Thursday, December 21, 2017


I'm taking my blog in a new direction starting January 1, 2018 to Sola Scriptura (Bible Alone) and Salvation by grace alone, through faith alone, through Christ Jesus alone. No works salvation. Of course good works will follow salvation as it's the FRUIT of salvation but only good trees bear good fruits.  Oh, you can give, help the poor, do all the good things you want and that's a good thing to do BUT without the blood of the Lamb covering your sins, those works or deeds are dead and filthy rags to God.  Only you and He know WHY you're doing these deeds but if you aren't saved by His grace, it's all in vain. There's no real point except to make YOU feel good about YOU or to make you appear righteous to others.  It's for reasons that have nothing to do with glorifying God.  I also have a project I will be doing with a friend of mine but not sure what that is going to be. This blog will be my priority though and pray God blesses it and helps it reach those who need it.  In the meantime, I want to make posts that I intend to keep doing because I want you to learn AND enjoy my blog.  I want it to be fun.  We are to have life and have it more abundantly.  So, I'll be doing games, jokes and sharing what I trust between now and the first.  I just don't have the time to research everything right now and I won't be a willing part of sharing false doctrine. So, I thought I'd give you something to just think about.

We are commanded by Peter in 1st Peter 3:15 (I think that's the chapter/verse) to always be ready to give sound reasons for your faith and hope.  So, whether you answer me or not, if someone who doesn't know or believe the Bible is true and asks you how you know it is, give me 5 solid reasons for why you know it's true.  It can be anything.  It can be secular, logical, Spiritual or just your personal opinion. 

Time is short and today is the day of salvation.  The church is failing America. We are not flourishing but Christianity is growing by leaps and bounds in every other country.  We are not spreading the Gospel effectively.

Now, I also want you to think of 5 things we are doing that is hurting the true Church, the body of Christ.  For example, one of the things that upset me that many Godly people are doing and that's date setting the rapture.   This drives me insane because it's hard enough to prove God's Word is infallible and when we say that we're going to be raptured for sure on, say, Jan 29, 2018 and it doesn't happen, the world just says another lunatic "Christian" believing....blah blah blah.  Feel free to comment, email me your answers, post a comment or just think about it and ask yourself what we should do to build His Church?  We have more opportunities, more proof, more information now than ever but we've never been this lukewarm and dead.  

You want to work for the Kingdom?  Email me at and I can give you a lot of things you can do to further the Kingdom of God.  You can do a blog (I'll help you); a website, newsletters, write for blogs, just DO something.  We do not want innocent blood on our hands.  Just please ask yourself these things and see if that doesn't light a fire. Oh, and if nothing else, you can always be a prayer warrior. God is so good!

Well, what's NOT true about this meme and believe this, I am THE guiltiest person on earth in this regards.  This meme is meant entirely for myself.  I made a vow that the first Sunday in 2018, I plan on finding the church where God wants me to be rather than where I want to be. PRAY FOR US ALL TO DO THAT!


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