Saturday, June 10, 2017


The word "supposed" was added by me, not Perry Stone.  I have a book called Bible Questions and some of the things he said are in there.  Circumcision on day 8 is even recommended by physicians today.  No other day in a baby or man's life is as perfect as when a baby is fully 8 days old.  Only our Creator YHWY could have known that.  It's based on Vitamin K and another enzyme specific to males that work perfectly on that ONE day in their life.  Of course today we have ways to deal with emergencies but back then, we had YHWY and it is so amazing that what He said then is still perfect today.  There are no real contradictions in the Bible.  However, could an insignificant word be used during translations?  Of course, men aren't perfect but the Jewish people say it is almost identical to the original text.  Never settle for a Bible that the world loves.  We are not of this world and to the unsaved, the Word of God is foolishness.  Besides, once you learn how to read the KJV Bible, you won't want to read another.  It is beautiful. It is inerrant and infallible.  New Bibles leave off certain scriptures that "offend" the world.  Well, that's kinda the point as it's called "conviction." When you leave off your sins, what's the point of a Savior?  Do you want to be entertained and have your ears tickled or do you want to serve Jesus Christ?  Now, I've read the New KJV and it does help but read it along until you get the hang of it.  It's easy. Be blessed and enjoy!

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