Thursday, August 31, 2017


Lately, as I go do my blog, I try to find videos or articles that I feel are relevant to the gospel and occasionally I'll find one or two videos that seem to give a more "Biblical" perspective on these upcoming events.  I never put dates and I just watch these signs but do I know or even believe they are significant?  Yes and no.  They are significant but I don't know what they are for.  I'll admit that in my personal POV, it does appear that something major is not far off.  However, I see it first from a Biblical worldview.  Second, from watching the world go more and more insane each day; and third, logical.  

Tensions are so stressed in every country today, first with Iran getting nukes and now that little pip squeak (God forgive me) Kim Jong Un literally playing with fire.  Israel's PM has just about had it and is about to draw a red line in the sand.  Let me assure you, when Israel draws a red line, you don't cross it, unlike another well-known leader we're all glad is gone, so if God doesn't intervene, we're gonna blow ourselves up. 

So in a way, I guess I have something in here for the believer and the atheist.  I'm gonna digress here a minute.  Atheists, why do you call us stupid, blind, etc. because we know there's a God?  Either way you go, believe in Him or not, it's a "leap of faith."  It's just as, no more believable God exists and created us since we have so much proof the Bible is true, than to "imagine time" as Stephen Hawkings suggests.  Even stupid, blind, uneducated sheep you may believe us to be, even we know you don't create anything out of nothing.  If you can stop aborting your babies and have one, you'll understand how you could not have created that human without divine intervention.  

Anyway, I haven't posted much because that's about all anyone is talking about.  Could the rapture, 2nd coming happen?  Of course it could.  It may not and all these people putting so much emphasis on it scares me.  I believe they sincerely are saved and believe.  They are not trying to mislead you nor are any false prophets.  Let's face it, this is weird.  Weird things are going on including this horrific hurricane.  I don't want my POV influencing yours.  I truly believe it's a sign but not necessarily one of the rapture or the tribulation, although it could be.  

Be ready.  Spread the gospel like never before and pray.  Regardless, we don't have a lot of time left on this earth and there are no second chances.  I'll share when and if I can find anything not related to these signs.  Go to YouTube, you'll find thousands on there.  Be ready for anything.  Miss you and God bless.  Love in Christ Jesus.

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