Thursday, June 22, 2017


I am hoping to write an article to submit for publication but I need some statistics and am begging you for help.  It has nothing to do with politics nor no matter what your answer is, I will not be making any judgments.  I absolutely welcome any comments on why you feel the way you do and if you want them included in my article, I need your express permission in an email which is where I am asking you to just answer yes or no and comment IF you so choose.  Here's the situation....

Back when Barak Obama was POTUS, he made an announcement that the United States wasn't a Christian nation.  However, one of the reasons we broke away from England was for freedom to worship as we so choose...or not...without fear of persecution or forced worship of ANY faith by the government.  You can say "Freedom OF Religion" or "Freedom FROM Religion" but our laws were made based on the 10 Commandments.  We can't murder, steal, etc. and some are just a moral code of what was expected from citizens in order to live in harmony with others.  Lying isn't a crime unless you're under oath but who likes being lied to?  While gossip isn't mentioned, gossip kills, steals and destroys relationships, marriages, families, careers.  It ruins your reputation.  We shouldn't gossip be it the truth or not because we don't know why our friend was in a strip bar one night.  Maybe it was to get their under-age child out of there.  Cheating isn't criminal but can lead to crime.  If you don't honor your parents, regardless of their worthiness of honor, you will have constant issues respecting authority in your life and can cause you to lose jobs, friends, spouses and cause great division in families.  Now, keeping the Sabbath is one that on the surface sounds unneeded but God made the Sabbath for  man, not man for the Sabbath.  We all need a day of rest.  We feel renewed.  It's a good thing to do and was never about worship but rest.  We just need to bring Him honor while enjoying our day.  Go out and have fun, just don't disrespect Him.

If you're willing to answer, please use the link below and God bless you all!


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