Thursday, August 31, 2017


In case you don't know, I am NOT a fan of this false teacher.  He's a fake and defrauding millions of people out of their money.  He writes a book -- being a PASTOR -- on how to have your BEST LIFE NOW?  What?  My best life lies beyond the grave, Mr. Osteen.  I fear I know the reason he didn't open his doors, he didn't want the riff-raff (in his eyes) clogging up the place because they have nothing to give.  He gives us Christians a bad name.  He did nothing until forced to.  Pray for Texas.  That's all he said.  I say pray for Texas too and IF you can do anything, please do.

Beware of wolves in sheep's clothing, seeking to devour and destroy!


Worship in Spirit and in Truth

In an unlikely encounter with an immoral Samaritan woman, our Lord Jesus uttered one of most important statements ever made about worship. In John’s deeply moving account of Jesus’ meeting with the woman at the well, after Jesus uncovers her hidden sin and shame, she asks Him about a worship matter of long dispute between Jews and Samaritans — and of great importance to them both: “Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, but you say that in Jerusalem is the place where people ought to worship.” Jesus said to her, “Woman, believe me, the hour is coming when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father. You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews. But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” The woman said to Him, “I know that Messiah is coming (he who is called Christ). When he comes, he will tell us all things.” Jesus said to her, “I who speak to you am he” (John 4:20–26).
Jesus’ answer thunders with points of significance regarding the momentous transition that He Himself was bringing about in the history of redemption through His own life, ministry, death and resurrection; but it also speaks specifically to the theology of Christian worship.
First, Jesus’ great statement that we must “worship in spirit and truth” has implications for every aspect of biblical worship. The Bible indicates that worship is both a specific activity and a way of life. Worship, as an activity, has at least three aspects in the Bible (public worship, family worship, and private worship) alongside all-of-life worship.
Public worship occurs when the people of God assemble for the express purpose of giving to the Lord the glory due His name and enjoying the joy of His promised special presence with His own people. This kind of worship is sometimes called “corporate worship” (because the body, or corpus, of Christ, that is, the Church, is collectively involved in this encounter with God), and sometimes it is called “gathered,” “assembled,” or “congregational” worship. This important aspect of worship is featured in both the Old and New Testaments. While Psalm 100:2 and Hebrews 10:25 speak of “coming before the Lord” and “assembling together” they are both addressing public worship.
Family worship is led by fathers, or other heads of families, with a view to establishing God-centered homes, promoting worship in all of life in all the members of the household, and in preparation for public worship. The Bible makes clear the importance of family worship (Ex. 12:3Deut. 6:6–8Josh. 24:15).
Private worship (which is sometimes called “secret worship” or “personal worship”) is taught and modeled throughout Scripture, especially by Jesus, Daniel, David, and Peter. Jesus gave specific instructions to His disciples about it in Matthew 6:6, and He exemplified it in Mark 1:35 and Luke 5:16. David spoke of it Psalm 5:3. Daniel spoke of it in Daniel 6:10, and Peter spoke of it in Acts 10:9.
Worship in all of life is stressed in both the Old and New Testaments and is behind the Shorter Catechism’s assertion that “man’s chief purpose is to glorify God.” In Jonah 1:9, when the prophet Jonah described himself as one who reverenced God, he wasn’t speaking of something he did exclusively on Saturdays, but he was characterizing his whole manner of life. Paul, too, says we are to glorify God in everything we do (1 Cor. 10:31), and this is what we mean by all-of-life worship.
Second, Jesus’ great statement that we must “worship in spirit and truth” means that we must glorify God (in public, family, private, and all of life) in accordance with God’s own nature and truth. This means at least two things: First, we must realize that God is Spirit, and, hence, He is not tied to one location for our worship. Second, we must worship according to the truth of Jesus’ person and work, for He is the truth (John 1:1414:6) and, thus, the only way whereby we may truly worship God. In other words, Jesus is Himself “the truth” according to which we must worship. He is the very incarnation of God (John 1:14), the embodiment of the Father’s character (John 14:6), and the fullest revelation of God’s nature and plan (John 1:18Heb. 1:1–3). Thus, to worship in truth means to worship in accordance with the truth of and about Jesus — that He is the Son of God, the Messiah, and the only Savior of sinners.
So, for starters, when we say that we are to “worship in spirit and in truth,” we are saying that in public, family, private, and all of life we are to glorify and enjoy God — which are the two parts of all worship. Second, we are to worship God in light of who He is (and since He is Spirit we must worship in spirit, or in accordance with the reality that He is Spirit). Third, we must worship God in accordance with His revelation (that is, carefully adhering to the directions of His Word). Fourth, we must worship God in complete dependence upon, and trust in, Jesus Himself (who is the truth in the flesh).

First Corinthians 15:1-11
Ephesians 2:8-9
John 3:16-17


We love Mary.  She is blessed but not a goddess.  Just a very devout woman who wondered all of her life what had happened to her.  Pray for our catholic friends.  They are deceived. The papacy is dangerous!  More and more people are leaving the Roman catholic church. Some denominations even claim they're either the a/c or false prophet.  Honestly, I think they fit the description of the Whore of Babylon.  No, I am not trying to offend but love often hurts just as salt in a wound hurts but heals.  God bless and pray.

Plan of Salvation?

First Corinthians 15:1-11



Well, we may have forsaken Israel (not us, the government) but THEY haven't forsaken us. God bless Israel!  How dare she?  I pray for her and ask you to also.

Plan of Salvation

First Corinthians 15:1-11



Lately, as I go do my blog, I try to find videos or articles that I feel are relevant to the gospel and occasionally I'll find one or two videos that seem to give a more "Biblical" perspective on these upcoming events.  I never put dates and I just watch these signs but do I know or even believe they are significant?  Yes and no.  They are significant but I don't know what they are for.  I'll admit that in my personal POV, it does appear that something major is not far off.  However, I see it first from a Biblical worldview.  Second, from watching the world go more and more insane each day; and third, logical.  

Tensions are so stressed in every country today, first with Iran getting nukes and now that little pip squeak (God forgive me) Kim Jong Un literally playing with fire.  Israel's PM has just about had it and is about to draw a red line in the sand.  Let me assure you, when Israel draws a red line, you don't cross it, unlike another well-known leader we're all glad is gone, so if God doesn't intervene, we're gonna blow ourselves up. 

So in a way, I guess I have something in here for the believer and the atheist.  I'm gonna digress here a minute.  Atheists, why do you call us stupid, blind, etc. because we know there's a God?  Either way you go, believe in Him or not, it's a "leap of faith."  It's just as, no more believable God exists and created us since we have so much proof the Bible is true, than to "imagine time" as Stephen Hawkings suggests.  Even stupid, blind, uneducated sheep you may believe us to be, even we know you don't create anything out of nothing.  If you can stop aborting your babies and have one, you'll understand how you could not have created that human without divine intervention.  

Anyway, I haven't posted much because that's about all anyone is talking about.  Could the rapture, 2nd coming happen?  Of course it could.  It may not and all these people putting so much emphasis on it scares me.  I believe they sincerely are saved and believe.  They are not trying to mislead you nor are any false prophets.  Let's face it, this is weird.  Weird things are going on including this horrific hurricane.  I don't want my POV influencing yours.  I truly believe it's a sign but not necessarily one of the rapture or the tribulation, although it could be.  

Be ready.  Spread the gospel like never before and pray.  Regardless, we don't have a lot of time left on this earth and there are no second chances.  I'll share when and if I can find anything not related to these signs.  Go to YouTube, you'll find thousands on there.  Be ready for anything.  Miss you and God bless.  Love in Christ Jesus.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017


IF I wasn't a believer before, I think this video would make me one.  It is amazing.  You really need to watch this and pray that you do.  God bless and love in Yeshua Messiah.


Many say our pets don't go to heaven because _________.  My question is why wouldn't they?  Did God not create them?  Do they willfully sin or have the stain of original sin?  Do they go against nature and what comes "naturally?"  No.  Does God love animals?  Yes, He does and since life on earth is a pattern of what is in Heaven, I think we can make an excellent case for the high possibility that with God it IS possible for our dear pets to go to Heaven.  God bless and treat animals with love.  It is a demand of God.

But humans have no guarantee.  Accept Christ Jesus as your Lord and Savior today.

First Corinthians 15:1-11

Sunday, August 27, 2017



Behold the beauty of God's greatest creation - YOU!



Surprisingly, very uplifting and encouraging.  Great advice even for now.  I pray it blesses you.


Sharing this video to help you share the Gospel of Christ Jesus with those of other religions, cults or atheists.  I pray it helps some.  God bless and love in Christ!


Saturday, August 26, 2017


The unpardonable sin is the willful refusal to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior to your death.  Since we aren't guaranteed a tomorrow and we may be in the end times, we don't know, don't wait for today is your only day of salvation you are assured of.  See the plan of salvation in First Corinthians 15:1-11 with special attention to 1-4.  The Cross!  The burial and resurrection.  Trust and believe.

Go to the outermost parts of the world and spread the Good News!


This "tip" was originally delivered on Saturday, July 15th, 2017 .
When people learn that God may not fulfill their prayer requests, they often think that prayer becomes vain and pointless.
They think, “if I can’t get what I ask for, then what is the use of praying?”
If this is the case for you, then it is not prayer that is vain, but your idea about how prayer works.
Prayer is not God’s suggestion box or the way to place your order at the divine drive-thru. The purpose of prayer is not for God to meet your every whim and desire.
Imagine if this is how you treated every interaction with your family or friends!
“If I can’t get something from you, then what is the point of talking to you, thinking about you, or being married/friends?”
Wouldn’t that be a bit selfish? (The correct answer is, yes.)
Perhaps God’s purpose is for you to grow spiritually, and prayer is a spiritual practice that strengthens your inner man according to God’s will, not yours.
Prayer is not vain, even when your physical desires and requests are not met, because prayer is supposed to orient your heart and mind in Christ (Phil 4:7).
That it can do every time you pray.
For His glory,
Justin “without ceasing” Johnson


That The Acts Of The Apostles (ACTS) written by Luke did not end?
Acts tells of the beginning of the ministry of the Gospel to the ends of the earth. Remember in the Garden of Eden man doubted God and that led to disobedience  and sin and the fall.
The way back to God is by faith:  Romans 1:5  " By whom we have received grace and apostleship, for obedience to the faith among all nations, for his name:"  so we find in that day that some believed the gospel and some did not.  Every believer is a "sent one" since Pentecost. Each of us are witnesses sent forth to the lost world with a message..."for the obedience to the faith among all nations, for His name".   Obedience to the faith is very important to God ( Romans 16:19;  26). I pray we live in obedience to God.
As YOU KNOW, saving faith brings us to the place of surrendering to the Son of God who loves us and gave His himself for us. While correct doctrine is essential, there is a discipline and a doing that goes with it as many of us know by experience.  We ARE the salt of the earth and in so being we must combine them both.
"But we never can prove the delights of His love, for the favor He shows, and the joy He bestows, are for them who will trust and obey. Trust and obey, for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus , but to trust and obey" (Hymn; "Trust and Obey", by Rev.J.H.Sammis)
So we are the continuation of Acts and our faithful works are not recorded in a book here, BUT IN THE LAMB'S BOOK OF LIFE above.
Among whom are ye also the called of Jesus Christ ( Romans 1:6)
THE GOSPEL IN 17 TONGUES (Available 24/7)
[ Reaching 2 Billion 400 Million Worldwide]
May God richly bless you, beloved
Chaim, least



Matthew 16:22-24   " Then Peter took HIM, and began to rebuke HIM, saying, 'Be it far from THEE, LORD:  this shall not be unto THEE.'  But HE turned, and said unto Peter, 'Get thee behind me, Satan:  thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of GOD, but those that be of men.'  Then said JESUS unto HIS disciples, 'If any man will come after ME, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow ME.' "

 Our society has been inundated and influenced by the self-esteem movement to the point that it is no longer perceived as anything but the most familiar and acceptable way of thinking.  In a 1984 issue of the Ladies Home Journal, women are assured that  "feeling good about ourselves may, in fact, be the cornerstone of our total well-being."  Since they think this is likely, the writers of the article logically propose the following counsel:  "Take positive steps to enhance"  your  "self-esteem."


This is about the book of Revelation, the Word of God rightly divided.  God bless you all and have a blessed weekend.  Shalom.

Unless we rightly divide the Word of God, we will never understand it.  We've missed a whole lot and Grace Ambassadors sure helps to untangle the deceptions.  Jesus Christ said, "the whole world is deceived."  You don't have to agree with them but you will learn a lot and give you food for thought.  I hope it helps you!


Jesus Christ crucified, buried and resurrected = salvation to the gentiles

We are saved by Grace alone, through faith alone; through Christ alone!


This "tip" was originally delivered on Saturday, June 7th, 2014 .
Religion creates pretenders. Grace removes the pretense. After all, there is none righteous.
When religionists learn that salvation is all of grace and not of works, the pastor has no authority over their soul, and they are not under the law, they stop pretending.
It becomes evident who they really are on the inside: apathetic toward sin. There is no longer a religious excuse to get gussied up as they once pretended to be.
When people learn by grace that it is not the outward appearance that pleases God; they admit their slovenliness and dress down.
When people learn by grace they don’t have to ‘go to church’, because they are the church; they admit their disinterest and stop coming.
When people learn by grace that tithing is not required, they admit their greed and stop giving.
Grace exposes people for who they truly are in the flesh: selfish, apathetic, spiritual adulterers.
This sort of apathy towards sin is a shame and a stench among grace believers. So much so, that religionists avoid grace doctrine because they think it promotes licentiousness.
But this poor behavior is not cured by removing grace doctrine, but by growing in it.
The truth is that God does not give grace so that sinners can feel better about living in sin. Grace is given as the only means for sinners to be changed into servants of righteousness (Romans 6).
Grace changes us from the inside out, by crucifying our old man and making us alive in Christ. Grace kills sin, so that we can live a life where sin has no power over us.
Grace is not first about being dead to the law. Grace is first about being dead to ourselves; dead to sin.
If you are not saved by grace alone, stop pretending to be a Christian. Trust God’s grace alone through Christ alone by faith alone.
If you are saved by grace, stop pretending to be a sinner. Start serving the Lord.
For His glory,
Justin “grace changes people” Johnson


By Justin Johnson
“Preaching the kingdom of God, and teaching those things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ, with all confidence, no man forbidding him.” – Acts 28:31

This verse is used as popular objection to mid-Acts right division, but it is not a very good one.
It fails to address the most important claim of mid-Acts doctrine: the mystery of Christ revealed first to the apostle Paul.
The objector hopes that Paul’s preaching the kingdom proves that nothing new or different ever started with him. A similar objection shows that Paul used prophecy hoping to prove that Paul did not first preach the mystery of Christ.
This is ludicrous!
If you get a new job, does that mean you have forgotten everything you learned at your old job?
In your new job, do you fail to read, write, and do math, because you learned those skills in primary school, and not at your new job?
If your new job is in the same company, and under the same supervision as your old job, does that mean your new job is not new at all?
A new dispensation was given to Paul, but it does not mean everything Paul spoke or taught was new.
He uses the word “kingdom” throughout his epistles both during Acts and in his post-Acts epistles (to the dismay of the Acts 28ers). He mentions the word “kingdom” in his epistles more often than Peter, James, and John do in their epistles combined (13 vs 11, excluding Acts).
So, what? Does this mean Paul taught the same message as Peter, James, and John? No, of course not.
Why did Paul talk about the kingdom? There are many reasons. Here are the most significant.
1. Everyone in the church, the body of Christ, is translated into the kingdom
No, this does not mean the church is spiritual Israel, nor does it mean the body of Christ will reign in Israel’s kingdom. It does mean that we in the church are under the authority of God.
Paul mentioned the kingdom of God, because he was a servant of God and under his authority.
“Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son” – Col 1:13
If you have been redeemed by the blood of Christ, and partake of the grace of God in this dispensation, you are no longer under the power of darkness, but have been moved into a position in heavenly places (Eph 2:6-7).
We are still present in this dark evil world, but our position is no longer here. We are under the headship of Christ in a heavenly dominion.
2. The kingdom of God includes both heaven and earth
The mystery of God’s will revealed to Paul how all things would be gathered together in one in Christ (Eph 1:10). This was a mystery before Paul, but describes how God will reign in the fullness of times. God had revealed his purpose for the earth, but had never spoken about the things or positions in heavenly places belonging to the church.
Part of the mystery of Christ is talking about the invisible dominion in heaven (Col 1:16).
3. The kingdom of God includes both Israel and the Church
No, I do not mean the kingdom of God on earth, which belongs to Israel and the earthly nations. I am talking about the kingdom of God universal. God’s dominion is not limited to the jurisdiction of the earth, but includes the rest of the universe, what the Bible calls the heaven.
The mystery of Christ introduces the creation of a new creature whose conversation is in heaven (Phil 3:20). This is a part of the kingdom of God that was not made known before Paul. Prophecy spoke of the kingdom of God as it will be on the earth Christ ruling through Israel; the revelation of the mystery speaks of the kingdom of God as it will be in heavenly places Christ ruling over the church.
4. The kingdom of God is not yet on the earth
When Paul mentions the kingdom, it is always in the future tense. This means the idea of a present kingdom of God come on earth is false. The kingdom of God is waiting for God to establish it in heaven and earth.
The gospel of the kingdom is the proclamation that the kingdom of God is at hand, or is here. Paul did not teach this gospel, knowing that the revelation of the mystery delays the coming of this kingdom to the future. He taught the reign of grace and the gospel of the grace of God. The gospel of the kingdom, and preaching the postponement of the kingdom is different.
Paul explained this delay causing interruption in the gospel of the kingdom. Peter acknowledges Paul’s explanation of the postponement of the kingdom, and that Christ is no longer sending the twelve to preach the gospel of the kingdom (2 Pet 3:15).
5. Righteousness will reign in the kingdom of God
Righteousness has not swallowed the earth, yet. However, the righteous behavior that characterizes that kingdom is already known, and has been known for a long time in scripture. Paul preaches the doctrine of righteous behavior under God’s dominion to the saints in the church.
Just because we are saved by grace does not mean we are free to sin in this dispensation of grace. We are servants of God, members of his body, and should serve him in righteousness, as we will for eternity in his kingdom.
Didn’t the Corinthians know that sinners do not inherit the kingdom? Since they are saints, shouldn’t they act like it? (1 Cor 6:9-10).
“For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.” – Romans 14:17
5. The same King of the kingdom is the head of the Church
Jesus was sent to Israel preaching he was the promised Messiah and the coming kingdom. Paul was sent to preach Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the mystery.
This means that he had to prove to unbelieving Jews that Jesus was the Christ and King of prophecy, and that this same Christ is now the head of a new creature called the body of Christ.
The king of the kingdom will be Christ. Prophecy proves this, and Christ’s resurrection is the sign of this. There is no understanding Christ as the head of the church over all, without identifying Christ as the promised Holy One, and king of Israel (Rom 1:2-4).
Paul mentions preaching the kingdom in some cases, because he is preaching the same Jesus Christ who will be the future king. One Lord over both heaven and earth.
6. The coming kingdom of God means coming judgment
When the kingdom of God comes, and God institutes his reign in heaven and earth, it will be preceded by a time of judgment, and concluded with a time of judgment.
“I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom” – 2 Timothy 4:1
Many times when Paul preaches the kingdom it is to unbelievers warning them of the wrath to come with that kingdom (Acts 19:8Acts 24:25Acts 28:23).
7. The scriptures foretold a kingdom come
Paul says all scripture is profitable, and the scriptures foretold a time of God reigning over all. How could reign over an earth filled with sinners? The answer lies in the revelation of the mystery revealed first to Paul about salvation.
The scriptures spoke of the kingdom of God come to earth. They did not speak about the people of the earth going up to reign in a heavenly kingdom. Both heaven and earth are part of God’s future dominion.
None of these reasons negate the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ revealed to the apostle Paul a mystery concerning himself that was not known before.
Paul taught the kingdom of God, but he did not teach the kingdom now.
Paul taught the kingdom of God, but he did not teach that the church usurps Israel’s covenants and promises.
Paul taught the kingdom of God, but he did not preach the gospel of the kingdom. He preached the gospel of the grace of God. They are different.
Paul taught the kingdom of God, but he did not preach the same message as Peter and the twelve. The difference is not found in what is the same.
Paul taught the kingdom of God, but he did not offer David’s earthly kingdom to Israel, nor to Gentiles. The kingdom of God can refer to dominions in heavenly places (Col 1:16).
Paul taught the kingdom of God in the context of the revelation of the mystery of Jesus Christ (Rom 16:25).
We know this because Paul did not only write about the kingdom of God, but also about a mystery of Christ (Eph 3:2-6).
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Article Index
Published: February 21, 2015
Last Modified: February 21, 2015


I have to admit that I don't do much face-to-face witnessing of our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus, face-to-face very much BUT I do whenever the situation presents itself.  There are 2 very difficult we Christians are asked and, honestly, we don't answer them.  We say we don't know, etc. but are we doing God justice?  How many have encountered the two following questions...

1.  If God is so loving, why is He so mean (or any expletive) and wrathful?
2.  Would a God worth worshipping send people to hell to burn for eternity?

I believe we avoid these questions NOT because we don't know the answer but rather because we do.  Is God wrathful?  He's holy, righteous, just, merciful, loving and WRATHFUL.  Read the account of the flood and then go to Revelation.  

I'm attaching 2 videos that might help you answer these questions.  His love, grace and mercy ALWAYS is higher than His wrath.  He's provided a free way out.  Preach the cross. God bless you all and I really hope you watch these videos.

Why does God kill people?

Answering difficult questions

Wednesday, August 23, 2017


This is an excellent video.  God bless and shalom


I admit, I'm a skeptic.  I believe the eclipse and the Sept. 23 sign are telling us something, but not sure what.  I've not shared much, if anything, on this issue because I don't care much for date setters.  I'm breaking this rule NOT because I am quite sure it will be end end but rather to show you how many "coincidences" there really are.  Just watch and you'll see there's a lot of things unless we're watching, we will miss.  Hint, 33 shows up a lot.  The first one, the first 5 minutes may seem odd but, keep watching.  Tons of info.  I am NOT saying what, if anything, will occur but I truly believe it is.  Will we see it?  Who knows BUT change is coming.  I do believe that.  I'm not a prophet, thank God. God bless you all.

Part 2


Tuesday, August 22, 2017


I pray this blesses you and we all learn as much as we can about our Living God, YHWH! Shalom and much love in Yeshua Messi



Just sharing ways to spread the truth.  God bless and please subscribe to his channel.  He has some excellent Christian Apologetics videos.



But as we all know, the problem is we took God out of our Country and homes!

I actually saw a cloud almost identical to this once...AMAZING LOVE!

Monday, August 21, 2017


Just truth and this so enjoy and God bless.  Based on a poem and please share it with your friends/family and all social media pages.  Love in Christ Yeshua.


First Corinthians 15:1-11


+ + + + + + +


Great video on "unity" doctrines, especially those spread by Pope Francis and Joel Osteen.  PLEASE any catholic friends, I am in no way condemning you but the truth is, the vast majority of "Christians" are actually Catholics.  Please watch this video and learn the truth about the dark history of the Roman Catholic Church.  No man, not even the most righteous pope, can forgive you of your sins.  Only God could do that and Peter is not reincarnated over and over again.  UNLEARN THE LIES.  God bless and much love in in Christ Jesus!


"For ye are saved by grace through faith.  It is a gift of God.  Not of WORKS, lest any man should boast."


Wolves are running amok, unchecked and free to roam around seeking whoever they can to destroy and devour.  These are not my words, they're paraphrasing the words of Jesus Christ.  I hear false Gospels where people add "works" (like baptism, speaking in tongues, barking like dogs, calling ourselves "little gods", etc.) and I hear so many who attend these churches for the first time and are determined never to go back to church again.  They are hindering the Gospel and are a stumblingblock to our brethren.  We can't "save" or "win souls" for the Lord.  We plant, He reaps.  I know I am very harsh on false prophets and especially this "tongues" doctrine and those putting us under the bondage of the law as we are FREE, TRULY FREE, in Christ Jesus.  He did not die in vain.  He did it all for those who couldn't AND to obey the Law since He was born a Jew and for the Jew first.  
I am going to say this and I'm sure it will offend some but it's truth.  I went to a full blown Pentacostal church by accident and it was so confusing and terrifying, I was never going back but thank God for putting me in a home where I was raised on the RIGHT Gospel so I wasn't deceived.  However, I found so much overt sin in that church but because a very sincere believer came to visit so I went to see her (WRONG REASON FOR ATTENDING ANY CHURCH, NO MATTER WHAT) because I knew the truth and felt safe.  WRONG!  Bad company corrupts good morals.  We are told not to partake or even give the appearance of partaking of sins or evil deeds.  Watch out for all branches of the SDA and Jehovah's Witnesses organizations.  Both are legalistic, teach outright lies and if you fail to "obey" them, you are banned, harassed and I was terrorized.  So I want to protect you.  The true saving Gospel is 1st Corinthians 15:1-11...the Cross.  That's it.  Trust and believe that Jesus Christ is Lord God, our Messiah with your whole heart, mind, soul and strength and know that He died, was buried and rose again in body and ascended into Heaven to join His Father.  You are then given the Holy Spirit, sealed until the day of redemption but you won't "feel" anything except maybe peace or joy.  You won't start babbling, running around or convulsing.  Don't sow seeds of "money" being promised a huge windfall.  God is not your financial counselor but He is your WONDERFUL COUNSELOR.  Blessings are better than money.  Enjoy and God bless you all.