Sunday, July 23, 2017


First, I hear all the time "works-based" salvation when we are saved by grace.  I get into all sorts of "discussions" and I ask them what are "good works?"  I know what they mean to me but what does it mean to the One that matters, Christ Jesus?  Is it tithing?  No, we're not under the law of tithing or the Levitical laws.  Is it selling everything I own and giving it to the poor?  I might could raise $200 and be homeless and then others would have to provide for me.  I don't think that's it either.  Now if you have way too much stuff you don't use, then yeah, that's an awesome thing to do.  Paying your bills to me are good works because if you don't, that's theft and a big no-no.  The Bible commands men to provide for their families.  So what does God consider good works?  Now one I do know and that's sharing the Gospel of Salvation, praying, reading the Word, and striving always to show the fruits of the Spirit.  It can't be going to a physical church, especially today when I can't find one that preaches the truth and/or does not compromise God's Word.  I'm not eating slop for my Spiritual meals.  I refuse and I take a lot of heat from other church-attending Christians for choosing to get my meal from Bible-preaching men of God on the internet.  What is better, to starve and be Spiritually unhealthy or be filled with a gourmet and healthy Spiritual meal?  I fellowship with other believers.  I also always try to be the light and salt whenever I go out into the world.  I am never ashamed of Jesus Christ.  If it offends others, that's their problem and I pray for them.  I use the 10 Commandments as my guideline because 6 of them are upheld by the NT.  I'm not legalistic but if you can tell me one of those commandments of the OT are not applicable to the Christian, PLEASE inform me of what's wrong with them.  So, what are good works to God?  Tell me that and how I can in any way attain the righteousness and standard of Holiness that is our Lord, God and Savior?  I give, help, pray, share the Gospel, all of that and at the end of the night, I didn't even attain my own standard of righteousness, much less God's!  I don't have a choice but to put 100% of my trust and faith in the atoning and finished work by Yeshua on the Cross on Calvary.  MY works are those spoken of, dirty rags.  Pray for me!  Please tell me what God calls good works and if man could in any way "earn" his way into the Kingdom of God, let me in on that secret because the Bible tells me quite clearly I can't.  

Now, if you've read this far, I need to spout off a bit before I explode.  I am tired of the physical churches today.  I for the first time WANT to attend church.  I rejected organized religion 3 years ago for very good reasons but thought I'd give it another try now that we're in a new state.  I chose the Baptist denomination because of their doctrinal statement.  I found one that was perfect for my beliefs.  It was called Riverside Baptist Church and I live in Riverside (a part of Jacksonville) only to find out it's 3 hours away.  I messaged the pastor asking for a recommendation and while waiting, I found a few, one very close to me which is vital.  I called and asked them for the statement of Faith and whoever answered the phone seemed quite irritated by the question and said, "I don't know."  Wow.  So I asked her if they upheld the Word and was asked what I meant by that.  Wow!  Wow!  Well, the first thing (and only) I asked was, "do you perform gay marriage."  I fully expected a quick no.  After all, this was a BAPTIST church.  She really got upset and said YES.  WOW WOW WOW!  I said this is not the church for me and hung up.  I didn't wish them Godspeed and I sure won't step my foot in it.  I don't care what this world does cos I am not a part of it but keep the world out the church.  If gays want to get married, fine and if "Christians" want to go against the word, sobeit.  However, I won't.  I am not a homophobe.   If they said they allowed 3 people to be married or didn't feel adultery was wrong and, in fact, the pastors and members were actively engaged in that, dealing drugs, etc., I'd feel the same way.  One church here stopped children from attending the church because the pastor was a pedophile and they didn't want to lose him because he was such a "man of God" and spoke the truth.  Truth is not truth if you don't practice it.  We all lie.  We don't all cheat, deal drugs and none that I know of are pedophiles.  And people have the nerve to rebuke me for turning away from the church buildings.  We are the Temple and the Body of Christ, the true Church.  I'm praying to start a home church, just waiting patiently for God to open the door to whatever He wants me to do.  I'm going to get some Bibles, other Biblical information, and make sandwiches and snacks and go to the park and see who God sends to me.  One of my neighbors, a pastor who was being called to my home state, suggested this to me.  I'm willing to step out in faith.

Last, I have to get this off my chest.  The other day, for the first time in a long time, I got to walk in the Spirit.  It was awesome.   No anxiety or fears as I tend to have them.  The world is a scary place and because of things in my past, I developed some anxiety issues.  It was awesome.  I took the bus, never haven taken one in 45 years, and met some awesome people.  To make a long story short, the have seats for the disabled.  The bus was full except one spot on those bench seats but because a young man who also needed a walker, there was no room on that side.  So everyone on the bus asked this man who was an older man, maybe early 60s, well-built and obviously very healthy, to move to the other side when this very elderly woman, who could hardly walk and too weak to lock the wheels on her walker and couldn't get around the other man with a walker, so she could sit down.  While he didn't physically give us the finger, he waved us off, sat there and sprawled out to make even less room.  I got up, locked the wheels and helped her by holding on to her to make sure she sat down without falling.  I was the closest, others were going to help but I just got there first. Nothing special about me.  What I found next was awesome.  No one said or did a thing to the man but everyone on the bus, at the same time, said UN-%$$#%#-believable.  You tend to see what you want so look for the good.  It's hard to see sometimes but it's still here...but I don't know for how much longer! 

The moral of the story...don't believe what you hear about racism.  Both parties were white, the rest of us were half one race, half the other, and we all found that man's actions horrific. Don't give up on people.  Not everyone is self-centered, without mercy, grace and compassion.  Pray for those without because their lives must be fueled by bitterness, hate and loneliness and that is the worst way to live.  God bless and thanks for listening.  Below is the answer to ALL the world's problems!

First Corinthians 15:1-4

Death/Burial/Resurrection = SALVATION


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