Saturday, April 29, 2017


I do not have the answer to this question but it's my next step.  Gotta ? for you.  Do you believe that man was created with an inborn sense of moral absolutes or was it learned?  IF you believe it's learned, please tell me how and who would have decided our moral code and why things are so wrong?  I really wanna know.  God bless.


Well, you guys know I like to bring in humor whenever possible and so well, I am.  I'm a lot like the Apostle Peter.  He is well-known for liking the taste of feet.  We both open mouth, insert foot.  Not always a bad thing.  God works ALL things to the good, even our words.  As I've said, I'm really into Christian Apologetics but, never said why.  My son, I don't know what he is and neither does he, but one day he doesn't believe, the next no sure, another mad.  Last time I did this, it worked wonderful but asked him if he'd let me use him (and now YOU) as my guinea pig.   I want to prove to him in no uncertain terms, science is 2 is it IS a faith based religion.  Second, the supposed smartest man on earth (who's IQ is the same as mine perfectly, btw and one of my daughter is more than 20 points higher, it's not able to be measured and got a perfect score on her SATs).  I'm not bragging, walking a thin line but this young woman is amazing and doing absolutely nothing with her genius.  SAD.  So much potential.

I need some questions and what do you think of these 2 to start off with?

1.  Jeremy, did Stephen Hawking prove without a doubt that God does not exist when he stated "he found no evidence to support it?

2.  If so, how?

3.  Is that a "factual" statement OR a simple statement of faith?  I assure you it's a statement of faith, not of knowing.  He cannot prove, no no reputable scientist can "prove" that God does not exist and to say that actually anti-science.  There are just as many Christian scientists (do not confuse with the Christian Science cult) and even atheists who admit they can't with any degree of reliability prove there is no God because what they're learning now upholds Creation.

+ + + + + + +

I don't know where this journey will take me.  I'm no overly educated, "enlightened one" who claims to have any answer but one and that Jesus Christ is my God and my Savior.  He died, was buried, and rose again.  He saved me.  I don't know what Joel 3:9 means and probably never will.  I'll keep seeking but faith, that's not hard.  Try unbelief.  Believe in nothing.  You will live in the worst hell you can imagine never to believe again.  Choose what and who you believe carefully.  Men let you down, time and time again.  Has God?  If so, COULD it have been YOUR bad choices, not His?  Think about it and help me, lol.


"Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you."

Church, we are under attack...Spiritually, intellectually and the new religion called atheism.  We are dumb, blind sheep, uneducated, illiterate and holding back the enlightenment.  First, prayer is the first weapon, second is the Word of God and third, attack back.  I was curious, but not overwhelmed, by Apologetics.  All faiths have them but today, you are fighting the enemy on a whole new level.  Get acquainted with the newest Spiritual weapon.  Notice this man's TITLE and the Ph.d. behind his name.  Yep, he's unintelligent.  God bless him.

Honestly, I don't either


Has anyone but me wondered in the last 15 years, right about the start of 2000, prior no one really seemed to care if you believed.  They left you alone.  You may not have been "friends" but they sure didn't do everything in their power to make you stop believing.  They simply did not care. What they thought I don't know (or care) but as time passes, they are becoming ravenous, terrifying lions.  People are afraid to say grace in public, say God and never dare knowing and believing that Jesus Christ is God.  I am NOT bragging but my IQ is high, much higher than Donald Trump's.  Okay, to some that may not be saying much but it's higher than any recent president since JFK.  My problem and now I think God, I am just not educated. Life taught me truth.  Books written by man tell you their side, not the truth.  Best guess.  Someone once said, "The Bible is not a book man would write..or WANT to write.  I've got some interesting videos if anyone is interested and I'll share them soon.  Some seem to be a bit hard to understand as they use a  lot of scientific terms, physics, natural laws, etc. that unless you're highly educated in that field can, shortly, make it seem too hard to read and understand.

While I am going down a different path to do as Lee Strobel and others have done and go outside scripture to prove God MUST exist.  All gods of mythology have been proven false.  By  scientific evidence.  What they cannot do, they cannot disprove God.  So they are using a different technique...shame, embarrassment, fear, making us feel inferior and "unenlightened."  There is a literal "Atheist Agenda."  It starts  with education, television and movies.  God bless.


WARNING...This is NOT in any way Spiritual nor about Christian Apologetics.  The best I can tell is these men are atheists.  This is about the truth of what it's like today.  The language is harsh.  There is anti-Christian talk although we're not mocked and neither is Islam.  I am not fond of sharing these types of videos and if you're expecting a sermon, no.  The language is seriously bad but you know, life today is harsh, we're not sheltered and we need to know what we are fighting.  Know your enemy.

God bless!


Well, once again I've disappeared.  BIIIIIG surprise.  I'm on many groups, have pages, etc. and it seems to me the same pictures and articles just keep getting shared.  Now. the Gospel MUST be repeated as much as possible but the same articles and pictures, while nice, I fear makes many unjoin (as I had to do) or not bother.  I don't see a lot of interactions, fellowship, discussions or even real help when asked.  That tells me no one is reading or they don't care.  Sorry folks, that is NOT representative of what Jesus Christ commands.  I gave up.  I tried.  Nothing.  For some, this is all they have for many reasons...stop judging.

Well, I love my blog but guess what, same stuff, different page.  I want mine to be different.  Now, some will stay the same, I like laughter and sharing things from places you may not see.  However, I won't be reposting Google communities unless it's in response because, what's the point?  I don't want to take up time better spent elsewhere.  I urge all you who write articles to make your own free blog.  It isn't limited then to Google but goes into search engines.  I've made posts that when I search for more, my page is the 1st or 2nd page listed in the search list.  That is GOOD.  You're reaching people. 

Welcome to THE JOURNEY...I love the Bible, confused but love it but yet I know one thing, Jesus Christ is the Living Word of God.  Now, I get the Trinity.  He even tells us.  Too busy fighting over the rapture to listen to the WORD OF GOD.  Oh, how many of you are "offended" or "do NOT like" the Big Bang Theory.  I hated it but well, it is what happened.  Our first step...Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1.

Gen 1:1 "In the beginning God created the Heavens and the earth."

John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God AND THE WORD WAS GOD.

Always be ready to give reasons for your faith.

First Corinthians 15:1-11

Friday, April 28, 2017


To all my Israeli and Jewish friends here in America, I just want to wish you a happy and blessed Sabbath.  You are always in my prayers.   G-D bless you all.


Thursday, April 27, 2017


For the next week, we're going to a journey back in time to  little over 2,000 to meet Yeshua ah Messiach on HIS terms.  Enjoy the trip and BE BLESSED!


I've been sort of pushing a book on you by Dinesh D'Sousa.  Hard to explain HOW he proves the Christian God exists but yet he does.  Here's a medium length video...give it a chance.  God bless you.


Today's word is iron!  As you know, I usually have fun or put pics up of the object.  How many of you get this one?  God bless!

King Neb in Daniel


First Corinthians 15:1-11

Wednesday, April 26, 2017


Next time a "man of science" tells you that there is no God, tell him this, Only fools do not believe in God.  Atheism is, in its own weird way, as much a "religion" as any other.  It is faith-based.  It's the firm, undeniable belief that MAN is the one with TRUTH.  Well, how many theories have come and gone through the years?  Hundreds?  Thousands?  Who knows but in 10 to 20 years, today's facts will become yesterday's failures.  Chemotherapy is one example.  Darwin said we came from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?  Why aren't we still evolving?  IF we were to make it another 100 years, this century would go down in history as THE most barbaric that ever lived.  We'd make gladiators look like zoo keepers.  How many unborn babies have we killed in the U.S.?  How many died in the nuclear bombing in Japan?  Was that militarily justified?  That I don't know.  I don't care who this makes mad but I think what we did was wrong but I won't debate anyone on this.  They're my feelings and will never change.  They are mine to have.  Very glad I didn't have to make that choice as I don't play war games (except I do love Risk cos I always win.  I buy and build up in Australia.  Very conservative player and at the end, I annihilate the world, hehehe.

We have very effective killing machines.  We give billions of dollars to companies to make killing other living, breathing humans easier and safer for us, that is.  For some, it's no different than playing a video games.  They do the carnage but never see the wreckage.  It's easy not to feel anything about what you did unless you come face-to-face with it.  All of these things are invented by technology which came from what?  SCIENCE.  Guess who started the whole idea on on what "theories" science is based on today.  Christians.  We, out of Islam, Judaism and Christianity are the only ones who are based on an ideology and not the law.  IF we did the 2 greatest commandments, love God/love others, we would live in a world where guns, abortion, war, famine, hunger, etc. would be unthinkable.  They would never be needed.  Just think about it.  Isn't that a God of LOVE?


All of you guys know I am out to destroy any false doctrine although the reason why I'm so adamant about it sort of confused me.  I get extremely angry and today, as I was reading, I was listening to a video (I can't concentrate when it's quiet, do NOT know why) and one was about these fake and very dangerous wealth and prosperity teachers.  Well, I think I know why I am sooooooooo angry... totally perverts the Word of God.  You listen to these clips as this one is a bit different.  Find me ONE verse that even remotely upholds this greedy and filthy liars teach people and they prey on the weak, the sick and desperate.  It shows how these "healings" occur.

I thought the second one was me, I got badly deceived and terrorized by a false church although not this.  By God's GRACE, I knew better.  That's last.  Here's the main...

We are living in some exciting but dangerous times.  If you are blessed to have a Bible teaching church with TRUE fellowship, community outreach, food banks and everything the Church (the Body of Christ) is commanded to do, stick with it and if you can afford and want to give them 5% to 90% of your money, give it.  God LOVES a cheerful giver.  You are, however, not to give to get.  Unlike what they preach, we are not to expect a thing in return.  That's investing, hire a stock broker.  I could be wrong on this, Dinesh D'Sousa has a different take but neither dismisses the other...multiple applications but Jesus is asked if it's lawful to pay taxes.  I'm sure you're familiar with He says but just in case...Jesus replies "Render unto Caesar's what is Caesars's but render unto God what is God's.  I interpret this as first of all, God owns it all anyway.  All we really have to give God is our life.  Does God want 10% of your money OR does He does He want your heart, faith, loyalty, obedience and love?  I have no income yet.  I can't tithe.  We always have ENOUGH...ENOUGH.  There is nothing we want we don't have or can't get.

But what scares me is people who don't have a good church building near them.  The "little brown church in the wildwood" is being overtaken by all these mega-churches.  They teach the masses what they want to hear, not what they NEED to hear.  These false prophets/teachers have so many videos because they are multi-millionaires and can afford to advertise and make tons of money off their books that they sell in church.  Isn't that why Jesus overturned the tables for turning God's house of worship into a den of thieves?  Whatever happened to FREELY GIVEN...FREELY GIVE.  Do you sell or charge someone to share the Gospel of the Cross?  I highly doubt it and with so few churches today and many actively accepting Christ Jesus but willfully rejecting "organized religion," I fear they're going to think THIS is the truth.  We were all babies in Christ Jesus at one point.  Do NOT mislead my brother or sister in Christ Jesus.  LEARN THE TRUTH AND THEN GO OUT AND SCREAM IT.  We've been silent too long and this PC nonsense has about killed us.  Consciously and willing or bowing down to the "powers that be" on earth to keep your non-profit (or 501C) status, give it up.  Pay the taxes.  It may hurt your wallet but Heaven will be rich!

Now, does God bless us financially?  You better believe He can and does.  We got a check out of the blue for $2500 to move to Florida from the V.A. on the LAST DAY POSSIBLE and after 7 months of prayer and I KNEW it.  I never doubted except for less than 5 minutes and I saw the miracle.  It had been there for 3 days but we didn't know it.  How great is our God?  Twice $20 appeared in my bank account, we still don't know, nor does the bank, have a clue how it got there but it was ours.  More often though, He just blesses me with His awesomeness.  Seeing something breath-taking by just being at the right place at exactly the right moment in time.  I give all I can and I don't WANT the $$$ back but I'll take those blessings.  They are more precious...and last so much longer...than money.   Please don't buy into this false teaching.  Listen, this man shows you just how FALSE they are.  It is a different video.

God bless you all and please share the TRUE GOSPEL AND TRUE JESUS CHRIST

First Corinthians 15:1-11

BTW, Joel O'Steen has a book entitled "Your Best Life Now"


Tuesday, April 25, 2017


Again, I haven't fully screened these but what I've heard so far I feel is of value.  My headphones don't last very long, especially when one forgets to turn the off, lol.  I'm really not that unintelligent BUT I am THAT unobservant and, in general, just plain don't think about it.  I like to blame David, lol but can't, at least not as often as I wish.  Ahhh, but how we always try.  We are a good mix, he sees the little things, I see the bigger picture so together, we should be awesome.  I'd say 75% yeah.  Anyway, I am determined to read. I have to return this book to the library soon and I keep forgetting or I get busy on here.  I like to stay in touch so wanted to make a quick post, say good night and have a very happy, safe and blessed Wednesday!


Article contributed by Probe Ministries
Visit Probe's website

The Age Of The Earth And Genesis 1

How old is the earth? How long has this planet been here? Ask most Christians this question and you will likely receive a quick, self-assured answer. All would be well if you could count on receiving the same answer! However, some will very quickly tell you that the earth was created during creation week and can be no more than six to ten thousand years old. Other Christians will tell you, with just as much confidence, that the earth is 4.5 billion years old. This is no minor discrepancy! What adds even more to the confusion is the fact that you can find both opinions within conservative evangelical circles. You can even find both opinions within the ranks of the few Christian geologists with Ph.D.s! Let me assure you that this is just as confusing for me as it is for you.
The age of the earth is a question both of biblical interpretation and scientific investigation. Unfortunately, neither Christian conservative Old Testament scholars nor Christian scientists are in universal agreement. This topic covers a broad spectrum of issues so I am going to try and narrow the focus of the discussion. I will first briefly discuss the biblical aspects of the question, then move on to geology, the flood, and the Grand Canyon.
First, how do the "young-earth" and "old-earth" positions view the Scriptures? Let me emphasize right at the start that both young- earth and old-earth creationists bring a reverent and submissive attitude to Genesis. The difference is a matter of interpretation. Well-known young-earth creationists Henry Morris, Duane Gish, and Steve Austin, from the Institute for Creation Research, interpret the days of Genesis 1 as literal 24-hours days, the genealogies of Genesis 5 and 11 as consecutive or nearly consecutive generations, and the flood as a universal, catastrophic event. This leaves little room for much more than ten to thirty thousand years as the true age of the earth.
Old earth creationists such as astronomer Hugh Ross of Reasons to Believe see the days of Genesis as long periods of time, perhaps even millions of years. Genesis 1, then, describes the unfolding of God's creation through vast periods of time. God still does the work, it is still a miracle, but it takes a lot longer than seven days. The flood of Noah necessarily becomes a local event with little impact on world-wide geology. Other old-earth creationists simply suggest that what is communicated in Genesis 1 is a literary form of the ancient Near East describing a perfect creation. Genesis 1 was never intended to communicate history, at least in their view. Personally, my sympathies lie with a Genesis interpretation that is historical, literal, and with 24-hour days in the recent past. But the testimony of science, God's natural revelation, is often difficult to correlate with this view. The earth has many layers of sediments thousands of feet thick. How could one year-long catastrophe account for all this sediment? The answers may surprise you!

The Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon is almost three hundred miles long, a mile deep, and four to twelve miles across. One's first view of the Grand Canyon is a humbling experience. You truly have to see it to believe it. I was mesmerized and could hardly contain my excitement when I caught my first glimpse of the canyon. I was there to partake in a six-day geology hike into the canyon with the Institute for Creation Research, a young-earth creationist organization. ICR believes that the strata, the layers of rock in the Grand Canyon, were primarily formed during Noah's flood perhaps only five thousand years ago. Most geologists, including Christian old-earth creationists, believe that the strata were laid down over hundreds of millions of years. What better way, then, to equip myself for the study of the earth's age, than to spend nine days around the Grand Canyon (six of them in it) with ICR geologist, physicists, and biologists. ICR has been conducting these tours for over ten years, so everything runs extremely well. Though I was a member of a hiking group, they also sponsored a group going down the Colorado River in rafts and a group touring the whole area by bus. All were accompanied by ICR scientists. Each day we received mini-lectures from the leaders as we broke for lunch or at points of interest along the trail. Topics included the sudden appearance of fossils, the complexity of the earliest canyon fossils such as the trilobites, the age of the earth's magnetic fields, the role of continental drift in the onset of the flood, where does the ice age fit into a young-earth model, water- canopy theories, carbon-14 dating, and the dating of the Grand Canyon basalts (rock layers derived from ancient lava flows).
We examined many evidences for rapid formation of rock layers, which is essential to the young-earth model. We spent nearly two hours at the Great Unconformity between the Tapeats Sandstone, which is dated at about 500 million years old, and the Hakatai Shale, which is dated at about 1.5 billion years old. These two formations were formed nearly one billion years apart in time, yet one lies right on top of the other. Nearly a billion years is missing between them! The night before entering the canyon for the hike, I wrote these words in my journal:
If these strata are the result of Noah's flood and the canyon carved soon afterward, the canyon stands as a might testament to God's power, judgment, and grace. Even if not, what a wonderful world our Lord has sculpted for us to inhabit. His love is bigger than I can grasp, bigger--infinitely bigger--than even the Grand Canyon!

Evidence Of Noah's Flood In The Grand Canyon

One of the more obvious formations in the Grand Canyon is the Coconino Sandstone. This prominent formation is found only a few hundred feet below the rim of the canyon and forms one of the many cliffs in the canyon. Its distinctive yellow cream color makes it look like a thick layer of icing between two cake layers.
Evolutionary geologists have described this sandstone as originating from an ancient desert. Remnants of sand dunes can be seen in many outcrops of the formation in a phenomenon called cross-bedding. There are many footprints found in this sandstone that have been interpreted as lizards scurrying across the desert.
These footprints would seem to pose a major challenge to young- earth geologists who need to explain this formation in the context of Noah's flood. Since there are many flood-associated layers both above and below this sandstone, there is no time for a desert to form in the middle of Noah's flood. Recent investigations, however, have revealed that the cross-bedding can be due to underwater sand dunes and that some footprints are actually better explained by amphibians moving across sandy-bottomed shallow water. Perhaps this formation can be explained by sand deposited under water.
This explanation does not entirely solve the young-earth geologists' problem, because it is still difficult to determine where the amphibians came from and how they could be crawling around in shallow waters on top of sediments that would have to be deposited halfway through a world-wide catastrophic flood. But let's go on to another flood evidence. Earlier, I mentioned the Great Unconformity. This can be observed throughout the Grand Canyon where the Tapeats Sandstone, a Cambrian formation estimated to be 570 million years old, rests on top of any one of a number of Precambrian strata ranging from one to two billion years old.
Our group observed a location in the Unconformity where the time gap between the two layers is estimated to be one billion years. It is very unusual, even for evolutionary geology, for two layers from periods so far apart, in this case one billion years, to be right on top of one another. It is hard to imagine that no sediments were deposited in this region for over a billion years! Evolutionary geologists believe that the upper sandstone was deposited over hundreds of thousands of years in a marine environment. However, we observed large rocks and boulders from a neighboring formation mixed into the bottom few feet of the Tapeats Sandstone. This indicates tremendous wave violence capable of tearing off these large rocks and transporting them over a mile before being buried. This surely fits the description of a flood rather than slow deposition. We spent nearly two hours at this location and we were all quite impressed with the clear evidence of catastrophic origin of the Tapeats Sandstone.
That the Coconino Sandstone likely had a water-deposited origin and that the Tapeats Sandstone was laid down in a great cataclysm are necessary elements for a young-earth flood geology scenario for the Grand Canyon.

The Erosion And Formation Of The Grand Canyon

Perhaps one of the most interesting questions about the Grand Canyon is how it was cut out of rock in the first place. The answer to this question has a lot to do with how old the canyon is supposed to be. The puzzling factor about the Grand Canyon is that the Colorado River cuts directly through an uplifted region called the Kaibab Upwarp. Normally a river would be expected to flow towards lower elevation, but the Colorado has cut right through an elevated region rather than going around it.
The explanation you will still find in the National Park literature is that the Colorado began to cut the Grand Canyon as much as 70 million years ago, before the region was lifted up. As the uplift occurred, the Colorado maintained its level by cutting through the rock layers as they were lifted up. Thus the Grand Canyon was cut slowly over 70 million years! In recent years, however, evolutionary geologists as well as old-earth creationists have abandoned this scenario because it just isn't supported by the evidence. A major reason is that even at the present rate of erosion in the Grand Canyon, it would take as little as 71,000 years to erode the amount of rock currently missing from the Grand Canyon. Also, all of the sediment that would have to be eroded away during 70 million years has not been located. And lastly, evolutionists' own radiometric dates of some of the surrounding formations indicate that the Colorado River has been in its present location for less than five million years.
Some old-earth geologists have tentatively adopted a new theory that requires a few rather strange twists. This theory suggests that the Colorado River flowed through the area of the Grand Canyon only recently. The Colorado originally was forced in the opposite direction of its current flow by the Kaibab Upwarp and actually flowed southeast toward the Gulf of Mexico. This ancestral Colorado River may have occupied the course of what is now the Little Colorado River, only in the opposite direction of its current course.
This theory further suggests that about five million years ago a westward-flowing stream began to erode, upstream or towards the east, over what is today the Grand Canyon, through the Upwarp and capturing the ancestral Colorado River! If this sounds a little fantastic to you, you're probably right. In a recent volume on the Grand Canyon, a geologist, while maintaining this theory to be solid, admits a lack of hard data and that what evidence there is, is circumstantial. Into this controversy step the young-earth creationists, who need to explain how the Grand Canyon was formed, strata and all, in less than 5,000 years. They suggest, quite reasonably I think, that the canyon was formed when the Kaibab Upwarp acted as a dam for three lakes occupying much of Utah, Colorado, and northern Arizona. These lakes catastrophically broke through the Upwarp, and the Grand Canyon was cut out of solid rock by the drainage of these lakes through this breach in the dam. A small canyon was formed this way recently as a result of the eruption of Mount St. Helens. Grand Coulee in Washington state was formed when an ice dam broke at the end of the Ice Age. This breached-dam theory answers a lot of questions the old-earth theories do not, and it needs to be considered.

Uncertainties Of Dating The Grand Canyon

I have noted that old-earth creationists believe that the Grand Canyon strata were formed over hundreds of millions of years and that the canyon itself was carved out in less than five million years. Young-earth creationists, on the other hand, believe that the strata of the canyon were formed as a result of Noah's flood and that the canyon was carved out catastrophically less than five thousand years ago. A critical question to ask is, how can we know how old the rocks in the Grand Canyon really are? The usual solution is to date the rocks by radiometric dating methods, which are supposed to be capable of dating rocks billions of years old. Rocks of volcanic origin are the best ones to use in dating rocks this way, since radiometric elements are plentiful in them. The Grand Canyon has volcanic rocks near the bottom and at the top. ICR has been involved in a project over the last several years to date these volcanic rocks. Their results not only call into question the age of the Grand Canyon but also the reliability of radiometric dating.
The youngest rocks in the Grand Canyon are recognized by all to be volcanic rocks in western Grand Canyon that flowed from the top of and into the canyon. The oldest rocks that have been dated are volcanic rocks called the Cardenas Basalt, a Precambrian formation near the bottom of the canyon. The rubidium- strontium method, however, has dated the Cardenas basalt at one billion years and the lava flow on top of the canyon at 1.3 billion years. This is clearly impossible! Rocks on the bottom of the canyon are 300 million years younger than very recent rocks on the very top of the canyon! These dates were obtained by ICR from samples they sent to several independent dating labs. Something is amiss, either in the interpretation of the rocks, the dating methods, or both.
As we have seen, ICR scientists have come a long way in showing that many of the Grand Canyon strata could have formed rapidly, that erosion of the canyon by the Colorado River has not been going on for tens of millions of years, and that there are significant problems with the dating of the canyon.
However, there are still significant questions that remain to be answered if the young-earth model is to be taken seriously by old- earth geologists. For example, why are there no vertebrates among the fossils of the ocean floor communities of the Grand Canyon strata when vertebrates inhabit today's ocean floors? How did the many different kinds of sediments in the Grand Canyon (limestones, sandstones, shales, mudstones, siltstones, etc.) find their way to Northern Arizona as a result of one catastrophe and become so neatly stratified with little mixing? I raise these questions only to indicate that there is much work to be done. I also want you to realize that when someone asks me whether the flood of Noah created the Grand Canyon, I have to say that I don't know. And that's okay! The creation was a real historical event, Adam and Eve were real people, and the flood of Noah was real history as well. But finding the physical signs of these events can be tricky business. We need to encourage scientific investigation from both a young-and old-earth perspective because the testimony of God's word and His revelation from nature will ultimately be in harmony. It may just be hard to discern what that harmony is right now.
©1993 Probe Ministries
The original version of this article is found at Articles and answers on lots of topics at

Related Topics: CreationEvolution

Monday, April 24, 2017


One of the reasons I sometimes post a lot and others very little and it's because I've been going through what I hope is a growth spurt in the Word of God and learning how to discern, and what I want to do a be in 6 months, a year, etc.  I am 100% committed to my blog and my groups, I just have to be realistic in what I can reasonably do without it becoming a chore.  It HAS to be 100% for Him, for His glory and it must be done gladly and joyfully.  So, I'll share each day but the amount will vary.

What I've noticed is that most blogs are basically the same.  That's good in many respects but people want different things on each blog.  One thing we must be of one voice/one accord is the Gospel as told in First Corinthians 15:1-11.  I want mine to go in a different direction.  I truly feel I have a gift for laughter, having fun, and I want to bring that gift into my sharing of the Gospel.  It's a truly depressing, scary world today.  This political season brought out the very worst in everybody and I fear in 1 to 2 years, we're going to regret losing all the people we allowed this hell on earth issue over the next POTUS and we sold them out, regardless of who was/is right or wrong.  Trump is our POTUS.  The Bible tells us not to speak evil against our rulers but every single day, I hear Trump-bashing, saying awful, terrible and hearsay things about him.  He wasn't my choice, to be honest but I could not vote for Hillary for many reasons.  Her outright mockery of God's Holy Word would not permit it.  However, whether Trump is a true Christian or not really isn't your business.  Let God do what He does and you do what you're told and pray for him.  You don't have to like him but Jesus wasn't kidding when He said to love everyone, even your enemies and to pray, do good for them.  No matter what, good or bad, God appoints our rulers.  Period.  Read the Bible.  He didn't want to and told the Jews they wouldn't always like it but if that's what they careful what you pray for.  You might get it.

So, I will be sharing many serious things but I want this page to inspire you, to engage and challenge you and mostly, have fun.  This is a marvelous journey we're taking and it's so awesome it almost feels sinful.  Come take this journey with me and let's laugh and be awed.  Let's aspire to inspire, see the beauty of His creation and even if it's not overtly Christian (like my fave movie Forrest Gump), we can learn so much from that movie on how to walk the walk of a true follower of Jesus.  Let's have some fun along the way!  For this IS the day the day the Lord has made so let's truly rejoice and be glad.  God bless and enjoy.

NOT an endorsement of Trump, just a meme I made when Hillary said we're unredeemble.  Notice he's pointing up and we are ALL redeemable, even her!

First Corinthians 15:1-11


Just want to say good night and have a blessed Wednesday.  I could use some prayers as either tomorrow or the next, I have to go down a new (and frightening road) and prayer is power.  I don't want to talk about it but let's say it's to be totally free in Christ from all earthly or fleshly desires.  Not sure exactly where this road will take me except at the end, PEACE.

So, let's talk a second about atheism.  I never got it and always wondered why they care so much what we believe.  So, for those like me who know I'm not the brightest crayon in the box, things go in one ear and out the other without stopping and I miss the forest for the trees.  I am a moron, silly, unattentive and if things bore me (like Star Trek, David) my eyes glaze over and my brain goes to the moon, lol.  I even said that atheism cannot exist in the real world because everyone has faith in something or someone unseen, be it gravity, we went to the moon, and especially electricity.  Go ahead, stick a knife in an electric socket and you will believe in electricity but, you can't see it.  You may see the light of it but never the source of the light.  It's UNSEEABLE but you have faith and trust that unless there's a problem, stuff will work.  If not, it is not electricity's fault.  It is yours, the maker of the item or the bulb burned out.  Nobody "blames" electricity.  Now the company, yes, but not the source of it.

If you read my last post, what I'm about to say will not surprise you and I'm still a little unhappy with myself for missing the oh so obvious.  Do I need a board upside the head?  Starting to wonder, lol.  Remember that song, "If I had a hammer..." my go-to word for some of the insane things I've seen and heard this past 20 years...ago 18 months but it felt like 20 to me and now I'm the one who it's directed at. So, maybe you'll be shocked or maybe you're a lot smarter than me but....

ATHEISM IS A FAITH-BASED RELIGIOUS SYSTEM!  Complete with its own doctrine, statements of faith/belief, and even a huge agenda that unless you were born in the last 5 years, you know it's true.  I have a lot to say about the truth of atheism that is going to really make it clear on what it truly is all about.  They have 100% complete, utter devotion to man.  We are infallible and the only "truth" is their theories of the day.  Well, if we're so infallible, why do theories change faster than we change our underwear?  Oh, grow up.  We all wear it.  Well, I hope so anyway but these days, not so sure, lol.

Their "moral standard" alone will leave you broken because very few, if any, will fall into their category of those worthy of life.  They are restricted by the Christian's moral standards by which many countries laws are actually based on (the 10 Commandments as a guideline) and they are substard as it forces them to be unable to crush and destroy those they deem lesser men.  By the book, "What's So Great About Christianity?"  His case for God is different and well, undeniable, using their own language to crush their superiority.  If you are a parent or grandparent of a child in school, before deciding where to send them to school (homeschool is a very legal and great option), especially if you believe in Christ Jesus, you need this information.  You are no longer their parents, they are owned by the state.  You are now just by law their guardian.  Pray and learn the truth.  I learned it a long time ago as I lived it.  This isn't fake or some made up thoughts, he knows of what he speaks.  God bless and go to the library, just read this book.  It's faith building and new insights into what very well may be the beginning of the end.






Please forgive my lapse of not posting my usual blog posts tomorrow, I'll make up for it tomorrow.  I'm reading a very interesting book that I plan on sharing with you once I'm done.  It's called "What's So Great About Christianity," by Dinesh D'Souza and about his case for God.  His tactics are different, he used their language to prove their lies.  It's kinda funny but not one tad bit self-righteous nor does he "hawk" this book as many "men of God" do today.  He makes references to scripture but doesn't quote them (at least so far he hasn't) and I can tell you this, it made my husband start to truly believe in God.  There's still a Spiritual battle going on with him but I'm going to keep silent for a few weeks. I tend to get overly Spiritual and he tunes me out.  I'm seeing signs (of him, NOT revelations or signs from God but probably the Holy Spirit is leading me) of when to talk, AND....when to stop stop. However, I got this on a share and as I suspected, my wi-fi headphone battery went out so I haven't been able to listen to it all.  I do like what I've heard and as always, LEARN TO DISCERN.  Remember this this, this is about future events.  We cannot know anything for sure yet.  We can, at best, go by patterns, prophet words, and we can each day gain more and more knowledge.  Prophecy is not about "telling the future" or a crystal ball to gaze into.  Prophetic events started on the day of the death of Christ Jesus.  It's given so that the Bible is proven inerrant and infallible to every generation.  Are we the final one?  I'd say if mine isn't, my children's one is.  I am NOT a prophet, do not go near the occult and I do not date set, even at gunpoint.  I have a theory about when He's returning based a lot on what we are using to communicate right now...the internet.  The explosion of secular and Spiritual knowledge.  We are unique, different from any other generation before us.  Holograms, technology, CERN, space travel, astronomy, science, undeniable facts about the birth and death of Christ Jesus.  The list is endless.  Atheism is the NEW religion and guess what's faith-based 100%!  They have an agenda and I was a very unwilling partner in it...destruction of the family.  That is their #1 goal and to forbid children from being taught ANY religion in ANY form from Muslim to Judaism, Bhuddism and most of all, Christianity.  We are THE most hated of all.  Notice it's anti-CHRIST, not anti-God.  Man thinks he is god.  So atheists, excuse my language but you're a liar and full of pig crap.  You are a faith-based "religion."  Read the book, you'll be utterly stunned.  Mr. D'Souza was born Christian (name only really until he moved here) when his faith took off.  He is, of all things to be, a politician.  Yep, surprised me too.  Well respected and check out his YouTube debate with the late atheist and well-known hater of Christians in particular, Christopher Hitchens (or Hutchins, I forget).  Great debate.  

I'm sharing this video for any who want to watch it.  IF you see anything "false" in it, please let me know.  I've started screening videos by people I am not familiar with but every now and again, we have to take a leap of faith.  God bless and enjoy!


First Corinthians 15:1-11


Just in case no one's noticed, I like to have fun...clean fun but fun!  I'm pretty sure you guys noticed that already but there are some people who just don't have a sense of humor, or it's perverted, sick (NOT ON HERE THOUGH) or well hidden.  Not mine and nowhere more so in my Word of the Day posts.  Sometimes, though, humor just doesn't feel appropriate.  Sometimes knowing the difference is the key that makes us compassionate, empathetic and, most all, wonderfully and beautifully created in the image of God.  However, you gotta admit when 2-3 (or more) men get together with absolutely nothing to do, blood or broken bones are gonna happen.  Famous last words as quoted by a God-believing comedian -- Jeff Foxworthy -- said "Hey guys, WATCH THIS!  That's when you know pain is inevitable.  What do you guys do?  Seriously, who's idea is it to slide into a frozen lake IN THE SOUTH having no idea how thick that ice layer is to see who can go the most distance?  The one who DOESN'T FALL IN, MORONS.  I love men.  I get you.  I'm not "gender confused" and never have or will be, I AM WOMAN, I ROAR, just ask David.  Funny that's the feminist slogan...I am WOMAN, hear me ROAR.  Lions, as gorgeous and magnificent as they are, they are represented in scripture as destructive.   They devour as does the wolf.  Christ Jesus came as the LAMB of God, He returns as the Lion and what happens at the end of the book?  I'm a woman, I have a divine, perfect, holy and righteous purpose.  I am honored and always felt sorry for men because they will never know what it's like...pain, morning sickness, frequent and often "too late" potty trips, weight gain, all the bad just pales in comparison to feeling that first kick.  It's so subtle that if you're not told in advance what is feels like...I was blessed, my beloved Grandma told me the bad, the ugly but more emphasis on the awesomeness and knowing there is something far greater at work than you.  You pro-created, you didn't create anything.  It takes 2 ingredients to make a baby, a sperm and an egg.  Two people, a man AND a woman.  We are born with these necessary items.  I know for a 99.0% fact they are trying to find a way that men can give birth.  I already know 2 won't end well AND there is no other way than for it to take a man AND a woman to create a baby.  Do YOU want an "artificial" or "man-made" egg or sperm, made not by God's hand?  It would not be in the image of God.  Now, I have no issue with IVF or man's help in fertility as it's still made of God.  Now, this 3-parent-baby idea is going to cause far more heartbreak and problems than one realizes.  Who is that child's REAL mother?  Maybe if more pregnant women put their babies up for adoption rather than murdering them, we would solve 2 major issues, ethically, morally and spiritually.  I almost changed "murdering them to aborting them, but I'm really sick of the PC nonsense and I am not watering down the truth.  That's one of my biggest issues with the church today.

  Okay, I had my say.  Now, for the fun!

TODAY'S WORD IS......NOISE!  (Look at the pics)


Image result for images for barking dogs



Image result for IMAGES for cats playing the piano


(How to tell a firecracker from a gunshot...fireworks echo, gunshots don't but never take the chance unless you KNOW it's just a firecracker...FLEE, your life may depend on it)


Image result for IMAges for a baby's first cry




In today's world, I feel every Christian needs to hear this from a former lesbian, transformed by Christ Jesus.  Find first the sin, deal with that first.  It's a process.  God bless.

Sunday, April 23, 2017


I love testimonies so I share them.  Of course, use your own discernment but I sure feel he is being totally honest.  May God bless him

Share the Gospel

First Corinthians 15:1-11


We are all called to a purpose for Kingdom work.  Are you blessed to know yours?  Or are you like me and not sure.  Some days I feel it's for this reason, other days another.  However, I do feel like I should start a home church OR get involved in one.  I've decided to step out in faith and let the Holy Spirit take over.  I have a park 2 blocks from my home and as soon as possible, I plan to get as many Bibles and other credible (and 100% free) reading material based on sound doctrine and just go spread a blanket, have some tea or other drinks and maybe snacks and see who God sends to me.  It's His call, not mine.  I also plan (and this is a HUGE leap of faith) to design a necklace of an empty tomb.  Not to sell but to open up a dialogue with others on what it is.  We're supposed to go OUT into the world, not invite them in.  The wolves will be the ones who enter.  We cannot be a pure church if we compromise the Word of God to tickle the ears and give false hope of salvation for gain.  We are officially wolves in sheep's clothing and turning in our houses of worship into dens of thieves.  Whatever happened to freely given, freely give?  

Where are our food banks, community outreach programs, at risk youth groups and helping the needy pay their bills?  Ever notice in First Corinthians 13 that the word for LOVE is CHARITY?  Where did that go?  I've talked to so many people who've been to countless churches and get 2 bags of food that MUST last for 3-6 months for families of 6.  I see junk food and stuff even pigs would turn down.  We go home and have dinner, throw away enough to feed one of those families for 2-3 days and it's the best food.  Yet we feel so good by giving someone a box of macaroni and cheese but not the butter or milk required to make it.  You buy $500 dresses and find the rattiest, most used items of clothing to give to the poor.  We give them make-up and they can't eat.  Starve but be beautiful?  

BTW, you self-righteous, judgmental and holier than thou "givers" who carry water and a thing of cookies to give to the poor instead of your precious dollars.  Don't tell me it's not because you "know" they'll buy drugs or alcohol with your money.  I gotta secret...they need to eat too.  Every dime helps. Besides, since when are you held responsible for what they do with their money.  Once given, it's theirs and you have no right to tell them what to do with it.  It's insulting to them.  I knew a family whose husband had to beg cos he couldn't get a job.  Not a druggie or drunk, a man trying to buy food.  

I'm going to risk it all.  Any extra money, my hatred of begging to get people to donate, design a piece of jewelry and then any $$$ somone freely gives me, will go back into the ministry and I'm donating one year of my time unless God tells me more.  My ultimate prayer is to have an oceanside service at least 2 x month.  Please pray.  It won't happen overnight but I am preparing.  Is this my calling?  If the Spirit is willing but if not, He'll show me the way.  Of that, I can take it to the bank!  STEP OUT IN FAITH AND RISK IT ALL!


Briefly, on FaceBook I'm on a secular page called "Just Saying..." and while it may not be Christian, there's absolutely nothing on it that tells me it's wrong.  It's not vulgar, filth nor in any way go against the Word of God.  So I stay, listen and occasionally comment.  It's about bringing hot issues of today that actually have logical, reasonable and oftentimes common sense and cheap solutions are blaringly obvious.  White it rarely does talk about the Bible, when it does, it's on track and inline with Biblical principles.  So, I decided I'd like to make this a regular thing on my blog.  Maybe not every single day but 2-3 x per week if for no other reason than to challenge you.  I may be intentionally wrong, I may not know, it could be personal opinions and thoughts but it's meant to make YOU AND ME a good Berean.  Don't know what I mean by that, find out for yourself.  Don't depend on me or any other "man" (always means "mankind" feminists) to tell you.  Stop relying on a person but God.  "It is better to put your trust in God than your confidence in man."  Psalm 118:8 and is the VERY center verse of the Bible.  Could that be a hidden mystery?  All I know is that there is nothing hidden that will not be made manifest and that the explosion of knowledge at the end-times (is it the internet?) not only means secular but also Spiritual knowledge as well.  I too have noticed some things in the Word of God that wouldn't have made much sense pre-9/11 that today make me reconsider what the Bible really says.

So, today I want to sort of and not, at the same time, apologize for my rabid attack on what I consider to be false prophets.  I saw a video by a pastor I sort of liked but yet didn't feel right about so I did a bit of research, found a site I find highly reliable and, sure enough, he was on there AND for the very things that caused me concern.  So, anything I've previously shared by Discover Ministries, I am not sure he falls into that category but I do feel he's walking a thin line between the Spiritual realm of God and the satanic realm of the occult.  He does study astronomy and numbers, believes in a Bible code but I don't necessarily believe this is what I would call a "false prophet."  Supposedly he's one of the new "Word of Faith," Wealth and Prosperity preachers and believes in the doctrine of Speaking in Tongues.  Does this qualify him as a false prophet?  He does  appear to have the Gospel of Salvation according to First Corinthians 15:1-11 one hundred percent correct, to the best of my knowledge.

Here's my point...I got concerned as I'd find a pastor I was really impressed with, liked and agreed with what he said and there was not one thing unBiblical about that particular article, video, sermon, or whatever.  Maybe my standards are too lenient in some areas, too strict in others.  Yes, I hold every single "man of God" who claims to be an ordained minister to a much higher standard than I do their flock.  They are students, the leaders are the teachers.  You either teach ALL truth or shut up and go form a cult.  Any pastor that teaches we are still required to give 10% even if we cannot pay our rent, electricity  bill or buy food, we are robbing God.  It's all His anyway.  Is it right to give $100 to a pastor or church that is not even going to use your tithes in any way like the Bible commands but for his own gain or to buy fancy materialist stuff.  Where are the food banks and the money we give in order for you to help the needy?  We don't need more seats, we need more truth.  Separate the wheat from the tares now.  Stop tickling ears so you can own 3-4 jets, million dollar houses (low side) and 10-15 cars.  Yet I cannot eat tonight and neither can my neighbor buy both their food and medicine.  Oh, and for the churches who teach the truth, they get an average of 22% in tithes (well, offerings actually) but the others get exactly, down to the penny 10%.  How to tell a false prophet?  Do they tell you ALL truths or just what benefits them.  THAT is my standard.  You're entitled to your opinion on the rapture, tribulation, God's "real name" (NO ONE KNOWS YET) but if you lie, you are not His.  You're nothing but noise even if you cast out demons, prophecied, spoke in tongues, had all wisdom, healed, etc. without love and love means telling the truth and actually teaching true salvation rather than fake, I said a Sinner's Prayer once so I'm covered by grace.  UTTER NONSENSE.  That's "just in case" faith.  Who wouldn't do that?  It's ALL about faith.

So, how do we solve this problem?  By realizing who allowed it to happen and I feel it's the churches fault.  We stopped being the true Church of God and invited in the predators.  Church, in the Bible was about the saints, not the sinners (unrepentant unbelievers) and embraced their sinful lifestyle because it became about money and numbers.  Who ever coined the phrase "win souls to Jesus" needs  tongue-lashing.  Who wins?  You?  Nope.  Not a contest.  I'd say the person who got saved won and Jesus Christ was GLORIFIED.  We are to gather together as believers for fellowship, to encourage, support, correct, chastise and taught in order to GO OUT into the world to share the Gospel.  Instead, we have turned our churches (or houses of worship) into nothing but dens of thieves and let the predators come in by our own choice.  There's always CDs, T-shirts, keyrings, bumper stickers, books, etc. to be bought.  That's after tithing, free will offerings (sometimes 3-4 x a sermon) and I gotta ask, if this information is so critical to one who is born again, HOW DARE YOU SELL IT?  You were freely given...FREELY GIVE.  Take up a donation if you must but it must bee a free will donation.  

Finally, I googled every single "famous" pastor from Billy Graham to today and someone has put every single one of them on a false prophet list.  Well, here's some cults to stay away from...

THE Seventh Day Adventist
Jehovah's Witnesses
The Roman Catholic Church
Christian Science (not to be confused with Christians who are scientists)
Wealth and Prosperity
Seeding Sowing Doctrine
Word of Faith
Faith Healers
Name it/Claim It


The United Pentacostal Church
Some SDA's fit more into this category than full-blown cult.  Pray for discernment

Sorry if the truth of your religion hurts.  Research why.  Very Biblical and sound doctrine on why.  Work out your own salvation.  Leave mine alone.  Also, if a JW comes to your door, do NOT engage them, do not allow them into your house and don't wish them Godspeed.  If so, that makes you a partaker of their evil.  Oh, and don't try to spread the true Gospel unless you know how.  You cannot and will not do it and watch their face if you try, these sweet old ladies WILL turn into a wolf.  Let's talk now and if you use scripture, it must be by the KJV ONLY, it must be by clear language of scripture (no twisting or assuming) and no outside publications allowed ever!  If you decide to debate me on this, as I could be wrong (along with many others), I will be checking where you get your info.  NO WATCHTOWER ALLOWED.  To the UPC, there ARE 65 other highly relevant books in the Bible.  Acts is NOT the final authority as it is an awesome, exciting and wonderful transitional book.  Paul is highly credible too.