Sunday, January 15, 2017


I am returning from my "vacation" and this blog as well as my new one will resume this upcoming week.  I needed it physically, emotionally and especially Spiritually.  Thanks for understanding.  Also, my Google Plus activity will also greatly improve.  I've missed you.

Pray for a peaceful, nonviolent week, smooth transition and exercise Spiritual discernment.  Know what to say and when to stay silent.  Don't add to an overly stressed situation.  Never forget God is sovereign and His will WILL be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

Be full of grace, mercy, compassion and love.  Remember that many are hurting and their feelings DO matter.  Love is not passive, it's action.  Love God, love others.  The rest will fall into place and the sun will shine on Saturday (even if it's cloudy and raining.  You're a Christian so let's rise to the occasion and show the world who we really are!  

Jesus loves YOU!  Love Him back!

Spread the Gospel of Salvation by Grace

First Corinthians 15:1-11