Friday, April 21, 2017



I admit I'm very harsh on thE unsound and unBiblical doctrine of this church for good reason.  It caused me great harm Spiritually for a long, long time and I've heard many others make this claim so it's not just me..  I was always taught this was wrong but yet somehow I allowed the opinion of man to override the clear language of the Bible and what I knew to be true.  I was told my grandmother (she was what I aspire to be as a Christian, I'll never achieve that and I love her so much) was burning in hell, right now.  It was right after truly dedicating my life to Him and I was a newborn baby.  This killed a big part of me and I got to thinking about all the men/women I knew who loved Jesus Christ but didn't speak in tongues and I could see them literally burning in hell.  Moving to Florida and getting out of that oppressive church was a huge blessing to me.  So listen up, your great commission is to lead others to Jesus Christ.  You  cannot "save" anyone and where did you get "win souls for Jesus" like it's a contest!  You didn't win squat, the Body of Christ won, Jesus Christ won, the angels rejoice!  HOLY HOLY HOLY!  Now, it's your job to get the heck out of the way and let God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit direct their life, give them whatever (if any) spiritual gift He gives utterance and don't you dare tell another person they must do anything to be saved other than what Jesus Christ said to do...TRUST AND BELIEVE that He DIED; BURIED; ROSE AGAIN TO SAVE YOU and YOU ARE SAVED.  It's right there in First Corinthians 15:1-11, especially 1-4.  Read John 3:16.  Did John lie?  No, Jesus said those words.  Where are the "buts" or "ands" or "musts".  NO CONDITIONS ON SALVATION OTHER THAN BELIEF. Oh, and stop crowding people, putting your hands all over them without their permission.  it's a recipe for disaster and someone will get badly hurt or killed.  I was abused at one point in my life.  I do not like to be touched by strangers.  It scares me.  Man, woman it doesn't matter.  Do not touch me.  Nowhere is this Biblical.  Laying on of hands is orderly and with permission.  Stop shouting at me and others.   Also, and this is THE worst, once you finally force someone into speaking in tongues, many do to get you off your back, I promise you that, you are then responsible for helping that lead that newborn until they can safely go out on their own.  Thank God I was raised in the truth.

In this one Pentacostal Church I use to attend, you were forbidden to speak in tongues unless you had an interpreter and I thought it was the most awesome thing I'd ever witnessed when one time, just once, this occurred.  However, something didn't sound quite right to me.  The interpretation was just saying random words, like Praise the Lord, Hallalujah, God is good, things like that.  No real message.  Not something I didn't already know.  But, maybe that was the point.  I got to witness the power of the Holy Spirit once.  I would never dare say that was fake.  Again, the Holy Spirit can do whatever He wishes.  I felt blessed and still do.  However, when I hear over 1,000 shouting in tongues and can't hear the sermon, it's confusing.  People running around, barking, convulsing, I don't think our loving God throws us to the floor or demands we "bark" or "howl" in church to prove we'll obey Him.  How about showing you'll obey Him by following His Commandments?  Do what the Bible says to do!  If you want to believe this unsound doctrine, so long as you grow and mature in His Word and obey it, I promise you the Holy Spirit will bring you out of deception.  

I've also noticed tongue-speaking people measure their maturity in Christ Jesus on how much MORE they speak in tongues than others.  It's a contest or some growth measuring stick.  It's boastful and prideful.  Maybe MY gift is discernment.  Maybe it's interpretation but can't interpret cos you're not speaking in tongues?  Could that be the issue?  I don't know.  I do know that Muslims, Bhuddists and Hindus also "speak in tongues."  It is not a gift to the Christian religion at all.  If you claim they're false yet speaking in tongues is proof of the Holy Spirit, and since only a Christian can have that precious and wonderful gift, explain that to me.  Use clear scripture.  

A little more and then I'm done.  What do you mean by "secret prayer language" and where is that even alluded to in the clear words of the Bible?  I've searched and can't find anything about this.  I know you say it's "praying in tongues" but well, where does the BIBLE say this?  Don't twist scripture.  I'v heard them all and no, I do not see it.  I have a friend I so dearly love that really makes that letter in Revelation to the Laodecian Church make sense.  I always wondered what He meant when He said I wish you were "hot" so that I could cool you down.  How can you possibly to too hot for Jesus Christ?  Because when you're too hot, you burn out quickly and/or your get stuck on something, get very zealous over it and that's all you share.  I've noticed that the book of Acts is THE only book ever taught on in any Pentacostal church. Try engaging a red-hot Pentacostal into discussing First Corinthians and they will not.  Try Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Jude, Hebrews...nothing.  The OT, never!  They don't have a clue what the serpent on the stick is about.

Do not get me wrong, Acts is probably THE most exciting, amazing, informative and confusing book in the Bible.  It starts with the Apostles just seeing their beloved Messiah ascend into Heaven.  I can only imagine how devastated and scared they must have been.  They had very little information about what was about to happen.  However, the believed Him and obeyed and gathered together on the Day of Pentacost, probably discussing and pondering what MIGHT be about to happen.  However, I guarantee you not one of them knew the POWER and GLORY of GOD was about to drench them.  What do we do now?  Continue preaching Jesus Christ or give up cos no one will believe us.  They saw Him and denied Him.  How will they ever believe us mere men.  They'll say we're drunk (they did).  But...when He gives, He GIVES BIG TIME and that rushing wind came in, I wish I could have been there.  What a day!  The powerless had POWER.  All because they trusted and believed God.  That is what it's all about...believe God.  Trust HIM.  You're powerless without the Holy Spirit.  If you have the gift of tongues, use it the way He told you to use it.  If you can prophecy, you better know what is and is not from God.  

The Body of Christ needs your Spirit and power of belief.  We need you to grow and to show the world the glory and majesty of God Almighty.  Discernment is also a Spiritual gift and better than the gift of tongues.  We should want the better gifts.  We don't need unknown languages.  They don't edify or build up the Church, they edify you.  It's not about YOU, it's about Jesus Christ.  If you want to pray in tongues at home and you truly feel you have this gift, who am I to say you don't?  I don't know but I do know I do not have this gift.  I will not fake it.  I've said a few words I have no idea where they came from, I certainly wasn't trying and I gave up asking.  The answer was no.  However, He answered 99% of the others.  

I'm going to close with the words of the least of the Apostles (Paul), where they be tongues, they will cease.  Prophecy will cease but pray for the better gifts and....the greatest of the gifts is LOVE. Without it, prophecy, healings, tongues, discernment, casting out demons, etc. is nothing but a bunch of useless noise.  LOVE IS THE BEST GIFT.  Love others in truth.  God bless, cool down and let's be of one voice/one accord and we'll be a force no man can withstand.  We'll make a POWERFUL team!


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