Thursday, January 26, 2017


Just wanted to say a quick hello and tell you all I hope you have a happy, safe and blessed weekend.  I'm working on a special project for next week that is taking up a lot of my time but I'm hoping will be a blessing and helpful to you.  It's going to take up a lot of time reading, listening, asking questions and getting real and true answers so that I can be more effective in spreading the Gospel and help by supporting you who are able to get out there and do the hard work.  Right now I am in more of a "supportive-type" situation but am a warrior for the Gospel-in-training situation too.  I am going to get out there and really spread God's Word by learning, praying and crocheting scarves and blankets for the homeless and those who are in need.  Today, we are all in need, be it physical, mental or Spiritual. 

So, while I may not seem very active, I am even more active than before.  I plan to start writing my own articles, finding and sharing awesome videos and also just simply honoring Jesus Christ in every single thing I do and say.  I will be addressing what some issues and you may not always agree on my position and that is fine!  We don't have to agree on the rapture, how God created the earth, and so many of the things that are dividing the one TRUE church, the Body of Christ.  For instance, is baptism NECESSARY for salvation?  No but should you be?  I would definitely do it again and I may, I haven't decided yet.  It's not necessary to be saved but it is an act of obedience and it's just my personal opinion that if you're not willing (notice I did not say unable) to do this simple commandment that is so safe and an awesome experience, then you may not be as willing to obey the harder ones.  However, the Gospel of Christ Jesus in First Corinthians 15:1-11 specifically says (and upheld in Ephesians 2:8-9) that all that one must do is believe and trust that Jesus Christ is God, that He died for us, was buried, resurrected and rose again.  He ascended into Heaven and we were given the "Comforter" which is better known as "the Holy Spirit" on the Day of Pentacost, a one-time event, never to have occurred again.  

Also, another doctrine that claim one must speak in tongues to prove you've received the Holy Spirit is also another misinterpreted and misunderstood part of scripture.  The Holy Bible tells you that the gift of the Holy Spirit is free and given upon salvation.  Baptism would mean you have to "do" something or "work" to receive a free gift.  Then it could not ever be considered free but earned and that's where Ephesians 2:8-9 should clear that up nicely.

You must understand how to rightfully divide the Word of God and understand that the Book of Acts is a transitional book and so full of information, confusion,change and finally agreement when Peter is given the vision that it was time for the Gospel to be spread to the Gentiles and when Jesus Christ Himself chose Paul to Apostleship.  Peter was the main minister to the Jews, whereas Paul was the main minister to the Gentiles.  One MUST understand when either are talking to Jews or Gentiles.  Many of the signs were for the Jews only, such as speaking in tongues, signs and wonders, the other Spiritual gifts given to those on that day, including healing.

I am a cessationalist and believe that in First Corinthians 13:10 it is clear that the Spiritual gifts will cease when the Holy Scripture was written when John wrote Revelation.  Paul refers to it as an 'IT" rather than "HE" so Paul is not speaking of a person or, as some believe, the return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  That does not mean I don't believe that the Spiritual gifts are never given, as I do believe that if needed, the are given but may not always be present.  I may be given the gift of healing through prayer by the Holy Spirit on a certain day but does not mean I can heal anyone.  It is as God chooses to use to show His presence and power to this really unbelieving generation.  

However, if you believe in your heart you have the gift of speaking in a secret language, who am I to say you are wrong?  I've said a few words I didn't understand but did I speak in tongues?  Only God knows and if I was found worthy for Him to show Himself to me in that way, I am truly blessed.  However, I do not have that gift.  I have a discerning spirit though but it sort of comes and goes but the more I pray for strength in that gift, the greater it becomes.  I've made statements I thought "where did that come from" that happened but am I a prophet?  No.  Did God give me this information?  I would not ever say that.  I also know I am not what some call "psychic."  I have never and never will dabble with the occult.  Maybe at various times, when needed, the Holy Spirit gives us the Spiritual gifts as He sees need.  

My point is, why part of this gospel is not true, it does contain the entire Gospel of salvation but adds to it.  The Gospel is simply that you trust and believe that Jesus Christ is God and He DID IT ALL.  IT IS FINISHED.  You are saved if you believe this.  Do good works, speak in tongues if you feel you have that gift, get baptized, do whatever you want to do but just rely only on Jesus Christ for your salvation and realize there is nothing you can do, say, feel or think of yourself that will ever "save" you.  Only our Messiah, Jesus/Yeshua, can do that.  However, the worst thing we can do to another person is to add to that.  Lead them to the Cross and let go and LET GOD.  He is the author and finisher of our salvation.  

I've talked to many people who have been to Pentacostal churches and loved the fire, the Spirit and love the people exhibit BUT when they feel confused, scared and think if they get saved they'll convulse on the floor, talk incoherently, and even some bark like dogs, it turns them away.  IF God chooses to give them that gift, they will get it.  He gives as He gives utterance.  Speaking in tongues is the least of the Spiritual gifts so you are to pray for the better gift and as Paul says in First Corinthians 13, LOVE IS THE GREATEST GIFT.  Lead them to the Cross and Jesus Christ takes over.  Your job is done!  You are saved because we are saved by grace!!!  Let us never again be divided or turn others away from the love of the One and Only Living God...Father, Son and Holy Spirit!

Be blessed and FULL OF GRACE!

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