Sunday, March 26, 2017


This is one of the worst of all of the false prophets I've seen in a long time.  Every single night, when I go to bed for some reason he is always on my television set.  I have to have background noise to sleep and there are very few shows I can watch and most of them are older shows, long before TV became the instrument of "the evil one" that it has become today.  I don't condone nor condemn television.  I DO say you need to be very careful what you allow into your gray matter.  I also always tape what I watch in order to avoid commercials.  I've seen some that make me want to throw a brick through my television screen and one day, I just might.  I subscribe to PureFlix and to me, it's a great alternative.  You just have to be aware that even though they're faith-based, many are fiction and do not necessarily line up with scripture.  As Christians AND adults, we should be able to discern truth from fiction or man's imagination.  But this is not about television.  This is about exposing a very dangerous false prophet.

He preaches the doctrine of "sowing seeds of faith," and it is always about sowing seeds of money.  He promises you that if you want a credit card debt to be wiped out, use that credit card and sow a "seed" of $1,000 and God will wipe out that debt!  Doesn't the Bible teach against borrowing?  We should not rack up tons of debts to buy things we want that only make us happy for a short period of time.  We should store up our treasures in Heaven because that's where our heart will be...where our treasure is. I'm sure God doesn't care about our bank accounts but He DOES care what we do with what we have been blessed with.  Do we really need all those clothes, 200 pairs of shoes, the latest gizmos and gadgets?  Does God really expect us to go into debt to make a false prophet, who brags about his wealth nonstop?  I don't think so.  Give yes, but without expectation but we are not to be deceived.  God never promises us money.  He may bless us with financial gain but it also can be taken away within days or even minutes.  I know what it's like to leave everything you love behind and start fresh, without anything of value, not monetarily or even sentimental.  You may be very surprised at what you are given in return.  You will be blessed when you truly put your trust in Him and that He WILL provide for you.  Sow seeds too.  Seeds of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  He will definitely provide you with much increase and isn't that better than anything you could buy, knowing you led another person to the saving grace of Christ Jesus?  Now THAT'S worth rejoicing over!  Below are many videos exposing this liar!!!  TURN HIM OFF!

At the beginning of this video, there are written words in regards to Helen Keller.  I have never done any research on what is said so I cannot say if this is true or not.  If you want, you can research this but I do know the "occult" symbol for love is a very real sign in American Sign Language.  Always remember that satan imitates what is good for evil.  However, I do concur with everything else he says in regards to this man!

Below is a video exposing many false prophets!  The "Wealth and Prosperity" doctrine!

I have a question.  If God meant for us to seek after riches and wealth on this earth, then why did Jesus Christ say "money is the root of all (some say many) EVIL"  He has much to say on the subject of money.  He told the rich man to sell all he had and follow Him.  He also said, "it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into the Kingdom of God."  He again said, when asked about taxes and money, again He said, "render unto Caesar's that which is Caesar's and render unto God what is God's."  That is but a few.  Jesus Christ when our God and Savior walked on earth as a man, He never had money.  The Apostles had a little bit but they quit their jobs and stopped working for money to follow our Lord and Savior!  God rewards us with blessings.  Twice we were flat broke and both times $20 showed up in our bank account.  Even the bank couldn't explain it and there were no errors.  Yes, I believe He caused it to be there but He didn't make us rich.  He gave us enough.  If He were to bless me with great wealth, it wouldn't last long.  All I can think of is all the people I could help if I were blessed with a lot of money.  However, how do I know it wouldn't change me?  I would hope not but He does know and I don't want anything that would cause me to displease Almighty YHWH.  Why don't these men do what Jesus said to the rich man and help all the needy people in the world?  I do NOT understand!  God bless and sow the seeds of the Gospel of Salvation by Grace Alone through Jesus Christ Alone?  You cannot buy your way in.  Beware of wolves in sheeps' clothing and be ye not deceived!

See the Plan of Salvation in complete at the bottom of my blog.  Much love and LOVE MUCH in Christ Jesus by sharing His Gospel!


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