Tuesday, January 16, 2018



Andy Naselli
I have dozens and dozens of Mormon relatives. I just had a family reunion with them in December. I love them. They are moral people. Very much good people. I love them. They consider me a Christian. They so badly want me to consider them Christians. 

It's so heartbreaking to explain that when you think about it, you look at our doctrines and compare them to yours, they don't match in the most significant places. The doctrine of God is different. The doctrine of Jesus is different. The doctrine of salvation is different.
In all my debates and discussions with Mormons, it's really come down to one thing. That's the focus of authority, the center of authority. For Christians, for evangelicals we go to the Bible alone. It's sola scriptura to only the scripture. The Mormons have not only the Bible. They have three other books: the book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price. Plus, they have people, apostles, elders who are still giving revelations.
If there's a tier of authority, they go with their leaders. Then they're holy books and then the Bible. There's any kind of disjunction or maybe seeming contradiction and we would say, no, no, no. Go just to the Bible. That's the fundamental bottom line difference because when you try to debate something or discuss something, that's the impasse.
We'll say, the Bible says this. They quote their other items. Then they quote their leaders. If you can't get beyond the revelation issue, you can't really move forward. They believe Jesus Christ is a God. We believe he is God, no qualification. They reject the trinity at protestants understand the trinity. They view Jesus not as eternally existing as a second person of the God head. He is much lower than we would view him. We view God very high. They view God the Father very high. We view Jesus just as high. They do not.
That right there is a fundamental of the Christian faith. Jesus is God himself who existed forever and then was incarnated in history and is exalt able with the father now. Significant difference there.
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There is no other name by which anyone can be saved!
Jesus Christ is Lord God and Savior, part of the Eternal Godhead!



This video is not overtly Christian but the man who made it is a Christian.  I am sharing this with you to make you aware of things I've been concerned about, believed to be going on and definitely plan on adding this to my prayers.  May I offer an opinion that may help?  If we stop dividing ourselves by black, white, brown; African, Anglo-Saxon; but rather just as a person and the only "qualifier" we use is he or she.  I despise it when I hear anyone, regardless of color, say something like...."A black man OR a white woman came into the store and spent over $100 on ____."  Of course you can use any sentence, just using this as an example.  Why do we ALL feel like we need to tell whoever we are speaking with the color of their skin, national origin or even what religion they affiliate with?  The only difference in blacks and whites is melanin.  

Please do not think I'm so naive and uninformed as to believe racism doesn't exist.  However, it is not specific to any race, national origin or religion.  I find it ironic that whites spend hours during the summer literally baking their bodies in the sun, risking a bad burn or in the long-term, deadly melanoma, the most dangerous type of skin cancer in order to make their skin darker.  I've heard, especially as I was growing up in the 60s and 70s when racism was at its height until now, these same people would say the most hateful, cruel racist remarks about blacks.  I use the term "black" not to be offensive.  To me, calling them African-American takes away from the fact that they are Americans whose skin color is black.  It sounds more divisive to me and there is nothing inherently wrong with the word "black."  Point in fact, today many people find the term "white" as embarrassing and something they should apologize for.  No one has any need to apologize for the color of their skin.  We are all different.  We are all a mix of races.  I'm not ashamed that I was born with lighter skin or "white" and I don't expect a person whose skin is darker to feel shame or embarrassment because of their skin.  

I see now how this post transformed into more than just a video about the extermination of the black race but do not apologize. It's where it lead. I pray you read it and it helps you learn the truth of the KJV Bible, why you should read that version only and don't go outside it except I do use the New KJV as a resource only.  The reason is because my NKJV has more parallel verses and the meanings of words so if I get stuck (which is becoming increasingly more rare) I will read that as to a certain degree, it does make it easier to read the KJV by using you and other more modern words rather than thee, thou, etc.  I also spot checked it for errors or words that mislead or deceive you of the original verse and have not found any.  Going by a credible source that did check them all said the only problem they had with the NKJV was that it left off God and Christ Jesus multiple times.  It helps me but it is not my authority on His Word.  It is a reference tool, just like my dictionary and internet searches are tools to understand what the KJV says.  But I also caution you to use discernment whenever you go outside of scripture and as the Bible says, if 2-3 agree, then it's right.  So if you are unsure or it seems to change the verse, please check as many sites as you need but also keep in mind that it may be you who are misinterpreting the verse(s) so don't let pride stand in the way of learning the truth for it is far better to be hurt by the truth and be saved than comforted with a lie that leads to destruction.  Man is fallible and that includes you but God's word is not.  Any errors or seemingly contradictions are always man's fault by wrong interpretations or reading out of context.  So when looking for a church, keep that in mind.  Pastors are fallible men and need correction and rebuke at times just like us.  There are things we can afford to get wrong but there's a few we cannot.  IF your church teaches a false Gospel of Salvation that leaves off anything that takes away that Jesus Christ did everything for everyone in order for us to be saved such as leaves off or changes His death/burial/resurrection in body, then ascension into Heaven (although Paul does not mention the ascension as part of the plan of salvation and I am not adding that, only pointing out He did so that the Holy Spirit could come).  You can read what Jesus Christ told the Apostles on why He had to leave in the Book of Acts.  Please do not accuse me of adding that to First Corinthians 15:1-4 or the entire chapter.  The ONLY way to salvation is to trust and believe in Jesus's work on the Cross was sufficient to cleanse us from our past, present and future sins and thus be saved or born again.  Or if your pastor tells you that you must do ANYTHING to aid in your salvation such as good works, baptism, speaking in tongues, never again sin, etc. then that is a false church and you should leave immediately without guilt or fear.  Read the Books of First and Second Corinthians as well as Paul's other Epistles.  Trust the Word, not what your pastor or denomination claims.  If God didn't say it, then it's man-made "rules."  Jesus Christ gives us a very strict, harsh warning about adding to or taking away the words written in the Book.  Follow Him, not man, especially charismatic, smooth talkers with sweet words you want to hear because you have itching ears that want to be tickled.  I want to hear that everybody ever born will go to Heaven!  I want to hear that unbelievers will be given a second chance after death.  The problem is, if a man or an angel tells you this, let him be accursed.  That may be comforting but it is not what God decreed.  So I pray you take the time to read this entire post and listen to the video.  Learn why we use only the KJV.

I apologize for the length and I did my best to line up my thoughts with scripture.  Any mistake is unintentional, said out of ignorance and is entirely my own fault.  Feel free to correct me but I don't care about your opinions or what your church teaches, I am only interested in constructive criticism based on clear and concise scripture so make sure you back it up with the Word of God using the KJV Bible only.  If you can't make your point using that version, you can't back it up in truth using a man-written Bible.  The fact is, the Bible does NOT need to be rewritten but rather it desperately needs to be reread.  Not trying to be offensive but if I lead someone to the truth, I really don't care about your "feelings."  Truth hurts but heals.

Let's call each other he or she and American.  Leave off any other identifying information because it's not the race who said or did something but rather what they did or didn't do that matters.  As we find ourselves in America being further and further divided and alienated from our fellow countrymen, why do "we the people" encourage this unGodly agenda?  Let's view each other first as mankind made in the image of our Father in Heaven, our Creator and the One and only True Living God; then as our country (in this case Americans); and then as male or female.  Good is good/evil is evil and it matters NOT what race did it be it good or bad.  YHWY (Yahwey) is not a respecter or persons as He sees us all the same.  If it is good in His sight to view us this way, then should it not be good in our sight to view others as Almighty God sees us.   If you think there is no Biblical precedent for this, wrong.  Look at the Ethiopian, a gentile believer from Africa that God told Philip to go preach the Gospel of Salvation to him and after hearing it, he asked to be baptized (read Acts 8:36-38/39 in the King James Version only as many of these new and so-called "improved" Bibles leave off Acts 37 which explicitly tells him you must BELIEVE with your whole heart, mind, strength and soul that Jesus Christ is Lord then you mayest (be baptized).  Notice the conditions.  However, many "worldly" people demanded that this verse be taken out as they "think" that just by reading those words that they are being forced to admit they "believe" that Jesus Christ is Lord.  That is such overt twisting of the scripture but suppose it WAS true.  One day they'd be glad for that "confession."  Unfortunately, that's not how it works. So if you're reading a new Bible, check to see if the words "Jesus Christ is Lord" is clearly stated and not a Bible where Acts 8:36-the end of the chapter is combined into a paragraph, not divided into verses and leave off this extremely important wording about Christ, then you are reading a false Bible, written to compromise with the "world" (which in the Bible usually is referring to unbelivers."  If they are misleading or deceiving you on THIS verse, what other verses are they knowingly twisting to deceive you.  It is proven that the King James Version is THE closest of ALL translations to the original text and you don't need to learn Hebrew, Greek or Aramaic to understand it.  God has preserved His Word -- as promised -- and IF there be a word that is hard to translate into English, it is nothing of substance nor does it change the meaning of the verses.  Ask yourself this, would our omnipotent (all knowing) God allow His Word to be written in error?  God forbid!  Man has rewritten it to make it say what they want it to say but is not in any way "inspired" writings and that includes any and all Bibles rewritten by cults or cult-like churches so prevalent in America today such as the Book of Mormon, the New World Translation rewritten by Russel Taze Moore of the Watchtower publications for the Jehovah's Witnesses and general Bibles that claim it just makes it easier to read and understand.  Let me assure you, if I can understand the KJV, anyone can. 

Sure, you need to understand what words and numbers represent, how the Jews celebrated and were married and it's also very helpful to understand the duties of priests in the synagogues as well as how they celebrated their Holy Days, especially Passover and the Holiest Day of Yom Kippur -- the day of atonement.  Here are a few examples of symbolic words and numbers and why you can't take a single verse and make an assumption of what it's saying AND you MUST read the entire chapter to read/understand it by the context as well as considering who is speaking and to whom as well as what is being said.  Therefore, context is everything.  Here are but a few examples...

Fruits --  a literal fruit but most often it refers to actions/deeds/works
Gold -- real gold or referencing completion or perfection -- see the book of Daniel
World -- God's creation but most often refers to "unbelievers."
Tree - a real tree or symbolic of a man or Christ Jesus in the garden (Tree of Life)
Oive - the fruit or referring to the Jews or Israel
Oil - Real oil but again, many use of this word is speaking of the Holy Spirit
Beasts - an animal but often means either a kingdom, king or government system
Sea - literal seas or waters but also it means great multitudes of people


Seven (7) = perfection and/or completion and is God's perfect number
Three (3) = to the Godhead of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Twelve (12) = the 12 tribes of Israel and the 12 Apostles
Forty (40) = 40 days in the wilderness; 40 days of temptation; & many others
Ten (10) = Ten Commandments and again, is often referred to in the Bible
Seventy = It is a multiplication of 7 and Jesus chose 70 men to go spread the Gospel

Image result for images for prophetic words in the Bible

Be sure when you read the Bible that you read parallel verses, especially if they are in the Old Testament.  I believe the prophet Joel describes perfectly what the colors mean as it related to the four horsemen of the Apocalypse.  Out of ignorance, I use to refuse to read the Old Testament because "Christ Jesus" wasn't in there, lol.  When you are a child, you think as a child but we should not remain as little children in our knowledge although I believe we should have child-like faith as it is so innocent and pure.  A little child who is raised knowing God, if asked they will boldly declare that God is real without a doubt, worry or fear.  They don't need/want proof.  I wish we adults had that amazing natural ability to never doubt or wonder if we are wrong.  "And a little child shall lead them."  So for any newborns, welcome to the family and just because His Holy Name is not exactly written, His name in Aramaic means "salvation."  Especially in Psalms, whenever you see the word "salvation," replace it with Yeshua (Jesus has no meaning in English but it's fine to use that as His Name) or even Jesus and then you will see just how often He is spoken of.  King David wrote Psalm 27:9 "......thou has been my help; leave me not, neither forsake me, O God of my salvation," but in Hebrew it would have said "O God of my Yeshua."  Naming babies (and even God changing people's names) was extremely important.  Yeshua, our Messiah, literally means "my salvation."  That is how the believing Jews were able to persuade other Jews that Jesus Christ (or Yeshua ah Messiach) IS the promised Messiah.  I'll go into more depth on this on a later post as I learn more.

I did not intend to write a sermon but hope you read it, consider it and share it with others.  I also pray you watch this video.  Remember, although it's not a sermon or overtly Christian, it really is.  The man IS a believer and bases this on both what is occurring in the world today and what the Bible speaks of.  I will be sharing more videos like this because while we should not let politics or what this world is doing control our lives as a Christian, I do believe we are told to watch and know what is going on in the world we live in but at the same time, remembering our limitations and we live here but our real citizenship is NOT of this world but of Heaven or the Kingdom of God, whichever you prefer.  Please add this atrocity (you have to listen and decide for yourself if he is right and I do believe he is) to your prayer list that the powers of this world are prevented from forming their "superior race" of their imagination.  To me, it seems inferior but that's just MY personal opinion.  God bless you all and love in Christ Jesus.

Much LOVE and LOVE MUCH in the Name of Christ Jesus for we are all made in His image and likeness.  He doesn't discriminate or see us as black and white, Asian or American but as His creation.  If it is good enough for our Father in Heaven, it should be good enough for us.  Do not divide us as we are neither Jew nor Greek, bond nor free, male nor female but ONE in Christ Jesus.  The Gospel of Salvation is meant for everybody ever born and the TRUE CHURCH, which is the Body of Christ, is made up of every race, color and creed once we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior and trust in Him and Him alone for our salvation (which is what the name Yeshua means in Hebrew).  "For ye are saved by grace through faith.  It is a GIFT of God.  Not of works lest any man should boast," Ephesians 2:8-9

We trust in grace alone, faith alone; through Christ alone!

Death + Burial + Resurrection = SALVATION
If you hear, trust and believe with your whole heart, soul, mind and strength.  We are saved by the Cross of Christ and overcame death and Hades when He rose again.  We were given the "Comforter" or "Holy Spirit to lead us into truth.  He transforms us by His power, not our own words and deeds or stopping sinning.  "We all sin and fall short of the glory of God."  He is the author and finisher of our salvation!