Wednesday, August 16, 2017


By:  Brenda Alexander
August 18, 2017

I admit, this is one of the most taught "theories" and we are such a divided church on this issue.  Now, to say there is no rapture ever is unBiblical.  It is crystal clear there will be a rapture, a catching away or whatever word you wish to call it.  We just argue over the timing.  On which is a highly credible Christian Apologetics website, says that all timings such as pre-trib, mid-trib, post-trib, pre-wrath or even the 2nd Advent are ALL Biblical.  I am more inline with a pre-trib rapture but I also see it at His return.  

However, I've given some thoughts on this now for about 4 years...when.  If the Bible upholds all 4, could it be that there will be 3 different phases of the rapture.  I do not believe in a mid-trib rapture and know we are not appointed to wrath so that leaves 3, a very prophetic number in the Bible.  I have no idea and anything I say is speculation at best, NOT revealed by God and just my personal opinion.  We all have them and that's a good thing. While we may miss the mark by a mile, do you not think it pleases God Almighty for us to think on His Word, to seek Him?  Of course...ask, you will receive; seek and ye shall find; knock at it shall be opened to you.

I promise you that our Heavenly Father is not going to ask you what timing you believed in, the age of the earth or what did Joel 2:15 mean.  It's great to study the Bible but if you know the saving Gospel in First Corinthians 15:1-11 and trust in grace alone; faith alone; and Christ alone for our salvation, if you never understand another word, you are saved by grace through faith.  Jesus Christ PROMISES you this in Ephesians 2:8-9.  Our good deeds are filthy rags.  You cannot buy, earn or bargain your way in.   You enter by Jesus Christ or you don't get in.  Why so much contention by other "religions" on this?  One, it is all inclusive.  I don't care who you are, were, race, creed or national origin.  It has nothing to do with intelligence or education.  You don't even have to be literate.  Acts 8:37, which is left completely out of most "new" versions is where the Ethiopian man who is gentile, but loves God with all he has, Philip is led by the Holy Spirit to teach him the Gospel.  He accepts it and wants to be baptized.  There's water near and Philip tells him "If you believe with your whole heart that JESUS CHRIST IS LORD, then thou mayest."  This was before the Mystery of the Cross was given to the Apostle Paul by Jesus Christ Himself and in Jewish culture, you must be water baptized for remission of sins.  That's why Jesus was baptized, to fulfill the law for us.  He had no sins to be cleansed from but for righteousness sake.  We are made righteous by what He did.  He got baptized FOR us, not Himself.  It was also so that He could be a priest in the Order of Melchezidech (sp).  He came for Israel first, remember?

Now, back to the pre-trib rapture.  I've heard that many are making videos, writing books, even handwriting the Holy Scriptures and hiding them to hopefully be found.  Well, very few people haven't heard of Jesus Christ and know what He did.  Why do they reject this free and life-saving gift?  It's stunning but I guess people would rather enjoy their lusts and passions now.  Living for Jesus Christ brings on much hatred, persecution, loss of loved ones, and we're viciously attacked online and in person.  The year 2016 was the first time that Christians were THE most martyred people and that doesn't include the persecuted, just the ones who lost their lives for their faith.  Notice that the Bible never says anti-God, just anti-Christ.  The world doesn't hate JWs, SDAs, Mormons, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, even satanic worship with the exception of the Jews.  They are hated too.  

Now, if we're writing these books, scriptures, etc., and you believe in a pre-trib rapture, I hear all the time that they're so sure they're not stockpiling supplies. Okay, I understand that BUT isn't that self-centered and hard hearted?  The Bible says there are going to be tribulation saints.  Whatever timing you believe in, esp. pre-trib, go ahead and get as much water, food, Bibles, literature, videos, letters, whatever you feel led to do because many will need that food IF there's a pre-trib rapture.  It could save their lives.  Don't be selfish, esp when it feels like there's no way we're not rushing headlong into the tribulation.  There may be a few days or years left but can we afford to wait?  Think of those who will be left behind and do your part in keeping them alive.  At no other point in history will this be as vital and crucial because what if it's you that's one where Jesus Christ will say, "Depart from me, I never knew you."  What if this happens in your lifetime and you get left behind and be one of the tribulation saints.  What if it's your children and/or grandchildren?  Your best friend and neighbors (Love thy neighbor as thyself). On the other hand, what if we are WRONG on the timing?  Will we not need it and we may have little so think of the fishes and loaves.  God fed 4,000 and 5,000 with very little and He doesn't change.  How He'll do it, I don't know but I do know He will.  The worst thing in the tribulation would be a "dead" Christian.  We will need every born again Christian we can get and while many will be killed, not all.  I think many will see the signs and will never take the mark or worship the beast.  Sharing the Gospel of Salvation and how to know the tribulation has started is crucial, even if it's not heeded today.  God will bring your words to their memory.  

For those who do write, make videos or hand write the scriptures, for times sake so you can get it done fast, concentrate on the Gospel of Salvation, information on the false prophet, anti-christ, and the Whore of Babylon, weapon of indignation, and how NOT to take the MOTB or worship his image.  Tell about the deception and how to tell the false Christ from the true.  The false has a white horse (NOT literal but indicates the a/c as pure and the Holy) and Jesus Christ rides a pale horse.BGo to and it gives you perspective on these horses and what the beast AND color signifies.  

Does this sound extreme to you?  Crazy even?  What if it's not the end times?  Well, then you have a great start and pass your work down to someone who is willing to pick up where you left off.  It is more excellent to be ready and prepare the world for the coming judgment.  We are sealed forever by the Holy Spirit.  This isn't meant to burden you, scare you or put you under bondage.  You can't do it all but do your part now and for the future. There's no downside to doing this because helping others is a great thing, even if it's because of a natural or man-made disaster.  God will work it to the good, no matter what (Romans 8:28).  I don't know what God is going to do but I'm going to ensure others have access to as much info as possible.  I also wouldn't use a computer because it will be removed.  Write it down.  Share it and get your fellow brethren involved.   The life you may save is well-loved by Jesus Christ.  I'm not being a fanatical.  I don't say we're definitely in the end times but each day draws us closer.  Keep watch but keep working.  Spread the Gospel and go door to door and leave info.  Have a Bible study in your neighborhood.  Have one in a park.  Sow the seeds and God will provide the increase.   Help any future generations.  God uses us for His will.  If not for the faithfulness of so many who ensured the common man could have their own Bible, most were martyred for it, we wouldn't know the truth.  Carry on their convictions.  We live in very exciting days.

The video below is by Paul Washer on how to not love this world.  Short but applicable to this post and I pray you read and share it.  

God Bless, Much Love and Love Much in Christ Jesus by sharing His amazing free gift of love...Salvation by grace alone, faith alone, Christ alone!  The Mystery was revealed only to the Apostle Paul by Christ Himself...the Cross!  He could not teach it because He had not yet risen from the dead, seen by many and received into glory. is the best website I've found.  Watch their video on how to rightly divide the Word of God (it's way more than OT/NT) and their video on the Rapture is so amazing, it changed my very skeptical heart to 99.9%.
Death/Burial/Resurrection = SALVATION PERIOD IF...


John 3:16-17

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