Monday, November 14, 2016


Eligah Barrett

Discussion  -  Yesterday 9:26 AM

FOURTH IN LINE OF THE NOT-UNDERSTOOD MYSTERY IS THE CIVILIZATION THAT HAS DEVELOPED IN MAN'S WORLD. How did it develop? Why do we find a world of awesome advancement and progress, yet paradoxically with appalling and mounting evils? Why cannot the minds that develop spacecraft, computers and marvels of science, technology and industry solve the problems that demonstrate human helplessness? 

Next, in the development of human society on Earth, is the mystery of the Jew and the ancient nation of Israel. Are the Jews the ancient nation of Israel? Why did God raise up one special nation? Why are they God's chosen people? Are they God's favorites? Does God discriminates against other nations? Is God a respecter of person? What is Israel's purpose in the divine order of things? 

Come now to the mystery of the Church. Why should there be the institution of the Church in the world? Is there some purpose for it, not understood even by the religion of traditional Christianity? Is the Church one Christ-originated Church or does it consists of many differing sects and denominations? Is the Church well organized on a definite pattern originated by Christ? Is there government and authority in the Church? Is it a large universal Church of many millions of members or a small and persecuted Church? How could one recognize the true Church today? 

Finally, why the mystery of the Kingdom of God? Jesus gospel message was the Kingdom of God. Is the Kingdom of God something within each person? Is it something that may be set up in men's hearts? Is it the institution of the Church? Or is it something else altogether? Why this mystery of the very gospel of Jesus Christ?
These are the SEVEN GREAT MYSTERIES THAT CONCERNING THE VERY LIVES OF EVERY HUMAN BEING ON EARTH. The PLAIN TRUTH of all these mysteries is revealed in the Bible, but none of the churches or theologians seem to have comprehended them.

Why? The Bible is the basic mystery of all. 

If one begins reading the Bible continuously from beginning to end, one becomes bewildered. The Bible simply cannot be read like any other book. It is a mystery because it is a coded book. It is like a jigsaw puzzle, with perhaps thousands of various pieces of different forms and shapes that can be fitted together in only one precise pattern. The truth of the Bible are revealed here a little, there a little, scattered from beginning to end, and revealed only through the Holy Spirit within those surrendered and yielded to God, willing to have confessed error and wrongdoing, and yielding to BELIEVE CHRIST the Word of God. Jesus was the Word in Person. The Bible is the same Word in print. 

No one can have the Holy Spirit, which alone can open the human mind to understanding of this Word of God, without a complete repentance and an implicit belief in Christ as well as believing what He says. Repentance can only follow admission of being wrong of wrongdoing and wrong believing. The most difficult thing for any human seems to be to admit being wrong to confess error of belief and conviction to unlearn false knowledge as well as to learn true knowledge.
Is it any wonder then, that the Bible is the book that nobody knows or understands? Or certainly almost nobody. 

God deliberately coded his book so that it would not be understood until our modern time. Why was this purposely done? Even that is a mystery. You will soon find out the real TRUTH.

IN THE 12TH CHAPTER OF DANIEL WE READ EVEN THAT DEVOUT MAN OF GOD COULD NOT UNDERSTAND THAT WHICH WAS GIVEN TO HIM TO WRITE AS PART OF THE BIBLE. HE said he heard, but understood not. The revealing angel said, God thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end .

Today we have reached that time. God has opened to understanding his word to those he has chosen, who have yielded and surrendered to Him and to Him blessed sacred Word. In the 12th chapter of Daniel, it says at this time of the end wise would understand, but none of the wicked shall understand. Who, then, are the wise who may understand the Bible?

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom Ps. 111:10 and a good understanding have all they that do His commandments (same verse). Yet traditional Christianity has generally denied God's commandments says they are done away, nailed to the cross. The clergy and theologians of organized Christianity, therefore, cannot and do not understand the Holy Bible. 

How, then, can we, in this book, understand and real to the reader these boggling mysteries? That question will be answered in the Introduction to follow.

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