Tuesday, June 6, 2017


FYI, I do not have the time to listen to every video I share to make sure it is 100% Biblical. I've made it my mission to point out true wolves in sheeps clothing and the houses of God where people are howing, barking, convulsing and going into fits of ecstasy supposedly being "slain in the Spirit."  The Holy Spirit has brought me to my knees many times but He has never caused me pain, fear or danger.  I'm fully conscious and I'm well aware I'm going to my knees.  He humbles me and it is awesome.  I love it.

I Googled every pastor I've heard of from some in the 20s on up to today and all but one is labeled as a "false prophet."  We have to have the right Gospel and know the true Christ Jesus but we can have differing opinions and if you believe in a pre-trib rapture or any other timing, it is not a salvation issue so there's room to disagree.  I might be right and you may be wrong but I bet we both are wrong on some issue.  Why do we even worry? We are sealed with the Holy Spirit and have nothing to fear.  Jesus Christ's return is our hope and joy!  I truly believe that so much new revelations has come to light that the pre-trib rapture is by far the most believable.  He who withstrains sin must first be removed....if the church is here, how can the Holy Spirit ever leave?  He lives in us, we are sealed with Him and He will never leave us.  Therefore, how can the church be here during the tribulation?  However I am not dogmatic on this and this is what  I believe...we have a lot of verses to give us reason to hope this is true.  Believing it or not will never change God's timing and plan.  Because I also see verses where it seems that 2nd Advent is when we will be raptured.  We will be raptured.  That is 100% scriptural.  We just disagree on the timing.  So, hope for a rapture but be ready by studying the Word of God to prevent deception in the end times.  I also "feel" we're living in the end but I am not one who will say we are cos I don't know.  I do think the Bible has given us enough information that I feel comfortable saying that if we're not, I cannot begin to imagine the pure hell those poor people will endure.  For their sake, and ours, I do pray it's time.  I think it is but I won't say it for sure.  I think we need to be very cautious by making this claim because if it isn't, I fear we'll be doing more damage to God's holy and perfect word.  Let's give out the information that God gives and what is being fulfilled today and I think we'll be very effective but if we're wrong, we will lose what little credibility we have.  But we can rest assured that God's Word is forever.  Jesus Christ said, the heavens and earth will pass away but My Word stands forever.  He never lies and has yet to break a promise.  If He said it, He meant it and look at the Bible today.  It is still THE best-selling book of all times and is always #1.  It's approximately 5,000 years old and has never changed and we still trust it today.  That is God's grace.  

I will be pointing out obvious false prophets like the Jehovah's Witnesses, the RCC, these new wealth teachings, and especially sowing seeds of faith.  Do NOT do that.  It is a scam and abusing your faith and making a joke of the Word of God.  However, even if this video has something wrong, they're human and how do we know they're wrong?  I cannot be your Spiritual baby-sittter.  Listen and use discernment and God's Word.  Mistakes or differing opinions doesn't make someone a false prophet.  

This is from the Lion and the Lamb Ministries.  I've always found them credible.  If you hear something radically veering from scripture, PLEASE make it known.  Thanks and enjoy.


First Corinthians 15:1-11

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