Saturday, January 20, 2018


During our drive and walk through life, we will come across many exits and entrances.  Sometimes the choices are clear and others, not so much.  One thing I know is that at at least one point in everybody's life, you will come across a fork in the road that you must choose.  One way leads to eternal life, the other to destruction.

I know the picture is funny but the choice you make is not.  You either choose God's way or your way.  Hopefully, there will be more "forks in the road" where you can choose God's way but no one is promised a tomorrow.  We may...or may in the end times.  Today is the day of Salvation.  Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.  

Choose today which way you will go.  Make that choice wisely and be a true "free thinker" and examine everything and listen to what God says, not man.  Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life.  No man comes to the Father except through Him."


First Corinthians 15:1-4
Ephesians 2:8-9
John 3:16-17
Acts 8:37



His Work, His Way
January 20
"So I have caused you to be despised and humiliated before all the people, because you have not followed my ways but have shown partiality in matters of the law" (Mal 2:9).
My work, My way - When you and I live in this world without Christ we live a life just as Esau lived his life. Esau despised his birthright and failed to enter into a relationship with God that allowed him to fulfill his destiny. In essence, Esau fulfilled his work, his way. His life represented the carnal life of the flesh.
His work, my way - When you and I become born-again by the Spirit of God, we begin to focus our attention on living for Christ. We realize it is His work we are doing but it takes time before we learn what it means to do His work, His way.
My work, His way - As the Holy Spirit does His work in us, we learn to walk with God. We learn what it means to see our work as His work and we desire to do it His way. The Israelites were guilty of not knowing His ways and were unable to move into the Promised Land because of not understanding how to do Their work, His ways.
His work, His way - When we begin to walk with God we begin to realize that all that we do is His work and He calls us to do it His way. When we begin to walk with God in this manner we begin to see the Kingdom of God manifested in our working lives. We begin to experience His power and learn what it means to do His work, His way.
In order to experience God in this way, each of us must give our working lives to the Lord and ask him to teach us His way. Moses asked God: "If you are pleased with me, teach me your ways so I may know you and continue to find favor with you" (Ex 33:12). Moses realized He needed God to teach him His ways in order for him to prosper in His relationship with God.
What best describes your life today? Your work, your way; Your work, His way; His work, your way; or His work, His way? Pray that you learn to do His work, His way.


My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.—Psalm 121:2
For decades the renowned Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir has blessed multitudes through their soul-refreshing gospel songs. One example is their recording from Psalm 121 titled “My Help.”
Psalm 121 begins with a personal confession of faith in the Lord who brought all things into existence, and He was the source of the psalmist’s help (vv. 1-2). Just what did this mean? Stability (v. 3), around-the-clock care (vv. 3-4), constant presence and protection (vv. 5-6), and preservation from all kinds of evil for time and eternity (vv. 7-8).
Taking their cues from Scripture, God’s people through the ages have identified the Lord as their source of “help” through their songs. My own worship experience includes lifting my voice with others who sang a soulful rendition of Charles Wesley’s, “Father, I stretch my hands to Thee, no other help I know; if Thou withdraw Thyself from me, ah! whither shall I go.” The great reformer Martin Luther got it right when he penned the words, “A mighty fortress is our God, a bulwark never failing; our helper He amid the flood of mortal ills prevailing.”
Do you feel alone, forsaken, abandoned, confused? Ponder the lyrics of Psalm 121. Allow these words to fill your soul with faith and courage. You’re not alone, so don’t try to do life on your own. Rather, rejoice in the earthly and eternal care of God as demonstrated in the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ. And whatever the next steps, take them with His help. —Arthur Jackson
Father, how grateful we are that Scripture and song remind us that You are our source of help. Help me to not forget that this day.
The Maker of the universe is the helper of God’s people! 
INSIGHT: All male Jews were to come to the temple to observe three annual feasts (Deuteronomy 16:16). As the pilgrims made their way up the highlands where Jerusalem is located, they sang from a collection of songs known as the “pilgrim psalms” (Psalms 120-134). The Hebrew title marks these psalms as “songs of ascents.” Psalm 121, the second of the pilgrim psalms, has been called “The Traveler’s Psalm.” The psalmist addresses our need for safety and protection as we journey through life, assuring us that our God will help us and keep us safe. In Psalm 124, David continues this same theme, deliberating the possible disastrous outcomes “if the Lord had not been on our side” (vv. 1-2). Undeniably, if God does not help us, we will not survive! (vv. 3-5). Concluding his deliberations, David assures us that God has not abandoned us. God is our defender and deliverer. With confidence we can say, “My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth” (121:2).
How does Psalm 121 help you when you feel threatened by life’s journey? Sim Kay Tee
Share your thoughts on today’s devotional on Facebook or


By Tim Stratton
Atheists often appeal to evolution in an attempt to explain the primate complexity we observe today without a need for an Intelligent Designer — God! Indeed, many say the reason they affirm atheism is because they believe evolution is true. Since their hypothesis does not include God as a designer, atheists feel justified in affirming that God does not exist and that Christianity is false. With that said, however, if evolution is true, it does nothing to prove that God does not exist or do anything to disprove the historical resurrection of Jesus (the two essential ingredients of “mere Christianity”). Moreover, what atheists fail to comprehend is that by appealing to evolution in an attempt to “prove” atheism, they ultimately prove too much!

Evolution simply means change over time. Most evolutionists and young earth creationists will agree that some things do genuinely change over time (even if they disagree on how much some things change over time). What is important to note is that Darwinian evolution requires a genuine change over dynamic time — at least if one is hoping to explain primate complexity. With that in mind, I contend that if evolution is true, then atheism is false!
Consider this: I believe that some things do genuinely evolve and change over time. In fact, we currently exist in a world in which things are constantly changing right in front of our eyes! That is to say, we exist in an evolving state of affairs (change happens)!
The problem, however, is this: it is logically impossible for a changing state of affairs to be extrapolated into past infinity! In “English” that means that if we currently exist in a changing state of affairs and things are really happening one event after another, then it is impossible for things to happen chronologically in this manner without a first change. If we exist — right now — in a changing state of affairs, then it is impossible to go on and on forever in the past. Logically, there must have been a beginning or a first change.
If there never was a first change, then the present moment — “right now” — would not exist. To help illustrate why the concept of past infinity is incoherent, consider two thought experiments.
Infinite Jumpers & Steppers
First, is it possible for someone, say a superhero with infinite jumping powers, to jump out of an infinitely tall bottomless-pit? Of course not. There is no launching pad or foundation from which to jump. When it comes to things changing over time (evolution), if the hole at ground level represents the present moment and the idea of past infinity means there is no foundation to jump from (a first change over time), then the present moment of change could never be reached. The jumper could never get out of the hole because there is no starting point for him to progress upward. Because the present moment does exist and things do change over time (evolution) it logically follows that a foundation exists for the first change to occur leading to the evolution (change over time) we notice today.
Second, suppose a man walks up the steps to your front porch and rings the doorbell. You answer the door and ask if you can help him. He states, “I have just walked an infinite number of steps and finally completed them right here on your front porch.” Of course, you do not believe him, yet he insists that he has accomplished this feat. You ask for proof and he invites you to join him on a journey to retrace his infinite number of steps. He tells you that once the two of you reach this infinite point, you will then follow those same footsteps all the way back to your front door. You adamantly reject his offer because you realize that if you were to retrace an infinite amount of steps you will never get back home! In fact, you will never turn around to begin your journey home!
Consider the steps involved . . . you would take one step, then a second step, then a third step. Eventually, you would take a millionth step, and eventually a billionth step, and then a trillionth step. Whatever step you were currently taking you could always take one more and count it — never reaching actual infinity. Whenever you decide to turn around to come back home you will be on a countable step. So, if you do ever make it back home, your steps would not be infinite.
Just as it would be logically impossible for you to retrace all the steps this pedestrian claims to have made, it is just as impossible for this pedestrian to traverse an actual infinite amount of steps ending on your front porch. A rational person will know that one who makes such a claim is either delusional or deceptive. The “stepper” must have taken a first step.
Change over time (evolution) has the same problem. If a first change occurred, then it logically follows that a first change resulted from an unchanging, eternal, and beginningless state of affairs. Think of this as a frozen/static state where nothing happens and nothing has ever happened logically prior to the first change (I know this is hard to imagine). This might not seem like a “big deal” but the implications are enormous! This is the case because if things are not changing in a frozen/static state, then nothing would ever happen. This is because if things are not evolving, emerging, decaying, growing, or becoming unstable (which are words implying change over time), then these things would never be able to cause the first change. Change over time cannot account for things starting to change over time. That is to say, if nothing is happening, then nothing can describe or account for the first change that resulted from a static, frozen, and unchanging state! UNLESS…
… a volitional agent existed in this static state who had the power to act.
Other than a volitional agent, what else could cause a change from an unchanging state of affairs? At the least, a volitional agent with the power to act could exist in a static state and then cause something to happen. That is to say, if nothing is happening, but a volitional agent with free will exists in this static state, then this volitional agent can freely choose to act and cause the first change. This is what Aristotle meant by the “Unmoved Mover.”
Volitional agents are personal types of “things” or rather, “beings.” If a being is personal in nature, then this being is the kind of “thing” in which you can have a personal relationship — that is, at least if you are a person! Thus, if you are a person, then it is at least possible that you can have a personal relationship with this unmoved mover!
An Argument from Change Over Time
We can summarize this entire argument in a step-by-step syllogism:
1- Things change over time (evolution).
2- A changing state of affairs cannot be past infinite.
3- Therefore, a first change resulted from an unchanging state of affairs.
4- Only a volitional agent can cause a change from an unchanging state of affairs.
5- Volitional agents are personal.
6- Therefore, this personal agent existed in an unchanging state of affairs.
7- Anything existing in an unchanging state of affairs never began to exist and is eternal with no beginning.
8- Therefore, the cause of the first change (and ultimately the change of affairs in which we find ourselves) is a personal agent who is eternal with no beginning and was in a changeless state of affairs logically prior to causing the first change.
This final deductive conclusion should be eye-opening! Why should this get one’s attention? Because this personal agent who caused things to start evolving and changing over time is God! The Bible does not just note the possibility of having a personal relationship with the Unmoved Mover — God — it explains exactly how you and I can know God personally through Jesus Christ!
Bottom line: If you believe that things actually do evolve and change over time, then you should reject atheism!
Stay reasonable (Isaiah 1:18),
Tim Stratton


I pray this blesses you and helps you to grow in the Word of God.  I have found them incredibly helpful in my walk.  They believe in salvation by grace alone; through faith alone; through Christ alone.  The plan of Salvation is First Corinthians 15:1-11 and they do not have a church.  They are an online ministry only.  They serve gourmet Spiritual meals so you do not have to settle for fast food.  God bless and enjoy.  Share!

Some of these sermons are a few years old but don't let that stop you from watching.  This is not an end times ministry and remember, God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow so what they preached then is the same today.  I share as they share with me.  Be blessed and love in Christ Jesus.  Shalom/Peace!



By Justin Johnson
There is no more important issue for humanity than the gospel of our salvation. Yet, when you ask a handful of Christians to explain the gospel rarely do you get a consistent or clear answer.
Common ideas about salvation are experiential and based on performance. These beliefs are not much different than other religions. They sound like this:
    – Doing the best I can
    – Going to church
    – Being good
    – Believing in God
    – Raised in a Christian home
    – Experienced God’s love
More spiritually minded people will recognize that the gospel has something to do with Jesus. We hear the salvation gospel described as “believing in Jesus”, “following Jesus”, “making Jesus Lord of your life”, “accepting Jesus”, “receiving Jesus”, or “loving Jesus”. Pretty much, anything that has to do with Jesus is a legitimate explanation of the gospel for these folks.
Even certified theologians differ about the gospel. Some think God chooses who will be saved. Others think God grants salvation in response to our behavior. Catholics believe it is a sin to presume that you are eternally saved. Now, that is confusion!
The only thing clear about the gospel in Christianity is that few people can articulate it clearly.
The Gospel of Our Salvation
It is not the gospel of salvation merely to believe in Jesus; the devils do that (Mark 1:24James 2:19).
It is not the gospel to love Jesus with all our heart; the Muslims dothat as well.
“Making Jesus Lord” is something the Mormons include in their theology, and every good Hindu “accepts” Jesus (they accept thousands of gods).
None of the beliefs above can save you from God’s rightful judgment against our sins. Paul clearly states the gospel of our salvation in 1 Corinthians 15:3-4.
“… Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: …” – 1 Corinthians 15:3-4
It was through Christ’s death that our sin is removed and we are justified.
“For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” – 2 Corinthians 5:21
We receive righteous standing with God by faith.
“Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:” – Romans 5:1
Belief in this gospel alone will save you and give you the grace of eternal life (Rom 6:23). First, we hear this gospel of grace. Second, we trust it, then we are saved: no more, no less.
“In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise…” – Ephesians 1:13

The Mystery of the Gospel
What does this have to do with the mystery of Christ and mid-Acts dispensational right division? Everything.
You can find gospel messages in the Bible before the gospel of grace surrounding the covenants, Israel, the Commandments, baptism, the Messiah, and the kingdom. Christians cause confusion when they fail to distinguish between the gospel of the kingdom and the mystery gospel of the grace of God.
No one before the revelation of the mystery of Christ understood the significant meaning of the death of Jesus to all men (Luke 18:34).
The mystery of Christ is the gospel of the grace of God. It is the preaching of the cross for salvation. No one before the revelation of the mystery understood how faith alone could justify sinners (James 2:24). The gospel of grace was kept secret from humanity (1 Cor 2:7-8).
Mid-Acts right division recognizes the difference between God’s progressive instructions in the Bible, and clarifies our understanding of the gospel for today. By separating the gospel of grace from the message of the law, covenants, kingdoms, and baptism the glorious gospel of Christ stands alone.
Resolving the confusions over tithing, tongues, and water baptism are only consequences and not the main benefit of mid-acts dispensational right division. The biggest benefit to the church of learning the mystery of Christ is clarifying the gospel of our salvation.
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Published: February 26, 2011
Last Modified: October 22, 2016



By Justin Johnson
For a long time the 11th commandment for evangelical Christians has been to redeem the culture, instead of redeem the time (Eph 5:16).
The culture spends its time chasing dollars, watching football, and getting drunk.
Culture-saving Christians say there is nothing wrong with a buck, enjoying sport, or having a drink every once in a while (Jesus turned water into wine, right?)
Redeeming the culture does not require changing what is done, but only why it is done. Col 3:23 is the theme verse for redeeming the culture.
“And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men” – Col 3:23
Another round for Jesus!
Redeeming the culture means to do whatever the culture does, participate in unsaved culture, and redeemed it by doing it while being a Christian. “Christians can do that, too!”
The culture thought Christianity was something that was no fun, avoided “sin”, and only talked about God, but they were wrong!
Christians can play football, be millionaires, celebrities, famous singers, drink alcohol, pursue their dreams, and waste their life just as well as the culture.
If a successful businessmen is a Christian he has a redeemed the culture, because he sells fake flowers and fabric to a culture that could care less what he believes.
If a pro football player is a Christian he can redeem the culture by “thanking the Lord” after each touchdown pass. This small token is seen as sufficiently supplanting the Sunday sermon for thousands of men who skipped church to watch.
Redeeming the culture means to do what everyone else does, but do it for the Lord, which means the majority of us are bums for Jesus.

Redeeming the Time
On the other hand, serving the Lord changes what we do, because it takes time away from serving ourselves.
It takes time to do God’s will: save souls, edify saints, study to show ourself approved, pray without ceasing, and judge all things.
Serving the Lord requires cutting off some things that take time away from serving the Lord. Then, we use that time to do God’s will.
When we change what we do with our time it is called redeeming the time. The time is redeemed to do God’s will.
What you were doing, which was culturally acceptable, was not accomplishing anything for the Lord, but now it is put to better use accomplishing God’s will.
“Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” – Eph 5:16
The days are evil, because they are not spent doing God’s will. Time can only be redeemed by changing what we do.
If this sounds too demanding, then you understand correctly.
Redeeming What God Wants
Redeeming the time requires your life. Redeeming the culture only requires you change the restaurant you eat in, the channel you watch, and the quarterback you support.
Anybody can partake of the culture with a cross necklace on, but the culture cannot do what Christians can do: redeem the time to do God’s will.
Redeeming the time is how we do God’s will. God does not want the world’s culture; he wants you to spend time doing his will (1 Tim 2:41 Thess 5:16-18).
Redeem the world’s culture and you have wasted your time.
Redeem the time, and your culture will change.



By Justin Johnson
There is a simple difference between walking under the law and walking by grace.
Grace purposes in the heart. The law does not.
The law purposes to control your behavior. It forces you to perform or not perform some action.
The focus is solely on behavior, which makes the requirement superficial. The law cannot go deeper to change your heart or mind. The law cannot save a soul. The law cannot remove sin.
The saying goes, “A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.”
“Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight…” – Romans 3:20
“For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh…” – Romans 8:3
Grace purposes in the heart. Grace communicates the finished work of Christ and preaches belief in it.
The requirement of grace received is faith. Faith is not a behavior that can be forced. Immediately upon belief grace confronts the inner man with a changed purpose.
Grace (the work of Christ on our behalf) saves souls. It changes hearts and minds toward God. Grace removes sin.
The focus under grace is not your behavior, but your belief. It is not initially your doing, it is your doctrine. It is not your work, but the work of Christ in you.
“I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me…” – Galatians 2:20
“Every man according as he purposeth in his heart…” – 2 Cor 9:7
Walking Under Grace
Walking under grace is righteous in that it removes the superficial requirements of the law which could not change a person anyway.
Grace changes a person, and then works on the premise that a changed person with a purpose in their heart will act differently.
A man who purposes in his will without law will do what he purposes even still.
This is grace in action. Grace purposes in your heart. Grace gives knowledge to change the inner man (Rom 6:6).
“God be thanked, that ye were the servants of sin, but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you.” – Romans 6:17
“As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him…” – Colossians 2:6
The Struggle
What if behavior does not change? For all of us in some area it will not change.
The struggle under the law was how to perform against your will. The question was “why should I?” Why should you, if you did not want to.
Grace gives the reason why. Grace purposes in the heart. Grace acts upon your will through faith.
What is needed is not an application of the law to force behavior. What is needed is an application of grace to the heart.
The struggle under grace is faith and patience. Too many want to trust what they see, and they want to see it now.
When grace is applied to the heart, then Christ works in us.
Grace provides forgiveness.
Grace provides patience.
Grace provides the love of God freely.
Grace needs be taught.
Grace needs to be remembered.
Grace needs to be given.
When you start giving grace, you will see that your behavior has changed, and that without the law.
Be patient.
“Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.” – 2 Timothy 2:1
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Published: January 20, 2018
Last Modified: January 20, 2018
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January 20th, 2018

Grace Purposes in the Heart

Adversaries of Pauline dispensational right division like to accuse us of removing portions of the Bible. Don’t be moved by ignorant assertions such as these. 

The same person in your Bible who instructed Timothy in “rightly dividing the word of truth” also said “all scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable”. 

Both instructions were given by the same person, in the same epistle, in consecutive chapters (2 Tim 2:15; 2 Tim 3:16). 

It should be obvious that the instruction to rightly divide is not an instruction to remove portions of the Bible from inspired scripture. 

We need all scripture in order to rightly divide it! If we only had Paul’s epistles, there would be nothing to discern. 

The words of a dictionary are divided by their initials, and the definition of “church” is found in the section for the letter “C”. This does not mean we throw out the other sections. How else would we know what the word “ignorant” means? 

Just because we need the entire dictionary, does not mean we mix all the words together. A dictionary becomes useful when we rightly divide the words alphabetically. 

The Bible becomes useful when we rightly divide the author, the audience, and the application of its teachings. 

Pauline right division does not remove parts of the Bible – it acknowledges all parts of the Bible literally and discerns their place. 

For Christ's sake, 

Justin "all scripture rightly divided" Johnson