Monday, September 26, 2016


What ARE our God-giWQven rights?  Biblical answers to very important questions today!  

I usually on share one sermon each day but I feel this one goes with my previous share about self-defense so I decided to share both!  Enjoy!

God blesses us all!  He gave us His Only Begotten Son who
died...was buried...and rose again!  



First Corinthians 15:1-4
The Gospel According to Christ Jesus


  1. It is our God given right to choose

  2. To Pastor Robert Breaker
    I watched part of your video on September 23, 2017.
    You read from Revelation chapter 12:1-6
    I would like to inform you that to relate this to the constellation Virgo is not what deep study of this scripture reveals. The "woman" clothed with the sun and the twelve stars, ready to give birth, represents a church. "Woman" in scripture always represents a church.
    In contrast, the "woman" scripture also describes in Revelation riding in a dragon, dressed in scarlet and purple, with a golden cup in her hand full of iniquities, represents another "church". Babylon. A modern day "type" of ancient Babylon. Pagan religion, causing confusion amoung The multitudes "many waters" of people. "Waters" in the Bible represents people or nations.
    I think Pastor Breaker, you would want to be careful to assume you understand scripture and its symbolism correctly before presenting it to the public to avoid the possibility of leading anyone astray....
    There is a video you can buy that will unravel the Revelation symbolism that you can order. It is very well done by a number (10 or so) of Biblical scholars from different schools of divinity both domestic and abroad. I believe it would benefit you greatly to have a better understanding of both Daniel and Revelation which need to be studied in tandem to understand.
    The video was produced by a Pastor Doug Batchelor and can be ordered through for about $3.50 well worth much more. The Bible Scholars unravel Revelation chapter 12 and other following chapter. This study will reveal great truths that God is anxious for you to understand so you can pass it on.
    May God richly bless you with wisdom as you seek his truth.
