Monday, February 13, 2017


I fear I am fighting a losing battle BUT remember, the war has already been won...on Calvary.  "Heaven and earth shall pass away but My Word shall stand FOREVER!"  The King James Version is THE closest Bible to the original text on earth.  To change what is perfect is to water it down.  Also, we are forbidden to add or take away from the Word of God.  Please listen to at least part of this video and if you fear you may have a false or New World Bible, a simple test...

Read Acts 8:37 and it's where Philip is talking to the Ethiopian servant about being baptized and he says thou mayest IF "thou believeth with all thy heart that JESUS CHRIST IS THE SON OF GOD, then thou mayest.  

In the new bibles, they do not use the words "JESUS CHRIST IS THE SON OF GOD."  It is NOT there.  The "world" (unbelievers) made them take that out as they feel they are being forced against their will to admit that Jesus Christ is God.  They don't take into account that you MUST BELIEVE.  I have a bible like this and it combines Acts 36-39 and those words are not there and 98% of verse 37 is left off.

So, it's your choice which Bible you use but if you're willing to compromise the Word of God by reading a watered-down version so it suits you and what you WANT it to say rather than WHAT it says, that's your choice.  I have read the New KJV and it is okay.  There's nothing of substance that changes, nothing is left off but it should be used as a reference Bible or starter for those new to the Word and/or faith.  Read it concurrently and get a Strong's Exhaustive Concordance, a Bible Concordance and a regular (but pre-1980s) dictionary as they have Biblical meanings of words included whereas some new dictionaries don't but words like "jealous" and "worship" do not mean Biblically what we think they do.  You can understand the KJV just fine all on your own with a little help learning what words are literal, metaphorical and prophetic.  You don't need anything newer than the NKJV Bible to KNOW what God says.  It's setting us up for this One World Religion, especially the NIV.  

This is long but this is information you need to know.  Also, in these new versions, the Lord's Prayer reads like this...

My Father, hallowed be thy name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth.  Give us this day....

Notice it leaves off WHICH ART IN HEAVEN.  The RCC calls priests father as does luciferian and satanic cults.  So, never be a part of compromising God's Word.  It is perfect and of no need of new and it cannot be improved.  God YHWH bless you all and much love in Yeshua ah Messiach.  

I realize many are going to disagree and will have much to say regarding these new so-called Bibles.  You are entitled to your opinion but on this issue, I politely request you keep those opinions to yourself.  Let each of us be convinced in our own minds which Bible is right.  Never be a stumblingblock in the path of a newborn in Yeshua ah Messiach.  They need to hear TRUTH and it can be found in the same Bible that has sustained all Christians for thousands of years.  Only today do we see it as "good" to alter YHWH's holy Word.  It started back in the 60s with the "Living Bible" and has steadily and rapidly went downhill.  Read the Bible you want but if you're not reading the truth and your Bible leaves off verses or changes them to satisfy this "world," pray and ask Him to lead you in all truths.  I rabidly defended these new Bibles until I heard the TRUTH.

God YHWH bless you all and much love in Yeshua ah Messiach!

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