Spreading the Saving Grace of Christ Jesus. Giving God the glory in all circumstances and allowing Him to transform lives and hearts through the atoning work on the Cross. "For we are saved by grace through faith...Ephesians 2:8-9. Love and praise Him with all your heart, mind, strength and soul. Love thy neighbor as thyself and these are the 2 greatest commandments. For even Christ Jesus came not to be served but to serve and sacrifice.
Monday, July 31, 2017
I'm not going to pretty this post up with pics. Not sure how I came upon this page but I'm warning you to avoid it like the plague. Oh, I remember, I was trying an experiment, seeing how many of today's best pastors are called out as false prophets. This site has a very huge list that includes true wolves, no doubt, but many I have shared, listened to and learned a lot from. However, if you want to read how arrogant, boastful, and just how cruel they are to everyone who writes with such a simple question as "how to be saved" to see they are called snakes, bastards, satan, and many other horrible and cruel names, maybe you should. I even read one that said we must confess our sins to man (remind you of the confessional) and besides him and his partner that he has now called out as something (who knows) and demoted, he knew of no man other than them. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I will tell you this, if you doubt your salvation, don't go to this page. They will convince you that you are not saved. You know, the name should have been a huge clue but I wanted to prove my point, that all men of God are labeled as false prophets and to a degree, yes we all are because we are fallible and we ALL get things wrong. If pride is a great sin as in the case of "Lucifer" then what would God say to them? If any does visit this page The Path to TruthI'd love to hear your thoughts. I'm not labeled as one nor are any other bloggers so that's good. However, "the path...." to anything should be a HUGE warning sign that it is a cult. God bless and use discernment if you visit but don't buy into what they say. Rely on the Word of God but I have to admit, it's kind of well, hilarious, in retrospect. Oh, the refuse to give a Statement of Faith for fear of being "misunderstood." They preach we are not given the Holy Spirit until we have a separate "experience," teach we'll have all the Spiritual gifts at some point in our life IF....and other unsound doctrines. This is my personal POV as well as many others. Read some of their comments and does this sound like "chastisement in LOVE as commanded" to you? Don't wanna steer anyone wrong about salvation but although they claim it's not works-based, judge for yourself. They also teach that not all, just certain people, will be saved and we have no choice in making that decision. So then what's the point of sharing the Gospel of Salvation then? It comes back to the very misunderstood verse about "predestination." I don't understand that. Can anyone elaborate? You are so loved by Christ Jesus. He died for all, not just some, according to MY Bible. How about yours? CLICK HERE IF YOU DARE TO VISIT "THE PATH TO TRUTH"
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