Thursday, August 31, 2017


In case you don't know, I am NOT a fan of this false teacher.  He's a fake and defrauding millions of people out of their money.  He writes a book -- being a PASTOR -- on how to have your BEST LIFE NOW?  What?  My best life lies beyond the grave, Mr. Osteen.  I fear I know the reason he didn't open his doors, he didn't want the riff-raff (in his eyes) clogging up the place because they have nothing to give.  He gives us Christians a bad name.  He did nothing until forced to.  Pray for Texas.  That's all he said.  I say pray for Texas too and IF you can do anything, please do.

Beware of wolves in sheep's clothing, seeking to devour and destroy!


Worship in Spirit and in Truth

In an unlikely encounter with an immoral Samaritan woman, our Lord Jesus uttered one of most important statements ever made about worship. In John’s deeply moving account of Jesus’ meeting with the woman at the well, after Jesus uncovers her hidden sin and shame, she asks Him about a worship matter of long dispute between Jews and Samaritans — and of great importance to them both: “Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, but you say that in Jerusalem is the place where people ought to worship.” Jesus said to her, “Woman, believe me, the hour is coming when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father. You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews. But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” The woman said to Him, “I know that Messiah is coming (he who is called Christ). When he comes, he will tell us all things.” Jesus said to her, “I who speak to you am he” (John 4:20–26).
Jesus’ answer thunders with points of significance regarding the momentous transition that He Himself was bringing about in the history of redemption through His own life, ministry, death and resurrection; but it also speaks specifically to the theology of Christian worship.
First, Jesus’ great statement that we must “worship in spirit and truth” has implications for every aspect of biblical worship. The Bible indicates that worship is both a specific activity and a way of life. Worship, as an activity, has at least three aspects in the Bible (public worship, family worship, and private worship) alongside all-of-life worship.
Public worship occurs when the people of God assemble for the express purpose of giving to the Lord the glory due His name and enjoying the joy of His promised special presence with His own people. This kind of worship is sometimes called “corporate worship” (because the body, or corpus, of Christ, that is, the Church, is collectively involved in this encounter with God), and sometimes it is called “gathered,” “assembled,” or “congregational” worship. This important aspect of worship is featured in both the Old and New Testaments. While Psalm 100:2 and Hebrews 10:25 speak of “coming before the Lord” and “assembling together” they are both addressing public worship.
Family worship is led by fathers, or other heads of families, with a view to establishing God-centered homes, promoting worship in all of life in all the members of the household, and in preparation for public worship. The Bible makes clear the importance of family worship (Ex. 12:3Deut. 6:6–8Josh. 24:15).
Private worship (which is sometimes called “secret worship” or “personal worship”) is taught and modeled throughout Scripture, especially by Jesus, Daniel, David, and Peter. Jesus gave specific instructions to His disciples about it in Matthew 6:6, and He exemplified it in Mark 1:35 and Luke 5:16. David spoke of it Psalm 5:3. Daniel spoke of it in Daniel 6:10, and Peter spoke of it in Acts 10:9.
Worship in all of life is stressed in both the Old and New Testaments and is behind the Shorter Catechism’s assertion that “man’s chief purpose is to glorify God.” In Jonah 1:9, when the prophet Jonah described himself as one who reverenced God, he wasn’t speaking of something he did exclusively on Saturdays, but he was characterizing his whole manner of life. Paul, too, says we are to glorify God in everything we do (1 Cor. 10:31), and this is what we mean by all-of-life worship.
Second, Jesus’ great statement that we must “worship in spirit and truth” means that we must glorify God (in public, family, private, and all of life) in accordance with God’s own nature and truth. This means at least two things: First, we must realize that God is Spirit, and, hence, He is not tied to one location for our worship. Second, we must worship according to the truth of Jesus’ person and work, for He is the truth (John 1:1414:6) and, thus, the only way whereby we may truly worship God. In other words, Jesus is Himself “the truth” according to which we must worship. He is the very incarnation of God (John 1:14), the embodiment of the Father’s character (John 14:6), and the fullest revelation of God’s nature and plan (John 1:18Heb. 1:1–3). Thus, to worship in truth means to worship in accordance with the truth of and about Jesus — that He is the Son of God, the Messiah, and the only Savior of sinners.
So, for starters, when we say that we are to “worship in spirit and in truth,” we are saying that in public, family, private, and all of life we are to glorify and enjoy God — which are the two parts of all worship. Second, we are to worship God in light of who He is (and since He is Spirit we must worship in spirit, or in accordance with the reality that He is Spirit). Third, we must worship God in accordance with His revelation (that is, carefully adhering to the directions of His Word). Fourth, we must worship God in complete dependence upon, and trust in, Jesus Himself (who is the truth in the flesh).

First Corinthians 15:1-11
Ephesians 2:8-9
John 3:16-17


We love Mary.  She is blessed but not a goddess.  Just a very devout woman who wondered all of her life what had happened to her.  Pray for our catholic friends.  They are deceived. The papacy is dangerous!  More and more people are leaving the Roman catholic church. Some denominations even claim they're either the a/c or false prophet.  Honestly, I think they fit the description of the Whore of Babylon.  No, I am not trying to offend but love often hurts just as salt in a wound hurts but heals.  God bless and pray.

Plan of Salvation?

First Corinthians 15:1-11



Well, we may have forsaken Israel (not us, the government) but THEY haven't forsaken us. God bless Israel!  How dare she?  I pray for her and ask you to also.

Plan of Salvation

First Corinthians 15:1-11



Lately, as I go do my blog, I try to find videos or articles that I feel are relevant to the gospel and occasionally I'll find one or two videos that seem to give a more "Biblical" perspective on these upcoming events.  I never put dates and I just watch these signs but do I know or even believe they are significant?  Yes and no.  They are significant but I don't know what they are for.  I'll admit that in my personal POV, it does appear that something major is not far off.  However, I see it first from a Biblical worldview.  Second, from watching the world go more and more insane each day; and third, logical.  

Tensions are so stressed in every country today, first with Iran getting nukes and now that little pip squeak (God forgive me) Kim Jong Un literally playing with fire.  Israel's PM has just about had it and is about to draw a red line in the sand.  Let me assure you, when Israel draws a red line, you don't cross it, unlike another well-known leader we're all glad is gone, so if God doesn't intervene, we're gonna blow ourselves up. 

So in a way, I guess I have something in here for the believer and the atheist.  I'm gonna digress here a minute.  Atheists, why do you call us stupid, blind, etc. because we know there's a God?  Either way you go, believe in Him or not, it's a "leap of faith."  It's just as, no more believable God exists and created us since we have so much proof the Bible is true, than to "imagine time" as Stephen Hawkings suggests.  Even stupid, blind, uneducated sheep you may believe us to be, even we know you don't create anything out of nothing.  If you can stop aborting your babies and have one, you'll understand how you could not have created that human without divine intervention.  

Anyway, I haven't posted much because that's about all anyone is talking about.  Could the rapture, 2nd coming happen?  Of course it could.  It may not and all these people putting so much emphasis on it scares me.  I believe they sincerely are saved and believe.  They are not trying to mislead you nor are any false prophets.  Let's face it, this is weird.  Weird things are going on including this horrific hurricane.  I don't want my POV influencing yours.  I truly believe it's a sign but not necessarily one of the rapture or the tribulation, although it could be.  

Be ready.  Spread the gospel like never before and pray.  Regardless, we don't have a lot of time left on this earth and there are no second chances.  I'll share when and if I can find anything not related to these signs.  Go to YouTube, you'll find thousands on there.  Be ready for anything.  Miss you and God bless.  Love in Christ Jesus.