The problem is, if Benny Hill...I mean Benny Hinn puts his hands on me, or dares to kick me in the knee, it's not going to end well. I don't want "my best life now," Joel. Heaven is going to be so much better than this. Mike, I can't steal from my debtors and please God by sending you money so you can buy more clothes, houses and cars because He said "Thou shalt not steal." To the churches that tickle my ears and entertain me with lights and lasers, TSO does that and teaches the RIGHT message of Jesus Christ. I "feel" something but not what you're selling. Take a lesson from Dallas Holm. He preaches the RIGHT Gospel, sings Godly songs that worship God Almighty and not man and his concerts are so NOT expensive. They are free. Guess he believed Jesus Christ when He said we are freely given so freely give.
My Bible tells me to test all spirits to see if they are of God. On the scales of right message and wrong, I weighed you and found you lacking for even my low standards of righteousness so I can't imagine how much higher God's are. Don't you know that we are the Temple of the Holy Spirit? Do we need your songs, music and light shows to "feel" Him? No because we have His infallible, inerrant Word to assure us that we are indwelt with His Holy Spirit and it's not about how we feel but holiness and righteousness whether we be at church, out shopping or sitting at home. We can't hide from God.
Do you even believe in God? Really? Then do you not know that as a leader, God holds you to a higher standard than your flock although they will be found lacking too (the blind leading the blind) if they'd rather have their itching ears tickled than to hear sound doctrine? If Jesus Himself walked into one of your churches, I wonder if He'd do to you what He did to the moneychangers in the Temple. You are making merchandise out of us by selling books that compromise His Holy Word to soothe the world's "feelings" and to line your wallets/pocketbooks with filthy money. Didn't He say "money is the ROOT of ALL evils?" He also said it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into the Kingdom of God. Why then would I DESIRE to be rich with earthly treasures? Money and pride are your "god."
Yes, it is very Biblical to call you out by name. If you don't know that then that tells me everything. We are to watch over His flock and protect them from wolves. Without making you stop, how else are we to warn them? If I keep silent or wish you Godspeed, I am partaking of your sins. So until you preach the right Gospel as found in First Corinthians 15:1-11, start teaching your "flock" that SIN is a huge issue to God and that it MUST be dealt with. God does not change with the world nor does He change His mind. Sin is sin and has no place in the ministry. Stop urinating on my head and telling me you're baptizing me. Get back to your first love or make Him your first love now in truth and Spirit so you can be set free, along with your flock.
Another "celebrity" I hear many Christians talk very negatively about and that's Kirk Cameron. I've listened to what he said 15 years ago and what he is saying now and guess what! It hasn't changed. He hasn't compromised the Word to suit the world or for financial gain as I don't ever hear about him getting parts in mainstream Hollywood movies or TV shows. He's too "offensive." I don't get my theology from Kirk Cameron or any other man. I test it by God's Word to see if it lines up with scripture. While we will never agree on every single thing, we MUST be of one voice and one accord on how one is saved. It's grace, not works. Will we do good works? I sure hope so but it's the fruit of salvation that produces it, not to earn it. Lastly, what IS "good works" to God? I doubt it's what we consider good works in our imaginations. Even unbelievers don't rob banks, murder, etc. What sets US apart as a peculiar people? Faith and belief in the death/burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, being indwelt by the Holy Spirit - a free gift of God at true conversion - and proclaiming the Gospel and feeding His sheep. I'm sure there's more and some may disagree. This is just my thoughts and just wondering why IS there so much confusion in the Church today? One thing...WOLVES. God bless, feed His sheep and share the Gospel so that others may come to know Him too. Faith comes by hearing. Much love to all in Christ Jesus.
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