Wednesday, August 16, 2017


I was listening to Pastor Steve at Discover Ministries (I cannot spell his last name) and after a while, I found myself disagreeing on too many big issues and felt he was walking a thin line between what is true Spirituality and the occult.  I don't mess with the occult.  I don't even read fortune cookies or read horoscopes and used to be mildly superstitious but I've almost overcome that nonsense, lol.  But he mentioned something called "prophetic slips." Unlike others, I do not call him a false prophet.  He preaches the right Gospel.  Who am I to say he's wrong BUT please don't pin your faith on these "signs" coming up this month and Sept.  Can He return?  Of course.  Will He?  We don't know.  It's definitely noteworthy and it probably does have some prophetic meaning BUT remember, end times is all about Israel and not the U.S.A.  I just pray we are on the side of God.

It's when you say something out of the blue, not knowing why and then it comes to pass. That doesn't qualify us as prophets nor false prophets if what we say does or doesn't happen.  I've had this happen to me many times.  Once, I didn't want to go to see my in-laws at the beach in N.C. back when I celebrated it traditionally with satan claus, I mean santa claus and when asked why, I said because there was going to be a huge snowfall and was afraid we'd be stuck there.  Talk about a nightmare before Christmas, lol.  Anyway, David thought that was hilarious.  He teased me about it for days because they average about 3 inches every 10 to 15 years in his hometown.  Yet, it snowed 2 feet.  

Another time, my older kids were acting like crazy people and I told David that we were making huge mistakes with our kids (as a nation, NOT just us) by letting our children be the center of the home (goes directly against Biblical principles - Honor thy mother and father; spare the rod, spoil the child; etc.).  I then said to remember that they would be running this country one day.  Of course I had no idea how bad it would be but somehow, at least momentarily, I knew it would not be good.  We bought into building their self-esteem, participation trophies and giving them everything they wanted.  We made them our friends, not our kids.  Believe me, I am reaping what I sowed.  To all of them, it's about what they want right now, feelings and the world revolves around me thinking.  

Last, but not least, on 9/11/2001, I told David that now the Christian persecution had begun.  We had wiped out the Name Jesus Christ from our schools, work, the public square, government, our homes and, what a horrible thing, even from a lot of churches. We now have some that not only marry homosexuals but encourage them to become ministers.  It would be awesome IF they had overcome it as what a testimony to Christ Jesus but they can be actively gay and still preach.  Some pastors now don't end their prayers "In Jesus's Name we pray."  Notice, the Bible never says anti-God but anti-CHRIST. I've been angry with God but never at Jesus.   Hmmmm.  Just thought about that.  

So, share your "prophetic slips."  I've said some things recently and I  make NO claim they are revelations to me by God in any way but how does the Holy Spirit work in us? Pontious Pilate is the most famous man who made such a slip.  Do you know what he said?  Look for it and tell me when you know, lol.  I love challenges and, in fact, I'm begging you to challenge me.  You want to start one, email it to me at; put CHALLENGE in the subject line and post it.  I'll even write it for you if you give me the question.  Let's learn the Word of God, how to rightly divide it and clear up all false doctrines so we can unify.  Age of the earth, rapture timing, etc. are not salvation issues and we don't know.  Let's be ready at all times for whatever is to come and let's get grounded in the truth of what the Bible is saying so we can be true ambassadors to Christ Jesus.  I'll be sharing some Christian Apologetics videos, websites, etc. as well as some Intelligent Design and scientific proof of the truth of the Bible.  

Now, I want to hear YOUR prophetic slips because God created ALL things and even seemingly secular slips may be profoundly, I love to have fun, challenge and be challenged.  Don't just "like" or share this post, DO something.  God bless and much love in Christ Jesus.

The Heavens and Earth Declare His Glory!

Love and Shalom in Messiah Yeshua

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