whereas Mommy #1 fixed (or tried to) every problem she encountered, Mommy #2 preferred that the people solve their own problems by getting their own lunch as they were healing to help strengthen them. She would give good advice and offer a few good AND bad solutions to get them to thinking but other than that, she stayed out of it. Unlike Mommy #1, she helped the needy (that could) find jobs, a starting home, and to find resources to meet their physical and financial needs. She also needed time for herself and she too wanted things like a new dress, shoes or a computer and she had no qualms about buying things for herself but she too was a very giving woman.
They went to the same church and there they both taught Sunday School. #1 taught children and #2 taught teens. Some of the youth were physically challenged. Mommy-to-be #1 always pushed wheelchairs to where they needed to go but not the other. She made them do it themselves. Both classes just loved their teachers.
God has 2 babies in Heaven, one for each mom to be conceived that night. One as a healthy, intelligent child, normal in all ways, curious and loved to explore, climb trees and just be a kid.
The other one had Down Syndrome. They were going to to need a lot of care, love, patience and a parent that could fill their real needs...physical as well as emotional. God doesn't make mistakes. Which mom got which baby and why? Think of your answer and then scroll down for the answer....
Mommy #1 got the healthy baby. Why did she not get the Down's child? Look at just how selfless she is! She is the better mother! It is because of her selflessness she got the healthy child but not as a reward but because she was not the right mommy for the Down's baby to grow, flourish and thrive.
Mommy #2 was just selfish enough to properly raise this sweet Down's child. He or she needs to learn how to do as much as they can for themselves. They need to be loved and helped when needed but they also need to learn to do for others too. She would raise her child to be comfortable with others, to be independent and help them learn on their own and encourage them in school rather than do their work for them. She would be a better mother because she knew she needed time for herself as well, as all parents do. She wouldn't meet their every need and want, wouldn't speak for them, and since both were Christians, she would know they could make well informed decisions for themselves, especially where the Gospel of Salvation is concerned, about God, in truth, and help them accept Him rightly and not just allow them to believe based on what the mother believed.
God always chooses the right man for His purposes.
I read this "story" some time ago and I'm sure I missed some points. It's a fictional story anyway but the message or moral of this is, "raise your children the way God tells you to raise them, not your way. God loves the Down's babies as much as He loves everyone. Their life has meaning and purpose. God doesn't make junk, the saying goes. I am still using you guys as guinea pigs to learn to write better.Pray for me (and you,lol) please!
The good news to some is that Down"s babies have decreased by 90%. That sounds awesome! One small (or rather HUGE) problem, it's because they were aborted. Who are WE to say they are better off never being born? Visit God bless you!


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