Monday, April 17, 2017


Sharing for those who want this info.  I don't endorse nor condemn it.  It's your choice but be careful when watching some videos on YouTube.  They can be deceptive but seem so much like truth.  Learn to discern.   If you have a "yucky" feeling about something, listen cos that very well may be the Holy Spirit warning you.  God is the author of peace, not fear or confusion.  That's a good rule of thumb when dealing with anything Spiritual.  I've went to churches where I thought I was on another planet, confused and at times, literally terrified.  I'm not one for invading my "personal space" unless I invite you into it.  I love hugs as much as the next person but I'm not a touchy-feely person.  Some though, I immediately welcome them into my 2-3 foot personal space but I never like a bunch of strangers or friends crowding me and touching me.  It scares me.  Maybe it has something to do with being molested as a child, I don't know the reason, I just know what I do and do not feel good about.  It can be very dangerous as you don't know what the other person has been through and I've seen some bad things happen when you touch someone who doesn't want to be touched.  If they've been badly abused, they can react very violently and quickly.  It's nice to hug and to pray with our brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus but I do not believe we should crowd around anyone, laying on our hands.  I know the intentions are great but good intentions don't always equal good deeds.  Ask or let them ask you.  I don't remember reading any verse where Jesus ever touched anyone without their permission.  I just wanted to mention this because I see it a lot today.  Hugs are great to most but let's show each other some measure of personal respect.  Let's be what we say and as Christ-like as we humanly can.  Be blessed and watch at your own discretion.  I watched it and think you should be aware of these symbols and see just how often you see them in the world today.  Remember this, if you're saved, you are sealed with the Holy Spirit.  The "evil one" has only as much power over you as you allow him to have.  Give him none.  God bless and much love to all in Christ Jesus.  Oh, and you'll start seeing how Hellywood is brainwashing children today.  It is creepy.

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