Thursday, August 17, 2017



Very quickly, I post a lot of public articles, videos, etc.  I even am starting to practice writing my own so feedback, so long as it's HONEST (even if it's criticism) and KIND, I beg you to help me become a better writer.  I have some strong points and know a few of my weaknesses, like grammar, punctuation and sometimes spelling, but I want to know what I can do to make it better.  I also very much welcome positive feedback so long as it's just to build up my confidence or not to hurt my feelings.  I'm brand new at this so help is very much needed.  I'm southern so I love to embellish (and I am always quick to let you know when I do) because we here in the south just love to tell stories.   I only do that if I'm trying to entertain you with a basically true story but make it more fun (like the time I got bit by a shark the week after I saw Jaws and it's funny, I share that "fish story" soon, maybe tomorrow cos I love to make others laugh.

So, what I share is always either public, I have permission or wrote it myself OR found it on YouTube, F/B or other social media sites.  If I wrote it, and for whatever reason you want to post it, do it.  Freely given/freely give.  Do not ask for my permission and I couldn't care less if you take credit or leave my name off.  I do this for His glory, not mine.  If it's from someone else, be sure to give them full credit.  That's all I ask.

Last, if you want to write an article for my blog, as long as it's Biblical or your testimony or life story, please send it to me at and put story in the subject line.  I'll post it as is unless you ask me to edit it.  I'm a trained transcriptionist and it is virtually impossible for the writer to proofread their own work.  That's why they have editors.  Passion, glory to God and rejoicing in Him is by far the most important thing.  You can write like Shakespeare (please don't, lol) or a 3 year old (that's awesome for its purity and innocence).  We're not writing the world's greatest novel here, just glorifying our Savior.   So, I want testimonies, encounters, blessings, miracles as you see them, stories of seeing things in the sky or even run-ins with evil.  Tell your story and use my blog to speak out.  It would be my honor.

Finally, enjoy and know you are so loved by Him and me and may YHWH bless you all richly in Spirit and in life!  

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