Saturday, June 10, 2017


We live in such a politically correct world and I fear it's our downfall.  We think if we soften down words, make them sound prettier will somehow change the situation.  Of course I do not call mentally-challenged or Down's Syndrome people "retards" as that's just wrong and cruel but yet it doesn't change the fact that they are mentally stunted.  Just because we have the right to say something doesn't mean it's RIGHT to SAY it.  We know that and we don't need the PC police or the government telling us what we can and can't say.  If you call something like that a retard, I hope you reap what you sow immediately.  

Take PTSD for instance.  In WW1 and/or 2, it was called "shell shocked."  There is nothing wrong with that term.  In fact, I think it is far more powerful than PTSD as now everybody claims to have some form of PTSD when it really is meant for those in battle.  Then it turned to battle fatigue.  I think another term was used but can't recall it off-hand.  PTSD can be anything.  My feelings got hurt, I now have PTSD and need safe spaces, coddling, days of of school, bubbles, coloring books and crayons, not have to take tests because Hillary Clinton losing has sent you into a very disturbing mental mess.  College is to prepare you to face life and the harshness of it.  You are so ill-equipped for life that I believe you'll be living with your parents at age 40, not working or doing anything with your life and expecting them to take care of you until they die and it's possible you may partially be the cause of their death.  We are not meant to raise and care for you until you die!  You are fully expected to care for your parents in their old age.  I mean they did give you life.  They don't "owe" you more than the basics but we love you so we give you more but nobody is automatically going to college on their parents' dime.  We don't owe you a college education.  You can earn a scholarship, work your way through school or take out student loans.  In fact, I would suggest to parents not send their kids to college, at least for now.  Not everyone is college material and their skills tend to not need one.   I would never pay for my kids to go to such liberal schools that if they dared disagree with their liberal students, it could do them great harm.  Even in some Seminary Colleges, they aren't even required to be born again to graduate and even in some churches today, pastors don't either.  That's how bad it's become.

I've been called all the go-to words.  I am a racist even though some (if not most) of my best friends are black or from another country.  I get along fine with muslims but I don't know how they feel about me as a Christian.  I honestly do not believe my calling is to witness to Muslims.  I don't read the Koran and have no interest in learning it.  I leave that to those who are called but I don't know where God will lead me in the future and I want to be ready for where He leads me.  We are a blessed and peculiar people and God never calls us to anything we can't do.  We all have different callings but one central commission and are duty bound to do it and that is to spread the Gospel of Salvation by Grace through faith and belief alone as found in First Corinthians 15:1-11.  We have other callings like to ministries, teaching, or just being encouraging and keeping our brothers and sisters in the faith!  Learn HolySpiritSpeak and be led by the Spirit.  No, we will always be sinners in our eyes and especially the world's eyes but not in His.  We are righteous by His shed blood.  I thank Him for grace and not works or there would be NO HOPE for anyone.

We are the ones of LOVE.  We are commanded to Love God first with every fiber of our being and the second greatest is to LOVE thy neighbor as thyself.  We are to love our enemies, pray for them and do good for them.  We are called to LOVE and as Paul says in First Corinthians 13, even if you speak in tongues of angels, heal, prophecy, have all wisdom and knowledge, the discernment of spirits, etc. but have not love, we're just a bunch of noise.  We are "saved by grace through faith. It is a gift of God.  Not of works nor deeds lest any man should boast." (Eph 2:8-9) and I am grateful.  However, good works always follows true repentance. What are good works?  Jesus Christ sums it up and says this, "if anyone wants to, pick up your cross, deny yourself and follow Him."  We aren't now free to go do what we want cos we said the unBiblical "sinner's prayer" once upon a time!

The name of this is THE most UN-PC name, word, etc. we can say today is Jesus Christ, especially the verse where He says, "I am the truth the life.  No man cometh unto the Father EXCEPT THROUGH ME."  Does He say you have to be Jew, Gentile, black, greek, red, brown, muslim, bhuddist or anyone is NOT included?  Never!  Read John 3:16-17.  Jesus Christ includes everyone and doesn't care what you've done.  He warned us we'd be hated for His Name's Sake because the world first hated Him."  He went on to say, "be thankful to be found worthy to be mocked or worse because of his Name.  It is an honor and we need a tough shell.   Put on the full armor of God every single day and never forget, the battle wa won on the Cross over 2,000 years ago.  We won!  Never be ashamed to say the name of Jesus Christ and let your life be the light of Him to unbelievers.  While I don't think it's a sin to war a cross but rather ask yourself why.  We are to be the light of the world and salt of the earth.  God's 2nd Commandment says "make no graven images," without exceptions.  I personally can't wear jewelry so it's not an issue for me but I don't want a cross to tell people who I follow, I want them to see Him live His life in me.  Just my thoughts and share the Gospel of Salvation - the RIGHT Gospel in First Corinthians and the RIGHT Jesus Christ.  Do not add works to grace.   He fulfilled the law and is our Sabbath rest.  We aren't to tithe but cheerfully give all we can.  Don't put yourself back into bondage when Jesus Christ, our God and Savior, died; was buried; and resurrected in body to save you for Himself so that you won't perish but have eternal life with Him.  He did not die in vain.   

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