Thursday, July 27, 2017


I've shared many of Steve Cioccolanti's videos and of course he (like most others) is labeled as a false prophet by someone.  I like him but I watched one of his videos and he said that we should NEVER speak "evil" about anyone ever, even if they are wolves because if we do, we will get sick and unless we apologize to them, we will stay physically sick.  He went on to say we shouldn't speak out against even the best known false teachers.  When I heard him say this, it didn't sound right to me but what do I know?  I'm just an average Bible reader who struggles to understand some of what is said.  But...there's a verse that I can't tell you where that goes something like this...

If your brother has something wrong, you are to go to that person and confront him.  If he repents and turns back, then do nothing else.  However, if he fails to listen, take 2 or 3 more with you and if he still refuses to repent, then take it to the church.  

(Please take note this is NOT about him at all, I do not label him as one but nor do I agree with everything he teaches.  I'm not warning you not to listen to him, I'm only using him as an example on how to discern a true man of God and a wolf or what to avoid and help you to test things said by anyone by the Word of God.  However, he does preach water baptism and speaking in tongues as evidence of being indwelt by the Holy Spirit, something the vast majority of born again Christians cannot do except of themselves.  Otherwise, it's grace alone, through faith alone, by Christ alone.  While I disagree with baptism as necessary for salvation, I do believe it's the outward confession of the inward decision and should be done IF led to do so by the Holy Spirit, as I was.)

Christ Jesus told us that many would come in His Name and talked often about wolves in sheep's clothing out to destroy us.  This is in no way doctrine but rather I am asking a question on this.  If we know a false prophet, church or a cult, is it not our job to warn the flock?  How can we do that if we keep silent?  Of course we should pray for them, love them, but Jesus asked Peter 3 times if he loved Him.  Three times Peter said yes and after each one, He told Peter to "feed His sheep."  Three is a very prophetic and an important number in the Bible.  When God Almighty says something once, He means it but when He says it 3 times, you best take Him extremely serious(ly).  Sorry, I'm not a great writer and don't know all the rules.  

How can we warn others of false prophets, churches and especially highly dangerous cults and doctrines without telling them who they are?  Is that taking care of His flock or placating man for fear of offending them?  Please don't take this as Gospel or doctrine but rather a very honest question and not necessarily specific to Steve?  I can't ever spell his last name.  While unless you can prove by the Word of God that anyone is a true wolf, you should be wary of spreading rumors because man is going to get things wrong.  I am not calling him a false prophet or wolf either but I want to look at what he teaches in whole, not just one random opinion.

The resources I looked at were, to the best of my knowledge, credible and not just the belief of some random and unknown person.  I also look to see if there's multiple claims and if they agree with each other because the Bible says that if 2-3 (or more) agree, then it's true. So let's decide if what he preaches is what we should base our doctrine and theology on.  

One reason he's considered dangerous is that he walks a thin line between astronomy and astrology.  I see this but I know nothing about the occult because I choose not to learn about it.  That is not my calling.  I'll leave that to the more mature in the Word of God but will prepare myself for whatever God calls me to do.  For now, He hasn't led me in that direction so I can only go by what little I know and what others say.  When I can see he's into numerology, puts a high amount of emphasis in the stars, planets and other Heavenly body signs as well as being highly involved in politics, preaches the doctrine of tongues as proof of indwelling of the Holy Spirit, one has to wonder how much importance and time we should put in his teachings?  He's very interesting, charismatic and appealing.  He's very nice looking (which to many, can also mislead because our society puts way too much emphasis on outward beauty rather than inward.  In Isaiah, he is clear that even our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, was not outwardly of anything special.  He says that He has no beauty (or comliness) that we should desire Him.  So THE most awesome minister ever born was not outwardly handsome is very telling.  On the flip side, being outwardly beautiful doesn't mean they're not inwardly even more beautiful.)  I have noticed a trend though. The most popular (and very false) pastors ARE outwardly attractive.  Look at Joel Osteen and Benny Hinn in his prime.  I just wonder if sometimes we aren't worshipping the creation rather than the Creator.  

I haven't listened to him in quite awhile because I don't agree with a lot of what he says and although I may personally agree with his politics, the church is for preaching the Word of God and not the ills and social issues of the world.  While they have their place in the Body of Christ, that is not our Great Commission and nor do I think we're doing anything of substance to help the problems of the world.  I truly believe that many of the problems the world has today falls at the feet of the Church.  We have failed them.  We have signs and ads inviting them to our services but that's not how the Bible tells the Church to preach the Gospel.  We are to go OUT into the world to spread the Good News because it's doubtful they're going to come to us unless it's for their own agendas.  Can God use that?  Of course He can and does but again, we must look to the Word to see what God says.  We have become a very passive, apathetic and pathetic Church.  We are lukewarm.  

I don't know and wouldn't label him as one because I'm not into that.  He also leads to works salvation but, in truth, this really isn't about him, his ministry or anyone else in particular.  It's about the Body of Christ and how we may come together, be of one voice and one accord because I heard yesterday on a video that why would he go to church or believe in God when even the church had so many problems.  That struck a chord in my heart, one that has been growing for quite a while.  We blame the world -- the governors, politicians, LGBTQs, etc. when we failed them.  Too much division in the Body and like Jesus said, a house divided against itself cannot stand.  

I'll end with this, I don't see Discover Ministries as a false church, he's just not my cup of tea but at times, I feel what he says is correct.  As the saying goes (even if it applied) "even a broken clock is right twice a day."  Don't throw out the baby with the bath water and learn to discern and test all things to see if they are of God.  Let every man be fully convinced in his own mind.  Yet also remember that it is also written that there's things that seem "right" to a man that leads to destruction.  Pray for discernment and learn to spot the lies or wrong teachings by being grounded in the Word of God.  "Be ye not deceived."  God bless and thanks for letting me speak freely and hopefully offer you good food for thought.  I welcome all feedback as long as it's based on the Word of God.   


First Corinthians 15:1-4



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