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There's some heavenly signs coming to pass this year. I'll make a post on the Year 2017 according to the Jewish timeless soon but we have to follow the Holy Spirit and be led by Him, not our own imaginations. There's nothing wrong with having them and talking to God about them, it could really bring you into a more awesome personal relationship with Him but doesn't mean He's going to reveal anything extra-Biblical to you. That, I assure you, will not happen. We also are having dreams. The Bible upholds this. I've been praying for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit for years now which is also Biblical, I just wanted it RIGHT NOW, lol. I've been having these awesome dreams of water...tsunamis, rogue waves, a few was like the ocean became so full it just overflowed onto earth but it never got above even the smallest child's knee, no fear at all and people were running into the waters an not away. Many weren't sure what had happened but their faces and their demeanors changed. I had one the other night and was on top of a sky scraper (the biggest imaginable) and there was a lake (natural) with a beautiful waterfall and the water was an earthly color of blue. Part white, clear, blue and this gold that was (and was not) gold. It would be gold in it its original state. It flowed but was strong. Gentle but the most powerful source o earth.33
This is why I believe that dreams cannot be interpreted for the world but rather it's far more personal to YOUR relationship with Him. I believe He was telling me that yes, there is either now or soon to be a HUGE outpouring of the Holy Spirit but as my dreams started out slowly, so will the outpouring of the Holy Spirit begin. He chose not to give me any time frame other than the overall feeling it was soon. Also, it won't be immediately recognized and not necessarily a feeling of it being Spiritual but you will feel cleaner than you'rrand nor did I ask on when. The earth, body, Spirit felt cleansed and purified.
I am also convinced that God uses our dreams to bless us. I've always feared heights. I refuse to fly yet wanted to know what it felt like to fly so I prayed about it and frankly, forot about it. Less than a week later, I dreamed I could fly and had wasn't at all like I would have thought. Did He let me fly? No, He blessed me with a dream and to this day, I remember exactly how it felt. He even gifted me with a way that if I ever just want to let Him love me unconditionally, He brings that dream to memory. Don't assume everything is of God or is more than a dream. Read Paul's account of hs visit to the 3rd Heaven and if yours or someone else's interpretation disagrees with known and reveal truth, have no dealings with it but at the same time, don't expect unrealistic expectations on regular pastors. They are as prone to sin as we are and while in certain areas they are to be held to a higher standard, they are just fallen men. They don't have all the answers and if they claim to, let that be a sign unto you.
The false prophet and anti-christ will not be revealed until "He who with strains sin is taken out of the world"happens. That doesn't mean we can't guess and be accurate, it just means be very careful in saying that who you think it is definitely is. You could be right or you might not be. I hear that NYC in the Whore of Babylon, the Pope is the anti-christ anbld Obama (or the U.S. in general, is the false prophet. Now, like Steve at STEVE CHICOLLANTI AND DISCOVER MINITRIES holds to is a Muslim AC, most likely from Turkey based on scripture, I also believe this BUT I'm also well aware that the RCC being the AC is, to a small degree, slightly more Biblical but this is opinion, not fact or doctrine. I believe with all my heart when we think on Spiritual things and ask Him questions, He is not offended but it opens us up to listening, seeing and hearing through the Holy Spirit. I doubt we'll get answers but through these questions, we show how willing we are and how far we're willing to step out in faith to be led by the Spirit.
Last, people who claim to be prophets usually do so in order to make a profit. There are a couple of ways to tell and if you can't prove it, neither should you support them in any way. Do NOT send them money as for most of these mega-churches are extremely personally wealthy, are boastful, full of pride and teaches you clearly unBiblical teachings such as Wealth and Prosperity; we're little "gods," the ability to supernaturally heal you and it does appear they heal some but it's a set up. They don't bring down the truly sick and needy, just the prearranged ones. Test their spirits to see if they are of God. Do they have a proven track record where MOST (they are subject to human failure or get a little over-zealous) but if it's does not line up with scripture, tells you that you must give up to $10,000 before God will reward you financially, don't do it. IF I believed if I gave some rich man $100 (that's about the most I could do) and I'd get up to 7 times more, I'd do it every chance I got. Imagine how many people I could help with that much money? That sound like a high interest rate we're demanding God pay and it's used in the Bible as "usuray" and is wrong. I'd rather have His awesome blessings than money although it doesn't stop Him from doing it. Maybe you don't have a problem with God being YOUR employee in the form of a banker or stock broker but I do. Would I love to win a bunch of money? Yeah, I think of so many people who God would find me worthy to be used to make their lives better and not with a hand out but I'd help them until they were set and could make it on their own. I'm not going to judge how or why they are in that position either even if I know it's drugs or alcohol and here is why...
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A long time ago I unknowingly at first starting taking a very dangerously addictive drug. I'd never taken drugs (except yes, I DID smoke pot and I DID inhale) and I did a wee bit of drinking in my youth. That drug stole my life. It overtook me without me having a clue how bad it was. It is so addictive that insurance companies won't pay for it, 99.9% of doctors refuse to prescribe it and no other drug company will make a generic form. A 4 oz bottle lasts 10 days. It's about all you'll get unless in an extreme circumstance and that bottle cost about $240. IF insurance pays any, it's maybe $10 to $15. Drug addicts/alcoholics don't like who they are but I'm being straight up honest here, if satan's DNA is on anything, it's drugs. It steals you. It destroys and devours your life, your family, friends and jobs. You lose respect and trust. You steal, lie, manipulate and do things that once drug-free, nauseates how close you came. I had to make a decision as it was right at Christmas...after that day, I was either going willingly into rehab and just trust my family to take care of my 2 small girls (I KNEW in my heart they'd do the right thing) or else I was moving to using heroin. I've taken a legal form of heroin after surgery for 2 days and thank the Living God I wasn't an addict before then or else that would have been hard not to give in to it. Oh, it's awesome and you've never felt better physically or emotionally in your life. Your whole family could die and it just wouldn't matter. It is NOT an easy drug to be obtained.
So, I understand the drug addict and alcoholic. They literally no longer have one iota of control over their addiction than I do right now on when/where the next leaf will fall. Truthfully, the ones who get saved while detoxing do far better and are less likely to have a full-blown relapse. IF someone addicted to Vicodin (Norco, hydrocodone, Lortab, etc.) have to take it for a good reason, usually they don't relapse. Is Jesus Christ THE only path to sobriety? He is the right answer to everything but I know atheists who've broken the bonds of addiction BUT they also admit that it's a struggle every single day. With Jesus, after 3-4 months, you rarely think about it and after the first year, it's like you were never addicted at all. That doesn't mean you can be careless or feel totally in the clear but He is the Great Healer. Go easy on addicts although do NOT allow them to come into your life, I don't care who they are...friend, family or stranger but stop judging them, refusing to helpp for fear they'll buy drugs/alcohol with your money. They MUST eat too and yes, their drugs will always come first but maybe the $5 you could give would also allow them to eat that day or perhaps save someone from being robbed. Do good wherever you see a need and be a cheerful giver. Actually, you may be wrong and their financial situation could change in hours and your kindness may lead them to see what a TRUE Christian looks and acts like. Carry an extra Bible, whatever you have, and offer that too. You'll be surprised at how many will accept and want it. The Gospel of Salvation is THE best gift ever but if one is physically starving, it can impede their ability to learn. PLEASE THINK ABOUT THS. If anyone deals with this issue, either now or in the past, email me at I have no money but I know a fully man an equally God who can give you everything! Even a friend.
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