Monday, March 27, 2017


It would be considered very unusual for me to share anything pro-RCC and you know that by previous posts.  However, I received this in my email and I did sign the petition, not because I worship or pray to Mary, but because she is the earthly care-giver of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  I do not believe she is a "goddess" as the Catholics do BUT she is a very BLESSED WOMAN.  She was devout and pure but still a human...and a fallen one.  I'm sure she sinned as we all do but she remained pure in body, Spirit and mind.  She served the Living God YHWH and He chose her.  The Bible even says she lived out her life pondering (or wondering) what had really happened to her.  Now if she was a "goddess" as they claim, she would have no need to wonder as God knows all.  Even in their statement of faith, they have (assumed) in parentheses around it.  But, as usual, I wander off topic. 

As anti-RCC as I am, even I was horrified at this.  Oh, and I had MUCH to say in the email.  I will say this to you.  Homosexuality was, is and always will be a sin, even an abomination, before YHWH. I plan on writing a post in regards to homosexuality and how the Church...the BODY OF CHRIST...has turned a blind-eye to this issue and have compromised the Word of God.  We can't be un-PC, right?  That and feminism is 2 of the biggest reasons for our downfall but more on that soon and back to this horrible and blasphemous "play" that's about to start. Even if you are't RCC, I hope you'll show your outrage and stop being silent.  We are descending into hell on earth. I cannot begin to imagine what reality hell really is going to be like.  I pray to never know.  God bless and pray, it's our only weapon.  Have we become an apostate church?


You may not be a Catholic but you ARE a Christian.  God chose her to bring our God and Savior, Christ Jesus, into this world.  She is a blessed woman.  It's past time for the true Church, the Body of Christ, to wake up and be silent NO LONGER.  We have been too quiet for far too long.  SPEAK UP NOW!

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