Monday, March 27, 2017


" The Next BIG THING ? "

I don't know about you but I am sick of all the hype for the next Big Thing in the electronic field !!!!  Sick, Sick, Sick to death at how fast and how much all these companies spend on making everyone believe they need the next Big Thing in IPhones, IPads, Smart TV's, Smart Watches, Digital Cameras, etc. You know what I am talking about. Those commercials that show the guy with the broken glass screen on his Iphone but can't get an upgrade because it is too soon. Or the 2 guys barbecuing and the one shows the other his new IPhone and the other gets his, what looks like a Trac phone, out of his pocket and the other guys says that's "vintage". They buy the latest gadget, get it home, unwrap it and look up and see on TV the next Big Thing that makes what they bought seem out of date or obsolete !!!

I have a Trac Phone and I only know how to use about 1/4 of the things on it, just enough to be able to call & get calls.  The only cameras I have in the house take 110 film, which they don't make anymore. This laptop that I am using we got in Nov.2010 because we needed a way to look at real estate listings in Florida, where we moved to in June 2013. Now I use it like the encyclopedia Britannica, as a look up tool. I have a few pictures on it but can't print. I used to be on FB but it was too crude for civil eyes to look at so I got off of that. 

I have managed to figure out how to do this blog, but probably not as well as it could be done.  I know a lot of people that are in the same boat as my husband and I. We know just enough about the couple of pieces of electronics that we have, to be dangerous !!! The next Big Thing in electronics for us has got to be some kind of a camera so that when we travel around the country and visit family and friends we can take pictures, but I am scared to death to have to try and half figure out another electronic gadget !!!

Now you may be wondering what the next Big Thing in electronics has to do with a blog about the WORD of TRUTH, well I'll tell you. GOD's WORD is the same yesterday, today and forever AMEN !!!  Like GOD HIMSELF, HIS WORD does not change. I can open my Bible and HIS Truth is always and forever settled in heaven. HIS WORD does not say one thing one day then change because someone thinks that it's old or obsolete. HIS WORD is even more for today than ever before. We as GOD's people need to be in HIS WORD on a daily basis, singing HIS praises in our hearts every moment and leaning on HIS ever powerful right arm for our strength and comfort.

IF YOU'RE NOT one of HIS children then you need to accept what HIS SON, JESUS CHRIST did for you on the cross of Calvary. GOD the FATHER sent GOD the SON ( JESUS CHRIST ) to earth to pay the price for mankind's sin, your sin & my sin.  As sinners we all are in desperate need of a SAVIOR, the ONE and only SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST. Pray now, believing in your heart that you are a sinner, that JESUS died to pay the price for your sin, that HE rose again and is sitting at the right hand of the FATHER praying and interceding on our behalf. Pray for HIM to forgive you and for HIM to come into your heart and save you, HE will.
Your servant in CHRIST,

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