Sunday, January 1, 2017


My duty in life is to spread the truth of God's Word, even if it hurts; even if it offends; even if I'm rejected, mocked or persecuted. I will not compromise the Word of God, add to it, twist it, make assumptions, or make the Scriptures fit my doctrine or beliefs. I go by the clear language of what God says, never man. Many have asked for my testimony and this is part of it. In part one, I am telling you my personal experience with the UPC and I will prove their doctrine to be false doctrine in this and future postings by the Word of God. I will be including links, videos and articles.

I will not go outside the clear language of scripture, twist verses to fit my beliefs or make any assumptions. I was raised Presbyterian. Back then it taught the truth of the Gospel. While it wasn't a hellfire and brimstone church, it didn't leave off sins. Nor at that time did it compromise the Word of God as it has now. I am now a Baptist (well, that's the closest denomination to what I believe). Lo and behold, I was raised on the truth. Wow! I was so blessed and I thank GOD ALMIGHTY for being born when being a Christian meant something. But as Jesus Christ said, the world hates us because it first hated Him. So I am happy to be found worthy of persecution for His Name. Praise the Lord!

I left the Presbyterian Church and started attending what was back then called a "Holiness" church which turned into the UPC or United Pentacostal Church. It is transforming into this new "Wealth and Prosperity" or "Word of Faith" movement. Many false prophets in this church and I will show you by the Word of God, not of myself. My personal thought is that if you "assume" something that is not clearly stated, you may be adding or taking away from God's HOLY AND PERFECT Word. The Bible is sufficient to interpret the Bible. You don't need to assume or use man-written publications

You won't believe me but I weighed 80 lbs, couldn't walk but a few steps but I heard a voice call my name twice and said "if you don't get up out of that bed today and walk, you are going to die in that bed." I thought my husband said it. It was loud and clear and I put on my shoes, had no idea how I was gonna do it, but I obeyed that voice and walked outside for a short bit and I do mean short. Within 2 weeks, I'd gained 20 lbs and walking as far as I wanted. I had met a woman that invited me to her church a few weeks and I thought I knew which church she meant but I went to the wrong one but that's okay, I thought. It's a church. I'm not here to embarrass anyone so I won't name the church or the people involved but it was a UPC. It was huge and when I went in, someone had to find me a seat. The front row was empty so I went to sit there and was told women weren't allowed. I thought that very strange and later asked a woman, who is my friend now, why and she said (I can't believe this), we women might cause a man to "sin" if he could see up our dress. We weren't allowed to ever wear pants, cut our hair, dye it, wear make-up, no jewelry except wedding rings, nor allowed to speak to a man or in church. One, why wouldn't the man be held accountable for his sin if he chose to look up our dress? They had to be below the knee but they may slip up and cause a man to sin. Only if he lusted after us would that be a sin. He is in control of that. He can look away. Second, if women aren't allowed to speak in church, then why is it that every single woman was screaming in religious ecstacy in an unknown language, so much so that I couldn't hear the sermon. Honestly, when I left I never intended to return because I felt I'd been to a rock concert instead of a church. All the pastor preached on was baptism of the Holy Ghost. That was one big church. It was sad too. So many very old people in wheelchairs that couldn't hold up their heads and were so obviously miserable and in pain so I asked why not give them DVDs of the sermons so they could be comfortable and not forced to be in pain. The answer may shock you and I pray it does....She said because then they wouldn't have the Holy Spirit. Is it me or is that so unBiblical it is almost, if not, heresy? The Holy Spirit is in us. It's not in a church. I feel the Holy Spirit right now and I'm nowhere near a church. The truth of why is even worse. It is because if they aren't physically in the church, they may not tithe or give them money. Baptism of the Holy Ghost and tithing was all that minister preached. We are not under the law of tithing. We are not robbing God. We are to give cheerfully and out of our increase but we can't steal from our debtors as that is a sin, to give money to a greedy church that only wants it for bigger buildings, more seats, for more money. Tithing was to go to the needy saints and support the pastor's reasonable way of life. However, in this church, the pastors wore the finest clothes, ate the best food, drove expensive cars and at a after services gathering, the members were given a sandwich with one piece of cheap meat, a small bag of chips and tea. I had no issue with this until I saw what looked like "crime tape" separating part of the gym where it was held with tables full of good food like fried chicken and all the trimmings for pastors and "special guests" ONLY. They exalted themselves before the saints of the church. They separated themselves and dined on good food while the saints ate junk. Read First Corinthians where Paul calls out Peter and others for doing this. The believing Jews and Peter separated themselves from the common folks and perhaps because others arrived later because of their jobs, they had to eat the left-overs. Paul corrected and called out Peter for their behavior.

Oh, and my ride home left me there abandoned with no ride home in the winter. I could have walked but it was cold and dark. I had to beg for someone to lend me their cell so I could call my husband to come get me. I lived less than 5 miles away and no one offered me a ride home. Not one was willing to go a few miles to help out someone in need in their church. Unfortunately, in my search for a good Bible-teaching church, this is not unique to this one particular church but rather it's the norm. Also, not once did the pastor acknowledge me and when I tried to ask him a question, he brushed me off. He was in a hurry. He never intermingled with his congregation. Also, his wife has alzheimer's disease and this church is one where many women gather around other women to lay hands on them yet although she is noticeably very stressed and crying, he makes her go to every single church service, some which can last 4 hours or more. He doesn't stop people from doing this to her. I find this sad. I pray this never happens to any of you. She is in God's hands now. Her salvation is secure. She doesn't even recognize her family, much less the people in church. I can't imagine the fear and suffering this poor woman is forced to endure. Even if it's just once a week, it's not right. Letting her be and putting on worship music or the Bible on CD would be comforting and Spiritual. That way she wouldn't have to endure this. We are not to cause suffering, we're to try to end suffering and pain. Jesus could heal her if He were on earth today but we are not divinely protected from diseases nor guaranteed healing on this side of Heaven. In fact, the Bible is clear we will endure diseases and pain/suffering. We're to trust Him through our afflictions even to the death as it is appointed to man to die once.

Why I kept going was because of my friend who I barely talk with as harsh words were said and she hurt me badly by telling me my very devout Christian grandmother and I were going to hell because she nor I spoke in tongues. How dare she! My grandmother warned me never to go to this church denomination. Why I didn't listen, I don't know because everything else she told me about the Bible was TRUTH. Wisest woman I ever knew to this day and she only had a 5th grade education. She told me that my generation would see the 2nd coming of Christ, that the Bible doesn't go far past the year 2000 and look around, do you not see it? Explosion of knowledge at the end...the internet! All knowledge is at the tip of our fingers. All eyes are on Israel and look at the UN resolution to force Israel to yet again give up land. It is always Israel and ONLY Israel. I have a theory on this that I will share after this post.

I got baptized because I wanted to, not because I wasn't saved. They preach you MUST be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ ONLY and not the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. You must be rebaptized if you were baptized that way. Baptism is obedience, not salvation. Jesus tells us to be baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Spirit. Peter says to be baptized in Jesus's name only. Who do you believe? I feel it doesn't matter as Jesus is God and baptism is not necessary for salvation or especially the remission of sins. Here is the scriptural basis for this....

Jesus Christ was baptized in the Jordan River by John the Baptist who recognized Yeshua as the Messiah. He didn't want to baptize Him but Jesus said it MUST be so for righteousness sake.

Jesus Christ was fully man/fully God, a man without sin. If baptism is for the remission of sins, why would Jesus have need of being baptized. He did it for us. Now, as I promised, if it's my personal opinion, I would tell you and that's what this is, my PERSONAL opinion based on scripture. Would God demand something for salvation that not everyone could do? If you say yes, then you are a works-based rather than grace alone believer which goes against Ephesians 2:8-9

"For ye are saved by GRACE through faith and NOT of yourselves. It is a GIFT of God. Not of works (nor deeds) lest any man should boast."

What if one is on their deathbed or in a country where saying the name Jesus Christ could cause you to be killed, are killed or die before the church can baptize you; or a place where there is no water in which to immerse you? While I do believe one SHOULD be baptized and not christened or sprinkled but immersed into water, it is a symbolic and outward showing of the inward decision to follow Christ Jesus. I also do not believe in baptizing babies. Therefore, Christ Jesus did it all so that we don't have to. There is a very rare but real medical disease where people are allergic to water. It is very, very rare but it does happen. Ask yourself this, would God send them to hell if they accepted His Son because they didn't get baptized because of an allergy? No! God is not a respecter of persons. No one is special or less special in His eyes in the Body of Christ. If He gives a "pass" to one, He does it for all. King David, whose bloodline brought in our Messiah, is not one bit more special to God than you, no matter what you did in the past. King David sinned greatly! So do we yet God loved Him and David could see Jesus Christ in the future. Salvation from Genesis to now has always been by grace and faith, not the law.

Is Jesus a liar? No! "For God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son so that whosoever believeth in His Name should not perish but have everlasting life. For God sent His Son into the world not to condemn the world but that through Him the world might be SAVED! John 3:16-17.

I will end Part One of this series with the doctrine of GRACE. The only doctrine of salvation was given to the Apostle Paul by Christ Jesus and can be found in First Corinthians 15:1-11. Please familiarize yourself with this so that you won't be deceived by false doctrine of man, false churches and prophets and those who preach a different Jesus Christ. Be ye not deceived, little ones. He gave us everything we need to be saved and when He said on the Cross "It is finished," it was finished. Salvation by grace and the blood of Jesus Christ had come to the world. We can never be righteous or sin-free. We are fallen but the difference in us and the "world" is that we are covered by His blood and by His blood we are free. Amazing Grace saves and Amazing Grace will lead us home.

Next, the false teaching of tongues!



I took December off from Google and my blog to reconnect with my first love, Christ Jesus.  I love Him so much that I wanted to do anything and everything I could to "WORK" for Him and as the only connection to the outside world, I made this blog, made 3 communities and joined so many that I found I couldn't do any of them "good."  I learned I'd rather do 3 things to God's glory "well done" than 50 poorly.

So, I restored my relationship with Him, took a lot of time to just believe and try to understand His Word by reading the Bible, listening to good sermons and was a wee bit selfish but in a good way.  Now I can be better at being self-less, by spreading the Gospel of Grace to all.  

This blog will be sharing inspirational videos, worship music, other videos as it relates to Bible prophecy and if I hear a good sermon by someone who preaches the RIGHT Gospel and a great sermon, I will share that too.  I will be doing a Gospel of Grace blog that only thing specifically related to SALVATION will be posted.  I will do about 14 posts per week, all in one day.  That way it will stay visible for a week.  It will change weekly, rather than hourly or daily.  This one will be as much as I find worthy of being shared.  I will give you my new blog address once I have it built.  Hopefully by next Sunday.  I also hope to be able to add a Christian fellowship "chatroom" as well, where we can all gather to talk.  I'm working on that. 

I love my communities on Google and will visit whenever I can but I found myself feeling as if it were more work than joyful.  I wanted to read and love everything, comment to give you support and encourage you in the faith.  I couldn't keep up so I gave up.  That's not what I wanted.  I love us being there for each other but not at the expense of true worship of our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus.  I felt like a slave to the computer rather than freedom and liberty in Christ.  Please don't be offended if I unjoin some communities that are carbon copies of other groups (the same exact shares on each).  I have to scale back and if you find yourself feeling as I do, I urge you to do the same.  While I pray my blogs and pages, shares and comments help you grow, learn and want to share the Gospel, don't please me, please God!  Don't ignore your family, friends or pets even to try to visit every page.  Scale back, turn off notifications if you're getting 500 twice a day, as I was.  We'll still be here when you come to our sites.  LIVE IN CHRIST JESUS.  Be free and be holy as He is holy.  Don't forsake what you've been given.  You will, in the end, be much more helpful for Kingdom work in the end.  

We're not slaves to our Master so we should not feel like slaves to others.  Be fruitful and if that means doing one thing well and only one thing, then you will succeed.  Do 50 things not so well and you won't.  Work for God, not man and He will greatly bless your ministry!

Pray for the U.S., Trump, and Israel.  Just because we know we can't make a REAL difference in the world, that doesn't mean we can't change just ONE person's life and from that point, it will branch out as "Pay it Forward" works.  Be not deceived, stay strong and grounded in His Word, spread the Gospel and no matter what member God chose for you in the Body of Christ, be it the head or the foot, we are all necessary and one person's victory in leading someone to Christ is our victory.  

Also be realistic in your goals.  You can't change the world but we serve Christ Jesus who will.  You CAN change a person's life so in everything you do, to it to the Lord so that the difference you do make is holy, perfect and righteous in His eyes.  God bless you all.

New email address is:  Please don't use as I am not getting all of my personal emails.