Tuesday, April 4, 2017


Well, I don't have to take a week off.  I just wanted to let you know that I will start back on my blog tomorrow but also wanted to share that no matter what may come your way, pray through it.  Walk in the Spirit and trust Jesus to lead you through it.  If you're going through a Spiritual valley, feel doubts or fears about salvation or even if you wonder if you're wrong, we're not. Read a Psalm or 3 whenever you feel this way.  King David sure had his bad days and he wasn't sinless.  But no matter what, if you keep praying and reading the Bible, this will pass.  Also, remember that being born again or saved, whichever words you use, isn't about a feeling.  Now sometimes you will feel things but salvation just is.  Of course we'll have doubts, fears, worries.  I have my share.  I'm reading Isaiah right now and cannot understand it until Chapter 53.  So don't feel alone if you go through trials or doubts because it seems to me that satan is working overtime.  Also, if you were NOT saved, would you be having these fears?  That "thing" doesn't bother those who follow it (the devil) but he wants us back.  Besides, it's our hearts, not our minds that God looks at.  Don't worry and keep praying.  It will soon go away.  God bless you all!